part 116: warp invader

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You all arrived at the Galaxy warp, and just as you expected, countless amounts of the miniature androids. The one in Garnet's hand escapes her grip and scurried alongside the others.

"(Name) knew it." You growled to yourself placing Steven and Spinel onto your back, and stepping off the warp slowly. "Lay low."

At your words, you felt the two press themselves into your back, into your thick back fluff. "Process with caution."

You steadily moved forward, following the direction of the circular herd with the gems following close behind. They all lead to the larger warp, which was now covered in the things, getting sprayed with the odd bluish-green liquid.

"What are they doing to the homeworld warp!?" Pearl questions frantically.

Homeworld warp?

"There's a million of them!" Ameythyst exclaimed in shock.

"Wonder what they're doing here?" Spinel whispers to Steven to which he shrugs nervously.

After a few minutes of spraying, the circle droids backed off the pad, and to everyone's shock, it reveals that the homeworld warp had been completely repaired; void of any cracks, or crevices. It looked as good as new.

"They fixed it??" You questioned, feeling a jolt of alarm at the sight.

"What does that mean?" Steven asked worriedly.

"Ah, I-!" Pearl jumped to answer, but she faltered slightly. "...Don't know!"

"It can't mean anything good, that's for sure." You grumbled to yourself, feeling your fur bristle in defense.

In that moment, the massive warp flashed to life in a brilliant beam of turquoise light, startling everyone.

"Quick! Hide!" You called, scrambling away from the illuminating warp to hide behind one of the tall rocks, taking Steven and spinel off your back to hide them under you. Just as the others ran to hide beneath you, the beam of light dissipated, revealing an unfamiliar green gem with thick yellow hair, in the shape of a triangle. Once she gathered her barings, she lightly stomped on the warp as if she were inspecting it.

"Who's that?" Pearl whispered to Garnet, clutching your midarm.

"No idea." Garnet replied.

"Hm." You squinted, leaning forward slightly for a better look of the intruder. She looked to be lean in shape with robotic looking limbs. "Doesn't look like anyone from earth, that's for sure."

The gem then lifts forearm, her floating fingers forming a screen. "Log date, 3 1 2..." As one of the robospheres crawls onto her shoulder, she starts to tap at the screen. "This is Peridot, performing Earth hub maintenance check."

"Peridot?" Spinel asks out loud, prompting you and Steven to clamp a your hands over her mouth.

"Warp repair a success. All 79 flask robonoids deployed and accounted for." The Peridot continues, apparently recording sort of report. Robonoids. So that's what those were... "Preparing to locate and manually reactivate kindergarten-" She pauses suddenly, looking down to find the one robonoid that was damaged during the scuffle with steven trying to climb up her leg, only for it to fall over and helplessly rock about on the floor.

"Aww." Steven smiled, peeking out from beneath your chest fur. "The little ones are like her babies."

However, instead of picking up the little circle-bot, the Peridot glares at it in annoyance and presses her foot against it, crushing the poor thing in a mess of pieces and goo. Steven gasps, quickly covering his mouth as you lowered yourself to hide him.

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now