part 106: lunch wonders

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" can do it, steven."

Came Sadie's voice, breaking Steven out of his thoughtful stupor.

"Thanks, Sadie." Steven smiled. "It's just, we could get a donut, which would be tasty, but we always get donuts." He then turned to face spinel, who was playing with lion's mane as he merely rested on the ground near the counter. "Shouldn't we be living life to the fullest and try new things?"

Spinel smiled enthusiastically. "Yeah!"

Steven's smile widened at spinel's shared enthusiasm and turned back to the tired blonde. "So tonight, I'm thinking... spicy pretzels?"

Spinel tilted her head, scrunching her face in thought. "Mmm... I dunno. Lion, what to you think?" She prodded lion's shoulder, to which he responds by getting up and trotting over to the freezer that contained the lion licker ice pops, and pressed his face into the glass door.

"Ugh," Steven groaned in disapproval. "Lion, those are gross. No offense."

"You kids better hurry it up," Sadie cautioned. "Lars and I are closing up-"

Then, as if on cue, the teen in question suddenly exits the break room, munching on a donut as he jammed out on his headphones, lost in his own world entirely as he exits the building, without even acknowledging anyone.

Sadie's face crumples in annoyance at the boy's insolence. "I'm closing up for the day."

"Aw." Spinel frowns instinctively, glancing down at a nearby fridge and squinting at a particular bunch of colorful baggies that were located at the bottom. "Oh neat! There's a snack named after ya, Sadie!"

"Nah, those are all my lunches my mom packed for me." She states, resting on the counter in disinterest.

"Awww, that's so nice." Steven notes, looking touched.

"Ehh, actually it's pretty embarrassing." She grumbled. "She's been doing it for years. I mean, I know how to feed myself. They just make me feel like a kid."

"Can we try one?" Steven asked.

"Sure, but choose wisely." Sadie said, with an air of caution yet again. "Some of those have been in there for a few months."

"Alrighty, let's see what we've got here."

Spinel watches curiously as Steven started to list off the food items that he had laid out across the counter.

"Looks like a classic PBJ sandwich cut into triangles. Very nice, it's the only shape a sandwich should be. Mama Sadie, thid lunch is a win." He praised out loud.

Spinel smiled, though it didn't carry as much enthusiasm as it did before. "Not bad."

"And for dessert, we have..."

For some reason, Spinel found herself becoming disinterested with the foodstuffs being listed, and had her attention stolen by lion suddenly flailing about from getting a paper bag stuck onto his muzzle. Instinctively, she gets up to try and help the large pink feline, but was stopped at the sound of Steven's excited voice.

"Woah! Spinel, Lion, look!" He runs up to the pink duo, holding up a small sugar cookie, which was ironically in the shape of a star, the very logo of the crystal gems. "It's a cookie shaped like a star." He pipes enthusiastically, placing the small morsel upto his own shirt's design. "I guess you can say this cookie is... out of this world, eh?"

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now