2.05; halloween

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October 31st. 

Halloween Night. 

Except at the Palmwoodsylvania, where monsters roam free. 

Normal human, Emily Moore had lived there through many  real Halloweens, and had avoided making close and personal relationships with monsters. 

Until her evil scientist, record-producer boss decided to create a monster boy band and she spent every waking moment with the creatures. 

There was Franken-Carlos, Logan, a zombie. James, the vampire. And Kendall, who was perfectly normal every day that didn't have a full moon. He was a werewolf. 

Her only Normal friend was Jo, Kendall's girlfriend, who totally knew he was a werewolf, but he doesn't know she knows. 

Emily was heading to the crib to find the boys for a last rehearsal before the big Halloween party tonight. 

As she turned down the hallway, three out of the four monsters were heading towards her. 

"Hey!" Logan greeted. "Happy Halloween," He smiled.

"It's always Halloween here," Emily reminded him.

James opened the door to the crib for them all, "The new hot girl is mine," he told his friends. "I saw her first. I'm a hot vampire. I will bite you!" 

Emily followed in behind them, trying to push James' words out of her head. She had liked the vampire for a while now, but could never bring herself to ask him out. Not only was he on the team she worked with, but he was a vampire. 

Emily smirked, seeing Kendall use a small razor, attempting to shave his hands. "Yo, Teen Wolf," she called. The boy turned, unamused. "Wanna have one last rehearsal before tonight?" 

He shrugged, "Can't. Gotta shave my arms, meet up with Jo." 

"Fine," James laughed, "But you're going to look like a real idiot when you can't do this."

The three boys spun around, throwing their right hand up in finish, Logan's flying off and into the cauldron in the kitchen where the witches, Katie and Mrs. Knight, were baking. 

"Ooh, that'll add some flavor," Katie smiled, stirring the arm in. 

Logan shrieked, going to save his arm, while Emily held back a gag in disgust, turning away. 

"You can't use righty for one of your smelly witch potions," Logan said. 

Mrs. Knight, offended, "For your information, we are making a cake!" 

Emily turned back, her interest peaked. "I love cake!" She squealed, going to look in the cauldron. Inside the mist, she saw slime and bugs and live snakes. The girl gagged, throwing herself back, "I'm gonna be sick," she cried, as she ran over to the potted plant, her stomach emptying. 

"Stop throwing up in our apartment!" Katie yelled. 

"Stop making gross things!" 


Emily had received an urgent text from Doc. Rocque, saying Griffin wants a band of normal boys for the party, and she had to bring Franken-Carlos down to the lab ASAP for test runs.

Logan planned on coming, but Lighting stole his arm. 

Arriving at the studio, Franken-Carlos continued bumping into the glass door, unable to push it all the way open. From inside, Kelly, Doc. Rocque's assistant, opened it up, the monster and normal entering. 

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