part 132: Amethyst's Level

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Not a moment later, a line of purple torches suddenly flared to life, lighting the massive room with an ominous red-pink light to reveal a long path, which was surrounded by a massive deep chasm. From the ceiling, barbed purple vines hung loosely from the ceiling.

The room looked more like an old cave or dungeon of some type.

A low whine droned in your throat. You already didn't like the looks of this.

"Num-ero uno..." Steven spoke out loud, his voice echoing across the vast space as he stepped away from the door, scoping out his surroundings. "I wonder if Amethyst made this one."

Once he said this, you both heard a clang behind you both, and you turned to find that bars had suddenly raised up, blocking the door you both entered in. You idly traced your gaze up from the barred door to the massive, eye-less statue of the purple gem in question looming over it. Its mouth was wide open with the ramp itself taking the appearance of its tongue.

"...definitely Amethyst." You muttered, with an eyebrow raised.

As Steven walked along the ramp looking for a clue, you tailed cautiously behind him just a few paces away. You looked around yourself, taking in the room's appearance. The sinister aura of the room as well as the somewhat heavy ambience made you feel increasingly uneasy with each step you took.

Unique theme if I do say so myself.

You let out a quick chuff, redirecting your attention to the child ahead of you. For a moment, you almost called to him to be careful; but you had promised him to remain silent so he could concentrate on his tasks. You grunted indignantly, but you had to remind yourself that he wanted this.

You couldn't understand why, but he wanted it. You grumbled lowly again, shaking your head. The sooner we can get this over with, the sooner we can get out of here.

You sighed softly, idly looking back at the door that was barred, but to your horror a massive boulder was rolling down from the statue's mouth and hurtling towards you both at an alarming speed.

You gasped out loud, which caught Steven's attention. He grunted and turned to look back at you with a brow lifted. "(Name), you shouldn't give me hints-"

Once he saw the approaching boulder, he gasped himself. "Ah! Run!" He yelped, fleeing as fast as he could down the ramp, with you trailing behind him.

As you both ran down the ramp, you could almost swear that you could feel the boulder grazing the tip of your tail. It was like it was gaining speed each passing second. Nevertheless, you kept your focus was on the child running ahead of you, as he was instinctively yelling in panic trying to outrun the advancing boulder.

You grunted, feeling an odd burning sensation suddenly flaring up in your body. Something deep within you was practically screaming at you to dart forward and grab Steven to run for cover. To get him aẅay from ḍańgęr.

But you had to remind yourself that you couldn't.

Promise you won't try to ĥeļp me.

His voice echoed in your head, causing an uncomfortable tightness in your chest.

He didn't want hēļp. He didn't want přoțećtịoñ.

"The door!"

You were snapped out of your thoughts by Steven's frantic voice as he spots a door just ahead, which was sat on a platform across a wide gap. And from what you see, the only way to get across is a lone purple vine that dangled over the middle of it.

You barely had any time to think as you both leapt at the same time, just before the boulder could make contact with you both. Thankfully, Steven was able to grab onto the vine and swing to safety, while you were simply able to clear the large gap yourself. Luckily, the platform you were on was big enough to fit you both on it, and you watched as the boulder rolled down the slope, into the void below as Steven stumbled into the door due to the momentum.

However, just a moment after his hands touched the door, it suddenly turned into an odd yellow foam and started to fizz out towards him. "Uh oh..."

Your fur pricked, as you watched Steven instinctively back up, only to remember the abyss behind him. "Uhhh..."

Before he could contemplate the apparent predicament, the door suddenly pops open, releasing star-shaped balloons and golden confetti, playing a light fanfare.

After a moment of startlement, you set a paw on your chest, letting out a deep sigh of relief.

He's managed to complete the first stage.

"Oh..." Once he realized this, Steven giggled, both relieved and triumphant. "Yeah!" Steven cheers, pumping his fists into the air, before turning to look at you with his signature cheery smile. "See, (Name)? I made it!"

"Y-Yes. Steven did did." You uttered, still clutching your chest fur. The ache was still there, but you still mustered enough willpower to force a weary, lopsided smile to spread on your muzzle. "Good... good job, dear."

Steven smiled cheerily, before pointing to the open doorway, gesturing you to follow. "Come on, next room awaits! But this time, try not to give any hints!" With a look of resolve, he determinedly marches onward to the next room as you stared after him with a barely audible groan.

"(Name) won't..." You weakly called after him. You sat there for a few seconds to collect yourself, taking a few deep breaths to try and settle your nerves.

It's fine. He's fine. I'm worrying over nothing. You tried to tell yourself, letting out a snort.

It's just a test. He's fine.

You sucked in a deep breath. He's a strong boy. He can handle this. You slowly exhaled, as you got onto your paws and hooves. With a face of grim resolve you slowly and reluctantly pressed onwards, trotting slightly to catch up to Steven who was well ahead.


Hey, sorry for the wait on this!

Didn't know how to write it out, amongst other things!

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now