part 24: road trip!

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"(name) can't be grounded!" you exclaimed at the 3 gems standing before you, to which pearl folded her arms into a stern stance. "yes, you are!" she said firmly. "you disobeyed an order." garnet added calmly. "and now we're gonna have to bury you til you've learned your lesson!" amethyst exclaimed, holding up a shovel. Steven grasped his head in panic as spinel's eyes widened, as if she realized something. "n-no guys! that's not how grounding works!" steven exclaimed as spinel tipped her head to the side. "so THAT'S why they call it 'grounded'..." you snorted in a frustration at the gems, clenching your forepaws into fists. Gah, what's the big deal?! Why did they have an issue with that gem?!

Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of a door behind thrown open. you all turn to see a rather stocky middle-aged man with notable tan lines along his arms and legs, a short, scruffy beard and waist long hair that stretched down his back. you squinted your eye in confusion. who...? "dad?" steven sounded slightly surprised at his appearance. your mouth opened partially. oh, so this is his father! you grinned inwardly. good to know. he was panting heavily, with a look of unease on his face. "uh..." he began awkwardly, "you guys better come check this out." he said pointing a thumb behind him.

check what out?


your eyes widened as you reached the beach, looking out past the crowd... to the now barren dessert where the ocean once was, various boats and ships littering the area. "where did the ocean go!?" shrilled spinel from the top of your withers, catching the frantic mayor's attention. "HEY! IT'S THOSE MAGICAL LADIES AND THEIR MUTANT COW!" your visage crumpled as he raced over to you all, still sporting his obnoxious megaphone device. "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!!?" you rolled your eyes from behind your bangs as garnet answered flatly. "the ocean is gone. obviously." the man fell to his knees into a state of dispair. "THAT'S RIGHT... NOW IT'S JUST A DESSERT!" he still spoke through his megaphone, causing you to curl your lip in irritation. "NOBODY WANTS TO VACATION TO... DESERT CITY!!" he groaned dramatically. "WE'RE GONNA LOSE ALL OUR SUMMER BUSINESS!!"

as annoying as this man may be... he had a point. without the refreshing cool of the ocean, beach city would be as good as a dry, smoldering dessert. no one would want to come here for their summer. no one to buy their Board walk delicacies or to enjoy the attractions they had to offer. everyone here would go out of business. and that in and off itself made your heart ache for the citizens... and you knew who to blame..


of the love of--


"-tely..." the mayor shrank back as you whacked the stupid device from his hands in a single swat, glaring at him through your bangs. "lapis lazuli." you answered, your voice hardened in annoyance towards the man. beside you, the crowd murmurs in amazement.

"it can talk?"


"lapis lazuli?" spinel's eyes widened in alarm as pearl nodded somberly in confirmation. "but she's a gem, just like us." steven asked uneasily, to which pearl sighs. "there is a lot you don't know about gems, steven."

you stared at your feet, guilt and resentment weighing heavy on your shoulders.

gonna need this... some of these... maybe that...

you silently packed up, packing anything you'd think you needed. luckily, you didn't need food or water to really survive, but that didn't stop you from packing chips, your favorite thing to munch on from time to time. you couldn't really find a suitable weapon to bring, so you just decided to use your natural strength and abilities. after a brief bag check of your inventory, you slip your bag on, and huff to yourself. let's do this.

you make your way down the stairs and to the door, catching steven and spinel's attention. "hey, where you goin', (name)?" spinel asked, a concerned edge in her voice. you sighed sadly. "(name)'s fault ocean is gone." you replied plaintively. "(name) released lazuli from mirror. now ocean gone." you then took on a determined tone. "(name) confront lazuli," you proclaimed clenching your fist. "(name) bring back the ocean!" your then voice faltered as you reached your final statement. "or poof trying." with a huff, you reach for the door handle and clutch it between your thumb and index finger. "goodbye."

before you could fully twist the knob, spinel stretches over to your side, placing a gloved hand on your broad shoulder. "not so fast, pal!" she said, grinning a toothy smile. "don't go hoggin' all the fun to yourself, now!" she laughed, Steven joining her side, pressing his hands into your thick furred flank, smiling brightly at you. "we were there to! so we're going with you!" your eyes widen in alarm at their proposals, mildly startled at their lack in hesitation. you open your mouth to try and form a protest, but connie and Steven's dad stepped up and walked over to you. "we're going to." connie spoke firmly, placing a hand on your flank as well. Steven's father laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "yeah. I... really haven't known you for that long... but, if schtu-ball here trusts you... I do to." connie then shrugs. "and it feels wierd being in the house without steven." your mouth shuts temporarily as you contemplate their words for a moment, blushing faintly in humbleness. oh boy... it's kind of them... but... this is something I did... so... before opening it again for another protest, but that pink lion comes up to your other side and presses into it, purring in agreement. you whipped your head to the large feline, eyes wide in surprise, blush spreading all across your face. lion to now!? your mouth hung open, your head whipping side to side to your occupied flanks a tiny whimper emanating in your throat. Ah boy. "ahem." you perked up at the sound of pearl clearing her throat. surely the gems would understand this is-

"clearly, we're coming to."


"you're ungrounded, by the way." garnet adds, smiling softly.


"WHOO-HOO!!" cried amethyst, who was now standing on the kitchen counter. "ROAD TRIP!!"

your mouth hung open in astonishment at those surrounding you, your gaze flicking to everyone of them. slowly, however... a grin formed itself on your muzzle.

who were you to deny their support?

after some preparations, you all race out to the dessert of a beach, spinel riding on your back and Steven and connie riding on lion behind you, along with steven's father and the gems driving after you all in his van. and just like that, you're all off, for one final confrontation with that lazuli...

Hopefully, things will be better...

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now