part 124: Lead?

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"(Name)? Lead the Crystal Gems?"

You asked, your eyes wide in surprise. You took a step back, feeling a stir of unsettlement in your belly. "Are gems... But (Name)'s still-" You shook your head, blinking rapidly. "Wh-What?"

"I know it might sound like a big role, but you're more than worthy for it." Garnet assures putting her visor back on. "We saw it ourselves. You know far more about being a proper guardian then any of us thought. If we followed your lead, we'll have a better chance ar keeping your instinct in check." A she smiles at you reassuringly. "Besides, we trust you. I know you'll lead us down the right path."

"Uh." You stumbled back a bit from her touch. You brought a paw to your chest as it suddenly became tight; as if something was squeezing it. Your head swirled as Garnet's words swirled in your head.

"(Name)?" Pearl stepped forward, noticing your dizzy expression. "Are you-?"

You felt your tail brush against the door, snapping you out of your dread. "(Name)... needs to think about it."

Without waiting for a response, you turn tail, and press yourself through the door frame, ignoring the calls of the two gems behind you.

You hurriedly trotted away from the Beach House, your mind slightly frazzled at the offer you had received.

I can't believe it... you thought to yourself frantically. Proposing a leadership role to a Corrupt Gem who has the strength and maternal instincts of an African elephant...

You shook your head, an incredulous groan escaping your throat. What is she thinking??

After getting far enough away from the beach house, you wasted no time in plunking yourself down into your usual resting position near the shoreline. You hoped the sound and scent of the ocean, and the coolness of the sand would ease your nerves and calm your mind.

You took a deep breath to steady yourself. I'm... I'm overreacting...

You knew you should be flattered. Honored in fact! You were offered to be leader of the Crystal Gems, protectors of earth! It warmed your metaphoric heart at how much they've come to trust you....

You wanted to smile, but an uneasy heaviness in your chest prevented you from doing so.

Even if you had the trust of the team, being a leader also required a trust in yourself.

And you knew you should at this point, but your lack of understanding and control of your instincts made it difficult...

You sighed, looking up at the stars with a troubled expression.

What would Rose think of the decision?

Could I be half the leader she was?

You groaned, resting your head on the sand, and clasped your paws over your eyes.

If only she was here...


Your paws slid off your muzzle as you heard a soft voice called behind. You mentally sighed. Even if part of you didn't want company at the moment, you didn't have the heart to pass it up at the moment. "Are you... okay?"

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now