1.15; sparks

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A perk of working for one of the most famous music producers in the city is getting to casually meet and hang out with celebrities. 

Like today. 

Jordin Sparks was recording her new song with Rocque Records and staying at the Palm Woods to avoid paparazzi and to be closer to Emily. Emily was being paid overtime to follow Jordin around, make sure she had everything taken care of, and "keep her away from Bad Luck Rush," as Gustavo put it. 

She was arriving today. Emily waited patiently in the lobby by the front desk, wearing one of her professional blazers for occasions like this. 

"Ahhh, Miss Sparks," Bitters gushed, putting down his magazine about french fries, which interested Emily. "Back for famous Palm Woods two stars service?"

Jordin walked up to the front desk, wheeling her suitcase. 

"Actually, I'm here for the famous good luck. Whenever I throw a penny into the Palm Woods wishing well, my songs have always become hits."

Smiling, Emily stuck her hand out, "Emily Moore, I'm Gustavo Rocque's production assistant. I'll be with you during your stay."

Shaking her hand, Jordin smiled.

"Ah, that germ-infested sink hole," Bitters grumbled, breaking up their cheerful introduction. "I mean, yes. The place where a wish can make your dreams come true."

Rolling her eyes at Bitters, Emily reached over the desk, scanned her key card. "Key card," Emily hummed, handing it to Jordin as Bitters shoved Emily off his desk, straightening his blazer. 

"Can I help you with any thing else?" 

Jordin nodded, leaning forward, "Yes, can you keep a look out for the paparazzi? They're always trying to get embarrassing photos of me."

"Don't worry. You can count on me."

Emily gave a big smile, leading Jordin towards the elevators, when commotion ensued.

The sound of four boys screaming Jordin's name over and over stopped Emily in her tracks, "Oh no," she mumbled, turning with Jordin to see the boys. 

"We just wanted to say welcome to the Palm Woods," Kendall greeted. 

"We're Big Time Rush," Carlos told her, excitedly. 

"We're recording at Rocque Records," James said.

"What are you doing here?" Logan asked.

"Recording," Jordin smiled. "At Rocque Records."

The boys started coughing dramatically, muttering "quit," underneath. Emily rolled her eyes, turning to Jordin, "Gustavo's latest project. Why don't you drop your things off and I'll be here waiting to head to the studio," Emily told her. Jordin nodded, giving the boys an unsure look before heading into the elevator. 

The boys stopped the act as soon as Jordin disappeared, going into hounding Emily with questions.

"How could you not tell us?"

"You know Jordin Sparks?"

"Can we come too?"

"Can I sing with her?"

"Guys," Emily stopped them. "Gustavo is very adamant about you four staying away from Jordin." Sharing looks of offense, the boys scoffed. "I know we have fun, but this is going to be a lot more professional, so I'm sorry, but there is no time for whatever shenanigans you have in store."

Big Time Assistant | James DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now