part 39: worries

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That night...

Ugh... I can't sleep...

Gah! Despite everything today, my stupid mind is still racing!

you shuffled and shifted slightly on your spot, grumbling at a low volume in annoyance before sighing, pouting with your eyes stubbornly shut.

I shouldn't be worried about anything.

Steven said we'd get it all figured out with time. why am I so anxious??

You grunted, shifting again with a disgruntled growl in your throat.

get a hold of yourself, (name). is steven, we're talking about. your best bud! the one who took you in! not to mention, your dearest pink pal spinel.

...ugh, I know I shouldn't be, but I have this dawning feeling that... something bad might happen to my precious half-human treasure.

in fact... multiple bad things might happen.

"hmmmrrph.." you murmured lowly, sliding against the floor to move to a cooler spot.

I'm thinking on it too much...

I just... gotta focus on what's important as of now.

that involves keeping it together...


You were so caught up in your thoughts, that you weren't aware of the sounds of muttering and footsteps around you...

You were so caught up in your thoughts, that you weren't aware of the sounds of muttering and footsteps around you

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You suddenly felt something.


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keeping these guys safe from harm

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keeping these guys safe from harm...
no matter the costs.

Next morning, you all do your normal routine; steven freshening up in his bathroom, you making everyone breakfast; omelets with sausage and bacon, with spinel sitting on the counter, watching in interest as you operated the pans and stove with relative ease, lion just being lion and amethyst eagerly waiting on being served.

"Oh, and (name)?" Spinel quipped, popping a slice of bacon into her mouth right off the pan, whilst swinging her legs innocently. "Mm?" You hummed in acknowledgement as you whisked the eggs in a large bowl at a quick pace. "...what were ya dreaming about last night?"

Your whisking slowed a bit as you looked up to meet with spinel's mildly concerned, yet smiling face. "Last night. You were moving around and muttering in your sleep. What was it about?" Your eyes widened slightly, in the mild look of alarm. "Uh..." dang! Was I that loud? You sneered worriedly as your eyes darted back and forth. You couldn't just tell her about that bad feeling that just randomly appeared in your head. Not only was it silly, but it'll cause worry in the boy.

And if it's one thing you couldn't stand it was when steven was worried...

"...just... a bad dream." You replied gently. When she frowned, you quickly put on a reassuring smile. "But spinel, steven and pink lion helped cure bad dream." You assured sweetly. "No biggie." Once you saw that happy smile return to the pink gems face, You purred softly to yourself and continued your cooking, feeling much more lighter.

Like I said... i was over thinking last night.

...i have.. little reason to worry about the future.

after some time after breakfast was served, the two older gems, garnet and pearl exited the blue temple, smiling warmly at you all relaxing in the living room, with spinel and steven resting at your flanks, and amethyst sprawled out on your back. "good morning, everyone." pearl greets warmly in which everyone returns.

"good morning, guys!" steven replies with his usual cheery air.

"heeey." amethyst waved lazily.

"Mornin' fellas!" spinel waved in hyper excitement.

you merely waved with a warm smile.

"Mornin'." garnet smiled as made her way over to you, crouching down and petting your head gently. "in a little bit, I need you all to get ready for today's mission." she announced catching your attention. oh? "cool! what're we doing today?" pearl walked over and set her own hand on your withers, running her fingers through your soft fur as she elaborated. "we will be inspecting the warp pads at the galaxy warp."

your eyes narrowed slightly, as you repeated the term in your head.

Galaxy warp...


Getting closer...

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now