part 82: For Steven

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Everyone asks out loud in unison, as steven clutches your chest fur in his fists excitedly. "Yeah (name)! You're fun, you keep everything in order, you're protective, friendly, responsible, clean, cuddly, You're Perfect!"

"Uh..." You blinked rapidly at the boy, trying to piece together what he meant. What have I just walked into...? You looked up at the gems with a squinted eye. "(Name) needs some context...?"

"Ooh!" Spinel raises her hand. "Connie can't come over anymore unless her parents meet steven's parents in person over dinner." Spinel explains. "The problem is, Connie said I have a nuclear family." Steven frowns looking off to the side sadly. "Which means they think I only have one mom..." but he quickly beams up at you, his eyes shining with hope. "But that's where you come in! You're going to come to dinner with me to meet Connie's parents!" Your eyes widen in surprise and your mouth opens into a startled gasp. Connie's... parents?

Normally, you wouldn't have a problem with meeting more humans, but you had a feeling that Connie's parents weren't going to be the kind to react well to someone of your condition raising the boy.

"Steven, I don't think that's going to work." Pearl quickly retorts, crossing her arms. "While she does possess the appropriate motherly traits... internally..." she hesitates. "She doesn't... exactly have any of it.... externally."

"Whatcha mean?" Spinel lifts her brow.

"Well..." pearl gestures with her hand awkwardly. "Mothers don't typically have four arms, horns, a muzzle or and a tail."

"Oh..." her and steven exchange worried glances at each other. "Well uhm... can't she just... shape-shift them away or somethin'?" Spinel asked with a shrug. "With everything else she can do... how hard can shape-shifting be?"

"Spinel, shape-shifting isn't that simple. It might not work right, or at all... given her... condition." She hesitates again, rubbing her arm sheepishly. "Besides, if it does work, we don't know how hard it would be on her."

"But we won't know if we don't try! All's (name) needs to do is get get rid of her extra arms and horns! Or... at least make it so they can't be noticeable." He tried to reason. "And what can't go away, we can cover up! Just for tonight!"

You itched the back of your head in uncertainty. "Ugh... pearl has a point, Steven..." you grumbled sadly. "(Name) doesn't think she can..."

Steven turned to you, clasping hands together. "Please (name). If we don't do this, Connie's parents will never let her over here again!" He pulls the most pitiful expression he could muster. "Can you try (name)? Please?"

"Uh..." you bit your lip hesitantly, twiddling your thumbs nervously. I don't know how well this is going to work. I don't even know if my shape-shifting abilities are still fully functional in this condition. And pearl's right, if I still can do it, how well could I hold it up..? You look down at the boy infront of you, hands clasped together with a pleading look in his eyes. He looked desperate.

...but I can't say no to that face.

And he's right.... I won't know if I don't try.

You heave a soft, uncertain sigh before offering a warm smile to the boy. "(Name)... will make an attempt. For Steven."

"YEAAA!!" He throws himself into your chest, burying his face into your fur. "Thank you so so much (name)!"

"(Name), what if something happens to you during dinner?" Pearl asks, sounding quite concerned. "Humans aren't exactly well equipped when it comes to mishaps. Especially the gem related kinds!"

"Oh, I'll be there if something happens!" Spinel pipes cheerfully. "Problem solved!"

"Not quite." Garnet quips, adjusting her visor. "If something were to happen, one gem alone won't be enough to deal with a situation like that."

"Oh..." She slumps in which steven does, with a groan of defeat. Greg offers the boy a reassuring smile and shrug. "Don't worry stu-ball, we'll figure this thing out. We just have to put our heads together."

Steven gasps again. "That's it! Why didn't I think of this sooner? You all can come to dinner to! All three of you, fused fused into one!"

"Huh?" Your eyes widened in surprise.

"What?!" Pearl squawks in startlement.

"Whoa!" Ameythyst exclaims in alarm.

"What?" Greg is taken aback by the suggestion.

"Steven, you know we only fuse in deadly situations!" Pearl reminds him firmly.

"Well yeah!" Spinel shrugs, as if she thought it were obvious. "And you'll be there to make sure that situation doesn't happen! And Connie didn't say anything about bringing a body guard!"

"Yeah!" Steven pipes, wearing a bright, hope-filled smile. "It'll be like... like I'm bringing my whole family!"

"That's insane." Ameythyst retorts, crossing her arms.

"Fusion is serious magic," Garnet reminds him firmly. "Not a trick for dinner parties."

"I know..." he replies sadly. "Then I guess this is it. I'll never see Connie again." He starts tearing up at the thought of losing his human friend. "Oh Connie! I'll never know a star that shines as bright as you!" He then starts to cry, prompting Spinel to stretch over to him and pat his back in comfort.

The sight of the child's despair made your chest tighten, and you fix the gem trio with a stern glare. "Come on gems." The gem's faces faltered at hearing your firm voice, and they shrink in their seats. "It's just for this one night."

"But (Name)," Garnet tries to sound stern, but you managed to identify uncertainty in her tone. "You don't understand, Fusion isn't-"

"(Name) is aware. Fusion isn't an ability to be played with. But this ISN'T for fun." You assured, sitting back on your hocks to stand taller and cross your forearms. "Connie makes Steven happy. And this dinner is a very serious manner! Connie and Steven's friendship depends on it! (Name)'s already going to put her shape-shifting abilities to the test, and she's corrupted!" You set your midpaws on your hips, and glared at the three gems. "So Crystal Gems can fuse for a short while. For Steven."

The pearl and amethyst exchanged weary looks between each other, pearl biting her lip and amethyst fiddling with her hands. They really weren't sure about this. They looked over at garnet who's eyes, unbeknownst to anyone thanks to her visors, were flickering between your stern glare to the somber child sitting next to spinel. Her mouth opens, as if she was going to protest, but she stops herself.

Pressing a finger to her visor, she sighed in defeat.

"We have no choice."

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now