part 101: after battle cool-down

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Later on that afternoon, after you were sure that the last of the watermelon army was cleared out, you immediately had everyone go inside for the rest of the day, just to rest up and recover from such a chaotic turn of events.

"Steven, get out of that farmer outfit and put on pjs. Then put baby melon on table." You spoke with a faint sternness in your voice, which made Steven, as well as the gems, flinch from the suddenness of it. "Spinel, go sit on the couch and wait for (name)."

"Wh-what?" Steven instinctively asked as Spinel silently complied, shuffling over to the couch and climbing onto it. "Put baby melon down and get into pjs for rest." You repeated, this time in a much softer voice motioning to the loft.

"Then come back down for for check up."

Steven hesitated for a moment. Why did he need Pajamas? It was still pretty light out... and he wasn't even tired. He was a bit sore maybe, but it wasn't anything he's never faced before. However, from your tired posture and thin look of sternness your face, you weren't in any mood for protests. He nodded quickly with a salute. "Yes, ma'am."

He set baby melon on the table and scampered up the stairs with a slight haste, as the gems watched, unsure of what to make of the request. "Now gems..." they instictively snapped their attention to you, flinching slightly as you stalked over to Garnet, lifting up both of her hands to pensively scan both the gems in her palms for any damage. "Is Garnet okay?"

"(Name), you don't have to worry about us, we-" Pearl tried to assure you, but garnet cut her off. "A bit sore. But I'll be fine."

You nodded and moved over to Ameythyst, parting her hair so you could see both eyes. "What about Ameythyst?" You pulled her shirt down, scanning her gemstone, which made her cheeks darken from the unsolicited action. "Ameythyst? Not hurt, right?"

"M'fine, Mama bear!" She grunted, lightly pushing your paws off. "Those melon freaks didn't stand a chance against me."

"Melons pinned Ameythyst to the ground after 10 minutes." You rumbled flatly. She scoffed, turning her head away to hide the darkening on her face. "Did not."

You rumbled softly in your throat as you moved your way over to pearl. "And pearl?" Sitting up on your haunches and set a hand on her head to scan that shiny oval in her forehead. "Pearl wasn't hurt either?"

"(Name), we're all fine." Pearl assures, taking your paw off her head. "If anything, we should be worrying about you!" She exclaims, holding your paw in both of hers. "You also took the brunt of those little savages!"

"Yeah, like you were literally getting pummeled by those things." Ameythyst stated, fixing her hair so it'd fall over her eye.

"You should be the one resting." Garnet concluded, with a cross of her arms.

"(Name) doesn't have time for that." You stated matter-of-factly as you made your way to Spinel, pressing your muzzle into her gemstone. "Spinny okay? Not hurt?"

Spinel shook her head. "Just... a lil shaken up, is all..." she said with a small, weary smile. You frowned as you felt her faint trembling against your muzzle. You then reached into your satchel and pulled out an blanket you packed.

"Whatcha got a blanket for?" Ameythyst asked with a tip of her head.

"Just in case of something." You nonchalantly state, wrapping it around spinel. "One might never know when it's needed."

"But why-?" Ameythyst started to ask, but garnet quickly shushed her with a hand over her face. "Don't question her logic."

After you finished ensuring Spinel's comfort, you took a few steps back to look up at the loft. "Steven?"

"Coming!" Steven called, fastening the last few buttons of his pajama shirt as he scampered down the stairs.

As soon as he stopped in front of you, you wasted no time in picking him up and looking over his small body. "Steven okay?" You asked, nuzzling his fluffy hair. "He wasn't hurt?"

Steven pressed his fingers together nervously as you set him on the couch. "Well, uhm..."

You raised his shirt to check his gemstone, and felt a startled gasp unconsciously escape your throat at the faint but still very visible bruising just over his belly gemstone. "What the-!? How did-!?" You shot a look at the melon's remains, your face screwing into a look of flippant anger. "Did he-?!'

"B-Baby melon only did that to catch the other melons' attention!" Steven quickly explained, grabbing your paws into both his hands. The warmth of his tiny hands effectively brought your anger to a halt as you turned back to look at him. "He knew that the only way to make them stop was to make himself a threat and let himself get defeated!"

After hearing this, you felt a sharp sting in your chest. "Ah... (name) sees." You muttered softly, looking back over at the melon pieces. A light, near inaudible whine emitted from your throat. He wasn't even fully acquainted with the world, and yet he was already just as willing to give his life up for Steven as I am...

You knew that you couldn't just let him go without some form of gratitude from you or the gems. It just wouldn't be fair.

"(Name)... will have to do something to honor him for his sacrifice." You spoke out loud, not noticing the pleased little smile Steven had at your decision. You then returned your attention back to him, your stern expression making it drop. "But first thing's first."

You patted his head and started trotted towards the kitchen. "(Name)?" Steven sat up a bit from his spot to watch as you walk over to the kitchen, suddenly opening the cabinets with a soft hum. "Who's hungry?"

As soon as you asked this; Steven, Spinel and Ameythyst instantly perked up, raising their hands as they exclaimed an enthusiastic "Me!" In unison.

"Can Pearl or Garnet, bubble baby melon for (name), please? Then they can do what they want." You spoke as you rummaged through the cabinets for suitable snacking.

"But (name)-" Pearl attempts to protest, but was cut off by Garnet cooperatively picking up the melon remnants, encasing it in a transparent, maroon bubble. After which, she walks over to you and sets a hand on your back. "We'll be in our rooms if you need us."

"Thanks, guys." You purred, flashing a polite smile to them as they made their way to the temple door.

Pearl lingered a bit longer, watching as you gathered snack materials with the faintest undertone of wistfulness before disappearing behind the temple doors.

There's a point to this part I swears it-

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now