↠ summer nights

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"Wait so who is this girl?" 

Emily sighed, "I don't really know. Jo said she met her on set and kept going on and on about Big Time Rush, so Jo invited her to join us tonight."

Logan nodded, not all too interested anymore. "Camille said she got a karaoke machine," he said. "She's very adamant about everyone participating."

"I'm not participating."

"Yes, you are!" Camille ordered, entering the crib with Carlos and James carrying in her karaoke machine. "I didn't haul this up here so you could be boring all night."

"Yes, you did," Emily sang under her breath, taking a sip of water. 

"And technically we hauled it up here," Carlos exhaled, him and James catching their breaths. 

"Pizza is here!" Kendall cheered, entering with Alexa, both carrying two boxes of large pizzas. "Jo and her friend not here yet?" 

"Nope," Camille shook her head. "Emily, I'm putting you down for a solo and a duet with James."

"I'm not doing karaoke!" Emily yelled from the couch. 

"Then who's going to sing Summer Nights with me?" James whined from across the room. 

"I will!" 

Emily sat up, seeing Jo and a redhead in the doorway. She beamed, blushing under the gazes of everyone. 

"Everyone, this is Marie. Marie, this is Camille, Alexa, Emily, and Big Time Rush," Jo introduced. 

"Hi, Marie!"

"Nice to meet you."

"Come in!"

She went around, shaking hands with a few, smiling at others before going straight to James, batting her eyelashes. 

"You're my favorite member," Marie gushed, shaking James' hand. "I have like 20 posters of you in my room."

"Thanks," James laughed. "Nice to meet you."

At first Emily didn't think much of it. Marie was a fan, first and foremost, but then it started heating up. The occasional compliment or word of flattery turned to playfully touching his shoulder or thigh, or seating much too close on the couch. James just smiled and would do his best to politely distance himself, but she was a fan. Fans did this thing all the time. Granted, they never spent this much time with one fan in one sitting. 

"What do you know about her really?" Emily muttered to Jo, scooping ice cream from the carton in the kitchen. 

Jo drew in a sharp breath, "I see it, too," she assured her. "She's flirting with him."

"So I'm not crazy?"

"No. She may be a fan, but she's also in your space," Jo reminded her, taking her and Kendall's separate ice creams back to the couch. 

Emily glanced back over to the girl who latched onto her boyfriend. She was now excessively giggling at something he said, hand on his knee. "James!" Emily called. He looked up, quite relieved. "Come help."

He nodded, immediately getting up, stepping over Marie to pretend help in the kitchen. Marie scoffed, awkwardly looking to the other friends, "Ever heard of "please?'" She laughed. 

"What was that?" Emily hummed, her friends going silent, realizing Marie was targeting Emily at this point. 

"I just think you could be a little nicer to him," Marie shrugged. 

Big Time Assistant | James Diamondحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن