↠ a fan

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"So, your songs are pretty great."

"Thank you," Emily smiled, blushing at the compliment, trying to laugh it off in discomfort from the attention. "Do you write?"

The boy who approach her shrugged a little. She'd been wandering, trying to find Jo when he stepped in front of her and nervously started gushing about how big a fan he is. 

The band and Emily, were invited to a wrap party for Jo's tv show after they contributed to the soundtrack for the season. 

"Nothing great," he admitted. "I assist with sound on set right now, but I'm really interested in music production." The boy suddenly lowered his head, shaking it, "I'm sorry, I'm bothering you. I just had to let you know I love your work."

"No one's ever told me they love my work," she told him. "Don't be sorry," Emily sincerely said. "I have to go find my friends, but come find us later and hang out, if you want," she offered, giving a grateful smiled before waving a small goodbye and turning to go as the fan blushing bid her farewell. 

"Why are you smiling?" Logan asked, frowning in confusion as Emily rejoined the band's small circle of conversation. 

"Am I not allowed to smile?" 


"Seriously, why are you happy?" Kendall wondered in worry. Anytime Emily appeared happy for an unprovoked reason, she either did something, found coffee, or was told a lie to keep her from finding out the thing that would make her very unhappy.

"I just met this guy over there–"

"What?" James interrupted, looking over his shoulder for a guy. There were many. 

"He told me he was a fan and really liked my songs," she smiled, still surprised someone came to her and not the band. 

"You met a guy who likes BTR?" Carlos asked, excitedly. 

"No, he likes me," she corrected. 

"What?" James interrupted again, fully turning his body around, facing the mass sea of women and men mingling. 

"She meant her music," Logan informed him, spinning James back around. Just as James nodded, becoming cool and collected again, "but he's also definitely in love with you," he told the girl. 

"What?" James yelled this time. 

"Shh," she told her boyfriend. "You're just upset I'm finally getting recognition as the brains of the band."

Logan scoffed, "Yeah, sure."

"Who is he?" James demanded. 

"James! No one is in love with Emily!" Kendall assured him, hands on his shoulders.

"I am!" 

"Em!" Carlos called from the other side of their circle. She looked over to see him with her friend, "This guy says he knows you?"

"Yeah!" She exclaimed, "Guys, this is Preston," she introduced, "Preston, meet Kendall, Carlos, Logan, and James."

"Hi," Preston sheepishly waved. 

"Preston works with sound on set with Jo," she told Kendall. 

"Cool," he nodded. "So, you're a fan of Emily's?"

He nodded more enthusiastically, "Yes. Famous is one of my favorite songs."

"That's a good one," Carlos agreed. 

"Boyfriend is also really great!" 

James coughed, stepping forward, "Speaking of boyfriends... Hi, I'm the inspiration behind the song," he shot his hand out to shake his hand. 

"Oh, hi. Preston," he smiled, shaking James' hand, not showing detection of his hostile nature. "So, then you guys are dating?" He asked, no detection of disappointed but genuine interest. 

James forced a tight smile, slinking an arm around Emily's waist, "Oh, yeah. We've been together for a while." 

Emily briefly frowned for half a second, feeling James firmly hold her close. Kendall held back an amused smirk, glancing to Logan who shared the same thought. 

"It was nice meeting all of you," Preston smiled at the group. "Thanks for talking with me, Emily."

She waved as the boy backed up, "If you ever want to talk music more, Jo has my number!" Preston's smile grew, excitedly waving goodbye now. Emily pried James' arm from her middle, "Little tight, don't you think?" The girl snapped as soon as her new friend was gone. 

"You just gave him your number?" James incredulously recalled. 

"Technically Jo's going to," Logan joked. James glared at him. Logan sipped his drink awkwardly, turning away and leaving their circle as Kendall and Carlos eased back, staring at their shoes. 

"So, we're going around, exchanging numbers with other people now?" 

"Oh my gosh, you're so right," Emily gasped. "I guess this means I don't love you anymore. We have to break up. I have to quit my job. The band is over. Music is dead."

"I'm being serious."

"So am I," she scoffed. "Kendall! Carlos!" Emily called over. They awkwardly looked up, not wanting to get in the middle of it. "Is Preston into me?" 

The two crumbled under the intense stares from their friends. "I didn't see anything that would suggest he is," Kendall admitted. 

"I think he just likes her songs," Carlos agreed. James gasped. 

"How could you two?"

Emily pulled him back into their one on one conversation, "As hard as it might be to believe, not every guy I talk to flirts with me."

"Why not? That's what I would do, and I know, because that's exactly what I did," he rambled. "You're so beautiful and I'm not the only one that thinks it."

Emily brushed her hair back over her shoulder, "But you are the only one I care that thinks it."

James whined, holding her hand, "Can't you just stop being gorgeous and make it easier on me?" 

"Can you stop being stupid and make it easier on me?"


"Then no."

James hummed to himself, looking at her hopefully, wishing he hadn't said anything and ruined her night. "I love you."

Emily smiled, stepping up to him, "And I love you," she told her, letting her lips fall into his. 


So, I really thought the last one was funny. I won't apologize for it. 

I hope this little dose of jealous James was enjoyable. 

I also want to remind everyone that Emily is the reigning queen and Emily slander is NEVER tolerated. Good day. 

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