4.07; pranks ii

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One year ago... the boys introduced The Day of Pranks to their friends at the Palm Woods. What started as a war between the girls and the boys, ended in harmony as the Knight siblings were crowned the winners and rules of Prankdom. 

Jo, Camille, and Emily all agreed to participate and form an alliance again if they were invited into the game, and if not, they were still going to play. Lucy joined the team after the girls gave her a play by play on every prank from the year before. 

How the time went by... a year ago Emily and James hadn't even kissed for the first time, much less broken up and got back together. 

Emily carried her carton of eggs down to the lobby where she met up with Jo, Camille, and Lucy after she got the text it was kids vs adults this year and if the adults one, the Day of Pranks would be gone forever. 

Gathered in the park, "Alright, listen up:" Katie said, holding a massive weight, "we can't let an adult win because if they do, they will cancel the Day of Pranks forever."

"So, as co-reigning King," Kendall declared, holding up the squeaking chickens, "I decree we form alliances and destroy the adults."

"I've got my team!" Carlos screamed. Emily gaped seeing Carlos was holding a plastic dummy of himself. 

"And I alligneth with Emily!" James chirped, putting an arm around her. 

"Raise your hand if you're surprised," Emily sarcastically said. 

"Well no alliances are needed," Logan smirked. "For I will take out all seven adults with one tin can of free mints." Logan held up a tiny mint can with a sticky note promoting their lack of price. "But when they open the tin, they will find no mints. Instead, they will find 100 pounds of pressurized sneeze powder." 

As Logan laughed, a cloud of white erupted from the tin, spraying onto Logan's face, as he started coughing and sneezing. 

"Okay, new record for Logan pranking himself out," Kendall sighed. "The rest of you, split up!"

Emily took the bowling ball from James' arms, carrying it as they ran off to win the crown. 


Kendall and Jo got Bitters out with a crank phone call. Carlos and Katie got Buddha Bob, and Camille scared Kelly, leaving just Mama Knight, Gustavo, Griffin, and Abdul. 

Emily was in the janitors closet off the lobby, trying to build a catapult for her eggs. The door flew open, a figure ducking in. Emily picked up an egg, ready to smash it on their head, but put it back seeing it was just James. 

James' eyes lit up seeing Emily, "Ooh," he beamed, turning the lights off. 

"James," Emily sighed. The lights came back on. "We're not making out right now."

James frowned, "But we're alone!"

"And we're trying to save your stupid crown," Emily reminded him. 

James gasped, "Stupid?" He repeated. Emily sighed, realizing she wanted into that one. "I haven't won the crown in five years, and I will be winning it this time. No mercy," he declared. 

"Speaking of, I've been hiding in here since we split up. I have no plan."

James shrugged, unbothered, "I'm sure Kendall's got it handled."

Emily looked down at her phone, feeling it buzz, "James? Have you ever heard of the Pranksta Gangsta?"

"No," James answered. 

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