part 64: "Magical" vacation

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"I'm the Warp Master!"

"...That's nice, steven."

You frowned slightly at the blonde Donut employee's lack of enthusiasm in the boy's obvious excitement. She likely didn't understand what he was referring to, but you were at least expecting her to at least humor the kid. The Orange one however... "Steven..." his eyes weren't even open.

With a grunt, you pressed yourself through the door and walked upto the Donut duo, and realized that upon closer inspection, Sadie looked strangely tired and lars... was semi-asleep. Figures. You snorted, leaning forward subtly, purring softly as sadie instinctively reached up to pet your head. "Do you want a donut?"

"Chocolate jelly, please. And uh," Steven he looked over at you both. "What about you guys?" You contemplated for a moment and shrugged. "(Donut), please." Spinel nodded. "Yeah, I want that to!"

With a final scratch behind your horns, Sadie turns to retrieve the requested items, but struggles to do so since Lars, who was fast asleep, was blocking her path to the Donut display with his tall frame. As she tries to step over him however, she loses her footing and collapses onto Lars, snapping him out of his sleeping trance. "Wha-! Huh? Sadie!" He stands up and looks down at the girl with sheer annoyance. "I like, just got to sleep! Now I have to start over!" Sadie stands, glaring back at the tall boy. "Then don't sleep at the counter when I'm trying to work!"

"Why don't you not work at the counter when I'm trying to sleep!?"

And with that, they begin to argue, with spinel sliding off your back, frowning at the display. Steven leans over, putting a hand upto his mouth to whisper to the pink gem. "Something is having a bad effect on their relationship..." spinel nods leaning over to reply softly. "And their customer service."

You scrunched your face at this behavior, feeling your face heat in a sudden anger. Where is the professionalism??

More importantly, where is my Donut?!

"AHEM!" You exclaimed loudly, making the duo stop, Sadie flinching and looking up at you with a sheepish frown, and Lars jumping back with a yelp. "You?!" He exclaimed, sounding almost horrified. Apperantly he somehow wasn't aware of your presence until now. "When did you get here?!" You snorted, staring at the kid in bemusement. "Lars would've seen big ol' (name) standing here if he wasn't sleeping." You rumbled flatly. "Yeah! You could get fired!" Sadie added angrily to which Lars scoffs. "Who cares? I'm sick of this place." He claims, turning away with disinterest. "I wanna go somewhere new..." you grumbled, rolling your eyes and shaking your head. "Yes, Somewhere new."

Steven suddenly gasps. "That's it!" Spinel flinched, startled by the abrupt sound, looking at steven with a lifted brow. "What is?" He turns to spinel, throwing his hands up in excitement. "I'm the warp master, remember?"

"...yeah Steven, I know." Sadie reassures, staring at steven in a sudden confusion. Spinel wasn't catching on either, as she blinked twice, tilting her head. "Soooo..?" Steven smiles enthusiastically. "I can take us all on vacation!" He elaborates, making you look at him in interest." Somewhere warm, and beautiful and magical!" Your eyes squinted, feeling a sudden sense of suspicion and unease. ...magical? "Just for the two of you."

Lars and Sadie exchanged suspicious glances before Steven throws his arms up, pulling spinel towards him and gripping your chest fur in his fist. "And us to!"

Sadie looked thoughtful. "It could be worth a try."

Lars looked apprehensive, with his eyes trained on you. "All of us?"

"We're here! Come on, this way."

Aaaas I suspected. You thought, rumbling worriedly in your throat at the familiar jungle surroundings with worried, unseen eyes.

"Careful!" You called after the boy, whilst, sniffing around again, feeling a heaviness fall onto your shoulders again.

However, after a few minutes into the adventure, Lars hesitated. "This is too wierd. I'm going home." You glared at him growled contemptuously in your throat. Are you kidding me?

"No, no, follow me! You gotta see!" Steven insisted as spinel nodded, gesturing him to follow. Sadie walked ahead, offering a hopeful smile. "Come on Lars, give it a chance!" Lars hesitates again, but after catching your glare, he groans in defeat. "Fine. But if it blows, I'm out of here." With that, he angrily walks past you and sadie, casting a brief glance back at you. When he caught your contemptuous stare, he shudders and speeds up his walk. "Steven, your yak thing keeps staring at me!"

You growled angrily in his direction, huffing out a puff of steam from your nostrils. The nerve of this kid... you suddenly felt a pleasant scritching on your cheek, and you turn to see Sadie smiling wearily at you. "S-sorry about that." She mutters, on her tiptoes, trying to scritch you behind your horn. You leaned down instinctively, making it easier for her to properly itch you behind your horn, making you purr in ecstasy. "He can be really mean sometimes. But... he's not bad... I think."
You snorted softly, and nudged her in gratitude.

"Come on, let's go."

"Welcome to paradise!"

Steven spreads his arms, while spinel gestured dramatically to the scenery with a exaggerated 'ta-daaaa!'

"Oh Steven," Sadie's eyes sparkled at the majestic scenery. "It's beautiful!"

"It's a beach." Lars was far from amazed. "We LIVE on a beach!"

"It's a magical beach!" Steven affirmed matter-of-factly, with spinel nodding eagerly.

"Is that why my phone has no reception??" He complained, holding the device. "Why were you even here??"

"We came here to look for a dangerous gem creature that we never found- woop!" Spinel cheerfully started to explain, before clapping her hands to her mouth in a sudden realization.

There was a temporary pause.

"...yup, I'm gone." With that Lars turns and walks away, startling Sadie slightly. "Wait, Lars, this could actually be fun!" Sadie protested, but the lanky teen wasn't moved.

"If I'm going to be bored out of my mind and possibly die, I'm gonna go to work and get paid for it."

You growled to yourself, lumbering after the kid.

Are most kids his age usual this whiny??

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now