2.11; beach party

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CEO Arthur Griffin was a weirdo. 

A rich weirdo. 

Way back when, the boys found out Griffin owned a massive mansion on the beach up in Malibu. Griffin couldn't get them to drop it, so he struck up a deal:

The boys get the house for a day if they get a number one record.

And what an exciting beach day it would be. 

Emily stood with the boys facing Griffin and his team enter through the narrow hallway. 

"Ah, it's the boys I own," he greeted. 

"Griffin, do you remember the deal you made with us?" Kendall asked. 

"The one where you catch and destroy my clone and I buy you all jetpacks?"

"No," Carlos said. 

Emily gaped in shock. She had never heard of this deal before, and quite frankly, was offended she wasn't included. 

Logan shook his head, "The deal where we get to use your Malibu beach house for the day if we get-"

James pulled out a frame from behind him, holding a gold record in place, "A number one record!" He handed it over to Griffin as Gustavo and Kelly came out from the booth. 

"It's true," Gustavo confirmed, "Big Time Rush officially has a number one record."

"In Kerplankistan," Griffin mentioned. 

Emily shrugged, "You never said where it had to be."

Griffin narrowed his eyes, "Well played."

The teens cheered to themselves, fist bumping.

"Now, there are three rules in my beach house," Griffin said. "One, don't go near my priceless Ming Vase collection. Two, don't even look at my car collection." He turned, pointing to Emily specifically, "Three, you have to have fun." 

Emily scoffed, rolling her eyes in confusion, "What does that mean?" The boys snickered to themselves while Gustavo and Kelly guiltily stared up at the ceiling. The girl clapped her hands loudly, "Hey!" 

"You're a little tense," Carlos spat out. 

"Only when you're stressed," Logan defended. 

"Which is always," Gustavo muttered, not-so, under his breath. Emily narrowed her eyes, unable to believe she was being singled out right now. 

"Or when you're trying to be responsible," Kendall pointed out. 

"Which is always," Kelly coughed out into her fist slyly. 

James shrugged, telling her how it is, "You need to do something reckless and stupid."

The girl scoffed, "Okay, whatever, I'll do something wild, can we go?" She shrugged off, turning to Griffin in haste to change the subject. 

He pulled out the keys, letting them dangle in the air, "Have fun, or don't. I don't care."

The keys landed in Emily's palms as she felt the boys crowd around her, staring intently at the thing that would get them to the beach. 

They all backed up, closing their eyes and going into their fantasyland. Carlos was showing off his muscles. Kendall was making out with himself. James seemed to be surfing. And Logan was holding an invisible stick making beeping noises. 

Emily turned, disturbed but not surprised, watching them make fools out of themselves. 

"How long do they do this?" Griffin asked. 

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