part 55: broken team

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"So, here's the gig;" steven started, snapping his fingers, prompting spinel to reach under her own cap to pull out a photo, and hands it to pearl. the photo was of a simple fedora, similar to spinel's, only it was tan with a dark brown band around the rim. "I left my special hat at the Big Donut."

Pearl looked puzzled. "I've never seen you wear this."

Either not hearing or ignoring her quip, steven continued on. "But now it's closed for the day. So the mission is, we break in and get it back. And BAM! The Secret Team is back on top."

Amethyst suddenly breaks into a sweat at the mention of the team. "Steven, Secret Team is over."

"Secret Team?" Pearl laughs nervously, throwing the photo off to the side. "What's that?"

Spinel furrowed her brow in mild frustration at their dismissal of the team. "Aw come on now, we had so much fun together, remember?"

Steven nodded in agreement, looking rather unamused by the pair's reaction aswell. "Yeah! Getting along, sneaking around-"

"Steven! Spinel!" She grasps the young gems' shoulders firmly, while giving them a stern look. "That was not about fun." She stated with a firm, almost grim note in her voice. "That was about fixing our terrible mistakes."

"Eh, your terrible mistake," amethyst reminded, a snarky edge in her tone. "You shouldn't have had that bubble in the first place."

Pearl turned to the purple gem angrily. "It never would have popped if you hadn't invaded my personal space!"

Amethyst glared at her, fed up with the thin gem's haughtiness. "Fine, you can have all the personal space you want, because I NEVER WANT TO BE ON A TEAM WITH YOU AGAIN!" she announces ripping her coupon in half to cement her claim.

"Good! because I don't be on a team with you either!" Pearl retorts fed up with amethyst's snark, ripping hers in half as well.

"FINE!" Amethyst snarls. "Fine!" Pearl hisses through clenched teeth, before turning her back to the purple gem, the latter following suit.

Spinel gasps at the scene, before placing her hands on both gems shoulders. "Geez guys! You're never like this when (name)'s-"

"Mama bear isn't here, dude!" amethyst snaps, brushing her hand off with quite a rude air, making spinel flinch. "besides what could she even do anyways?"

pearl simply scoffs, brushing spinel's other hand off, more softer, but with mild annoyance. "Just stay out of this."

"Guys, come on!" Steven tries, but the two older gems go their separate ways without another word.

Steven and spinel exchange a look of defeat between each other and sigh.

"Time for plan B."

"I'm here."

Steven and spinel look up from their drinks to watch as the tall gem fusion sits across from them. Exchanging a look between each other and nodding, steven and spinel look up at garnet with determined eyes. "We have something we want to show you."

With a small nudged from steven, spinel pulls out the remaining VIPizza coupon and slides it over to garnet, avoiding eye contact with the tall gem while doing so.

However, the purpose of the coupon didn't fully register in the fusion's mind as she stared at it with a blank, yet somehow quizzical expression. "Pizza."

"No!" Steven quickly objected, before sulking. "We... need to come clean."

"Pearl and amethyst popped a bubble... and we made a secret team to cover it up 'cause they didn't want you or (name) to know." spinel explained, mumbling a bit at the last part whilst twiddling her thumbs.

"...And now you're doing the right thing." garnet concludes, which makes the duo's frowns deepen slightly.

"Not really..." steven admits sadly. "We just want secret team back again."

"I see." Garnet mulls the words over for a second. "I know how to handle things with them. we'll have to form our own secret team to do it."

Both steven and spinel gasp in unison, exchanging disbelieving glances between each other before steven leans forward to whisper. "You mean like... a Super Secret Team?"

To answer his question, garnet away from him to call someone. "Pizza Daughter!" On que a young woman strolled over to the trio, smiling politely at them as garnet gave a smug grin back. "I'll take one "pizza posse" card."

with a nod, the woman leaves to retrieve the item. Whilst watching her do so, garnet adjusts her visor slightly. "Of course, we'll need to inform someone before we can fully start this thing..."

Spinel lifted a brow. "Who's that?"



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"I need to tell you about something. It's very important for you to know."

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now