1.12; blogger

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One of Gustavo's worst ideas yet.

Giving the boys a video camera each, and letting them record videos to give fans and peek into their lives.

Emily had dropped off the cameras to the boys yesterday afternoon with instructions to bring them back to the studio in the morning.

All camera were destroyed into pieces with the exception of one that suffered from severe water damage.

Gustavo had the group gathered in the studio for "phase two."

"Boys, our album comes out in three months," Gustavo said standing with Kelly and Emily besides a board covered in red velvet. "And given our recent web video disaster, it's time for phase two of my get Big Time Rush on the web so people will know about you and buy your album in three months."

"Is that phase two under the sheet?" Kendall asked.

"Guys, get ready," Kelly told them, excited. "Because today Big Time Rush is spending..." she tore the sheet off revealing a TV screen with a blog pulled up. "A day with Deke."

"Hollywood's number one entertainment music blogger," Emily commented.

"Guys, Dak Zevon was a nobody, until he spent the day ice fishing with Deke. Then he became "The reel deal," Kelly said, clicking to the post about the celebrity.

Emily got a giddy look on her face, giving the boys significant looks. They all groaned silently, rolling their eyes at what she was silently referring to.

"And today it's Big Time Rush at the famous Palm Woods pool," Gustavo told them.

The boys nodded, excited. "Cool, so we just have to hang out with this guy and be the real us," Kendall said.

Kelly and Gustavo both laughed, "No," making Emily grow a sincere look at the boys offended faces.

"I don't want him anywhere near the real you. You'll just knock him into the pool or slice off his arm with a hockey stick," Gustavo shouted.

"'Cause that's bad, right?" Carlos questioned.

Eyes widen with concern, Emily nodded furiously, "Yeah, that's bad," she told the boy who smiled, getting the question right. "If you have a bad day with Deke, your careers might end up like Tanyon Lavell," the girl told them.

In unison, "Who's Tanyon Lavell?"

"Exactly," all three told them.

"And now, I present to you my day with Deke big time dog training preparation team," Gustavo said, as Kelly blew an air horn, publicists, stylists, and an older Chinese man entered.

"Change them."

With that, the stylists ran forward, the boys screaming and collapsing to the ground being groomed for their day.


After the boys were dressed, hideously in Emily's opinion that no one cared for, the pool was recreated in the studio for a mock-interview.

"Boys, we've not only recreated the Palm Woods pool setting for your day with Deke. We've also recreated Deke," the publicist said, pulling out a cut-out version of Deke.

"He's so tiny," Carlos laughed, wearing a single tie and backwards leather cap.

Emily audibly laughed, as Gustavo stood, "Please don't say that when you see him, because it is very important what he thinks of you. Got it?"

"Got it," the boys responded.

"Now, good luck with your training, my young padawans. It begins now."

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