part 14: a beast's plead

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{back at the temple...}


a teary-eyed steven angrily stomped his foot at pearl, who was fiddling with her hands guiltily while her eyes darted this way and that. "I-I'm... sorry steven... I just wasn't thinking..." she replied softly. "but... she should have known better than to-" steven suddenly threw his fists up and raised his voice, "OF COURSE SHE DOESN'T KNOW!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up, startling amethyst and causing pearl to gasp. "NOT WHERE SHE CAME FROM, NOT HER BACKGROUND, NOT EVEN HOW SHE BECAME THE WAY SHE IS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!" more tears streamed from his eyes, "WE WERE SUPPOSED TO HELP HER! BUT YOU JUST... HURT HER!!"

pearl blinked, taken aback from how crushed he really sounded. "steven..." before she could say anything else, he grunted and turned around, arms crossed in a tearful pout, not wanting to hear anymore of her excuses. pearl sighed in defeat while amethyst put a hand on his back. "don't worry, steve-o... she couldn't have gone far..." just then, a flash was heard, and garnet entered, bringing a hand to her visor as she sighed in disappointment. "any luck, garnet?" the tall gem placed her hands on her hip. "I've looked in every place I could think of. no signs of her anywhere." at this steven whined and put his hands over his eyes to halt his tear fall. garnet bent down and ruffled his curly locks comfortingly. "don't worry steven. she'll find her way back. after all, you are her best bud." steven looked up at her, sniffling slightly. "y-you really think so..?" garnet smiled at seeing his eyes reignite with the faintest light of hope. she opened her mouth to confirm, but as if on cue, the warp pad flashes to life. at once a large fluffy figure fell forward, landing on its belly with a loud THUMP! a dazed groan emanated from the figure. that warping stuff's gonna take some getting used to...


as you pushed yourself off the ground, Steven runs forth and throws himself into your chest, burying his face into your fluffy fur. "(name), I missed you so so much!" amethyst was quick to run forward and hug your muscular forearm. "return of the big puffy powerhouse!" garnet stepped up and petted your head, smiling slightly. "you gave us a quite a scare." you purred deeply, taking in the affection that showered you and the soft petting you were receiving at the moment. pearl just watched, twiddling her thumbs with a guilty glint in her eyes. amethyst looked up at you suddenly suspicious. "where did you even go?" your eyes widened slightly. um... where exactly DID you go? all's you did was visualize a place where you could go to be alone and think to yourself... in fact... where did THAT place even come up in the first place...? you opened your mouth, as if you were going to reply...

only to be cut off by an amused chirp from deep in your back fur.

"Wowee! what a bumpy ride!"

your eyes burst open as you felt shifting on your back. the gem's eyes widened and they looked at you as if you had 3 heads. "wha?" that was when spinel poked her head out from your thick back fur, shaking stray strands from her own hair before looking around. her eyes twinkled in awe, like she never seen such a place before. "oooh... is this your home? Neat!" the gems almost immediately stepped back in alarm, Steven looking more confused than alarmed. "who is that?" pearl's eyes widened at the pink gem, mouth opened in shock. "it can't be.." spinel caught sight of the nimble gem and her smile somehow widened in delight. "Oh, pearl!" she then sprung out of your fur and giddily bounced upto her, pulling pearl into a hug. "Long time no see!" pearl stiffened in the hug, slowly bringing a hand up to pat her head, while laughing awkwardly and somewhat uncomfortably. "Eheh heh... y-yeah.." she looked down at the gem hugging her. her face crumpled when she saw on how worn down she looked. "...very long.."

after a while, she stepped back and laced her hands behind her back innocently. "yo, P, who is that?" amethyst asked, relaxing at spinel's non-hostile demeanor. "ahem- everyone... this is spinel." she replied with a rather hesitant gesture of her hand. the latter bowed theatrically to the group. "a pleasure to meet you.." you smiled and hummed in amusement, earning a smile from the gem. Steven smiled and giggled at the gem. "nice to meet you to!" he gestured to himself. "I'm steven!" he pointed to garnet. "and this is garnet," the latter nodded, a shine sliding across her visors. the then pointed to amethyst. "and that's amethyst." the later did a salute like wave, offering a laid-back grin. "Yo." steven then looked confused. "but how do you know pearl?" spinel perked up instantly at this question. "Oh! me and pearl go way back!" she nudged pearl with her elbow. "right pearl? we were the best of friends; me, you and-"

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now