part 113: night trouble

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The rest of the day carried on uneventfully for the most part, but it was pretty clear that Steven was still quite bothered by what he'd supposedly seen.

The whole time, he seemed quiet, contemplative and on edge, even to the point where he almost couldn't eat lunch and dinner. It didn't help that the gems chose to brush off this behavior, claiming it was merely a hallucination caused by his hayfever. Seemed kind of aloof of them to brush this kind of thing off, but then again, his vision at the time was affected by the pollen.

A good night's sleep should help him...

That night, after giving Steven some chamomile tea to help him relax, you tucked him into bed and put spinel to sleep on the couch.

It was then you decided it was high time to inspect what trinkets Rose has left behind for you.

You sat near the couch, holding the box in your paws. Now that you had a chance to actually hold it, you realized that it actually felt quite weighted. As heavy as a book or two. You hummed, giving it a light shake, hearing a few things rattle inside. You read the label once again. Wonder what Rose could've possibly collected for me...

You huffed through your nostrils, sparing a glance up at the portrait before picking at the tape that kept the lid in place.

"Uhm... hey, (name)?"

You paused at a tiny voice whispering from a top the loft. Looking up, you saw a pair of anxious dark brown eyes peering down at you.

 Looking up, you saw a pair of anxious dark brown eyes peering down at you

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"Can... you come up here? Please?"

Furrowing your brow in concern, You set aside the box and quietly made your way up the stairs and scooped him up. You felt that he was still very tense, and you frowned.

"Something wrong, sweets?" You asked softly, walking back over to his bed and sitting down at the edge.

"I... can't sleep." He mumbles, pressing his face into your soft fur.

"Oh...? What's the matter?" You knew what it likely was, but you still felt the need to ask.


A light suddenly comes over the both of you, causing the boy to yelp and press himself deeper into you. Looking over at the source, you saw a familiar purple gem rummaging through the fridge.

Spinel was roused awake from the sudden sound and pushed herself up from the couch, squinting her eyes against the bright light. "Mmh... Ameythyst...?"

Ameythyst turned at the sound of her name, innocently munching on the foodstuffs she got her hands on.

"Hey Spins! Want some macaroni cheese?" She offered, messily chewing through said food.

"Mmm... no thank you." Spinel muttered, turning around and pulling the blanket over her shoulder, swiftly falling back asleep.

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now