movie; act three

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Kendall didn't say a word to anyone. He just threw things around the room, trying to open a door back to the street level. Penny had to open the passage for him, taking them back up to the main floor back in the bathroom. 

Kendall immediately pushed some innocent man out as he barged into the open. James ran after him, slowing him down. Logan had the backpack, ushering a dazed Emily out into the darkened sky.

"Don't worry," James told to Kendall, "We're gonna get Katie."

Carlos jumped in front of Kendall, holding the weapon from earlier, "Hey, in my dream we save the princess, not not save her," he smirked, holding up the gun. 

"In your dream, there was a completely different princess," Emily pointed out, pacing back and forth. 

Penny shoved the gun down in Carlos' arms, "And as long as we have the beetle he can't do anything."

"Right," Kendall nodded, regaining his composure, "Okay, right."

"Listen, we hold all the cards, as long as we hold on to the backpack," Logan assured him, holding up the bag. Within moments a flash flew past the group, swiping the backpack from Logan. The Swedes drove by on their bike, laughing at the group. They drove straight onto a ramp and into the back of a truck, crashing. The group winced seeing men in blue jump suits lower the truck door, revealing it was Moon's. Maxwell leaned out the door with his hammer, driving off. Emily nervously clamped down on her lips, turning to Logan. The boy stared in shock where the backpack was taken, "Yeah, I am totally have the worst day ever!"

Emily's heart dropped, looking at Kendall and seeing any hope he had die away with the beetle out of their hands. Logan threw himself on the bench, mumbling to himself. She turned to her friend, "Kendall, I'm so sorry."

Partially lost in his own mind, he brushed her off, "Why would you be sorry?" His ran his hands through his hair while Penny took the weapon away from Carlos and pointed to the bench for him to sit out. 

"I'm supposed to be the princess," she mumbled to him. His eyes snapped up, softening as he realized the twist. "It should have been me. I'm so sorry, Kendall. I wish it was me," she cried.

"Emily," James sighed.

"Don't say that," Penny told her, sitting beside Carlos.

"It's true," she exclaimed. "Every single detail in his stupid spy dream has come true," Emily pointed to Carlos, "and this shouldn't be an exception. There has to be something I can do to get all this back on track," she muttered to herself, pacing again. 

"Like what?" Carlos asked.

Penny nodded, rhetorically, "You can't just walk up to the castle and take her place."

Emily stopped, thinking, "Or could I?" 

"No," James told her seriously. Emily looked over to fire back at him, only to see not an annoyed look like she imagine, like she normally got when she came up with a bad idea, but a concerned one. 

Kendall had turned to Emily, "Would you really do that?" He wondered. He would never let her do that, but her offer tugged at his heart. 

She looked over her shoulder at Kendall, helplessly shrugging, "Of course, I would for any of you," she said. "Except, maybe Logan," she mumbled, a small laugh echoing from the group. 

"Oh, ha-ha," Logan retorted.

Kendall just shook his head, pulling Emily into a much needed hug. She sighed, her body relaxing but not so much her mind. 

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