2.07; pranks

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"You gave them the day off for what?" Emily questioned as if she heard him wrong. 

"Pranking," Gustavo repeated. 

When Emily walked into the studio this morning for a day full of rehearsals and recording, the boys were no where to be seen. Gustavo had given them the day of to prank each other and decided not to tell Emily she had the day off. When she walked in and asked, the man blew a horn and yelled, "pranked!" at her. She was not pleased. 

"That's stupid," she told him. 

Gustavo gave her a pointed look, "Do you want the day off or not?" 

"Bye," Emily said, shutting up and swiftly exiting where she entered. 

On the way down to the street to get a car, she thought to herself the possibilities the day could bring. Pranking with the boys could be fun. 

She pulled out her phone calling Jo.

"Hey, Em."

"I have the day off with the guys for pranking, for whatever reason, so we're going wild," Emily cheered into the phone. 

"The guys said girls aren't allowed," Camille shouted from the other end. 

Emily's face twisted, "Why wouldn't we be allowed to prank?"

"Listen," Emily recognized the voice to belong to Katie, "They've had this pranking competition every year. It's very serious. They have a rule book and everything. The guys told me girls aren't allowed because girls aren't good at pranks."

"Are you kidding me?" Emily screamed into the phone. She had faced plenty of sexism in her time, but never would've expected it from them. "I'll be back in 5 minutes."


When Emily jumped out of the moving car pulling up to the Palmwoods, Jo, Camille, and Katie were all waiting for her. 

The girls immediately began ranting over one another about how stupid this was and how they were joining the competition one way or the other. 

After Emily finished a long winded insult, she noticed three of them walking into the lobby, each carrying pranking supplies. Emily nodded to the guys. The girls spun hot on their heels, blocking the guys' path to the elevator. 

"What's this about girls not being good at pranks?" Camille, Jo, and Emily all spat at the guys. 

"Never said that," Kendall told them. The bear in the middle waved excitedly back at the girls. Emily recognized him as Carlos. "I just said it could get ugly, and girls could get hurt."

Emily's eyebrows rose in amusement as the boy unknowingly dug himself a deeper hole. 

"So you're saying girls aren't as tough as guys?" All three Jennifers questioned, joining the heated conversation.

James scoffed, holding six cartons of eggs, "Have you seen the bear standing next to me?" Emily looked at him incredulously. "This competition can get scary."

Carlos in the beat suit started growling and showing his plastic claws. None of the girls batted an eye. 

"Hi, Carlos," Emily said, watching the bear intently. 

Carlos in the suit stood straight, vigorously waving his arm at Emily. "Hi, Emily!" He gushed in a high voice. The two boys on either side of him nudged their friend to knock it off. 

The girl gave the guys a victorious smile feeling that she made her point. 

"Sounds to me," Camille said, "that you guys are scared to get your butts beat by a bunch of girls."

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