movie; act one

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Big Time Rush was going on a world tour.

After weeks of rehearsals and planning and anticipation and a ten hour flight, everything was suddenly happening rapidly.

Emily had never been on a plane before. And she was beyond excited, that is until she figured out she'd been stuck inside one for hours on end. At 2:00 that afternoon, Emily had giddily sat between Kendall and Logan on the plane, asking them questions about flying and, for Logan, the science behind it.

Logan quickly had Kendall and Emily switch seats. It didn't bother her. She was more than happy to gaze out the window.

In her mind, they were nearing 1:00 in the morning. Gustavo purposefully had each of them taking sleeping pills to sleep for a majority of the flight since they would arrive at 9:00 AM in London.

"We're never getting off this thing," the girl mumbled, accepting her fate.

"We're landing," Logan reminded her as Kendall chuckled.

"What? You don't like the plane anymore?" He laughed.

The girl sarcastically mimicked him, "I would if it flew a bit faste-"


Emily jumped in her seat at the shriek behind her. Kendall and Logan shared a knowing look. The three nodded, unbuckling to turn around and peek over at James and Carlos behind them.

"Secret agent dream again?" James asked as the moody flight attendant stalked off after waking Carlos from his deep sleep.

"Oh, it is so real," the boy gasped, hugging his body tightly. Emily propped her elbows on the top of the seat, staring at him dumbfounded.

Carlos had recently developed a reoccurring dream of being spies. The boys were all secret agents who sang the Beatles and Emily was the princess who they always had to rescue from an evil villain who wanted to take over the world.

"A castle, a princess," Logan listed, nodding to Emily who raised her hand at her characters mention, "and us stopping an evil guy from ruling the world sounds real to you?"

Emily looked over Kendall to Logan, hitting his arm, "Don't forget about the Beatles."

Carlos nodded intensely at Emily as his friends shamefully sighed.

"Let me tell you about my dream," Kendall hummed. "We all move to L.A., somehow become a pop band, we go on a world tour where our first stop is in London."

The bell rang over the intercom, Carlos jumping, as the captain spoke, "Okay, passengers, we are starting our descent, and in about 20 minutes we'll be landing in London."

"And it came true," Kendall and Logan exclaimed, as the guys crossed hands, wiggling their fingers together with Carlos participating but his mind far too preoccupied on making sure no one suspicious was on the plane.

Emily laughed to herself, turning to fall back into her seat again.


Kendall, James, and Logan blindly walked from the gate through the airport as all their eyes were glued to a map Kendall held up. Carlos, on the other hand, had Emily's amused attention as he furious turned over his shoulder every second, scouting out the place.

"Alright, first up, we're going to the giant ferris wheel," Kendall told them.

"Oh, I want to go to Parliament," Logan chimed.

"I want to meet a hot girl with one of those cool accents," James told his friends, striking a chord with Emily, briefing looking away from Carlos.

Big Time Assistant | James DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now