part 107: A Big Cat's Queries

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The night carried on peacefully.

The gems were in their respective rooms and Steven was fast asleep snuggled up in his bed. You slept curled up on the floor, with spinel sleeping soundly in your warm embrace, nestled against your belly.

However, sleep didn't come easy for the pink big cat sitting on his makeshift bed. He was too busy staring at your sleeping form.

~[Lion's POV]~

(Name) has come quite far since our first encounter.

Not only has she managed to put aside her past doubts, but it would seem everyone else has managed to get past them as well. I've always felt she wasn't the monster the pearl made her out to be. But it's good to see she's seeing her as another pridemate now. As well as the others.

In fact, she holds better authority better than that garnet or any pride leader I can remember. Perhaps it was how she looms even taller than that garnet gem? Or that she's likely got more strength than a lion pride itself? One thing that's certain though, more reliable when it came to cub care, gem or human.

Speaking of which, her bond with "Steven" and the spinel is truly a strength to be reckoned with. Her care and protection for them alone would put a lioness' to shame.

Truly remarkable progress.

A truly remarkable leader, in fact. And a perfect den mother.

...perhaps she has done something like this before? It's all coming so naturally to her...

Maybe the former leader will have some form of an answer?

If my memory serves right, there are some things she's somehow stashed in my mane that may assist in solving such queries, including her son's question about her himself...

If only he could take my hints. They should be clear as day.

...perhaps a more direct approach would work.

~{Back to 2nd person]~

"What the..."

You mutter to yourself, as you stood on a vast, beautiful yet very empty beach.

This is odd... when did I leave the beach house?

You sniffed the air a few times, the Seabreeze dampening any suspicions you had. Where's spinel? Where's Steven? You looked around yourself briefly, sniffing the air once again. They must be back at the Beach House. I'd better get back before they awake. You thought as you started your way towards the temple's direction.

During your stroll, you had your head down, to watch your paws as you took one step after the other, listening to the thudding against the soft, warm sand. Your brow furrowed subtly as a flash of uncertainty darted through your mind. Although it doesn't bother you as much as it used to, there's always going to be part of you that'll question where your purpose laid before this corruption hit. Dwelling on the past won't solve anything. Just focus on the present.

With a gruff sigh, you lifted your head to peer at the ocean beside you to distract yourself, but you were startled to find that instead of it being its usual deep blue; it was an inky black. Not even the sky's reflection shined on it. Your eyes widened, as you stepped back from the murky black water, watching as it lapped at the shore, leaving a light grey stain on the otherwise white sand.

Letting out a faint gasp, your gaze idly trailed up from the ocean, and found that even the sky itself looked off; it was a seamless mix of orange and purple like it was dawn, but the stars were still shining quite vibrantly. The clouds were tinted a light pink and moved across the sky at a relatively quick speed.

What the...


An unfamiliar voice called.

"Hey, (name)!"

Snapping your head towards the source, you saw that there was a figure standing away from the shore.

You were too far away to make out the shape of who, or what it was, but you were able to make out them waving to you.




"Mama, wake up!"


You were roughly shaken awake by a small pair of hands jostling you. You blinked a few times to find spinel staring wide-eyed at you. "Wha-what's going-?"

"Lion's smothering steven!" Spinel quickly exclaimed, pointing to the top of the loft.

You blinked and followed her point, and sure enough, you saw lion laying atop Steven, with pearl struggling to pull the boy out from beneath him.

Instantly you snapped wide awake, any grogginess you felt getting replaced with adrenaline. "Wha the-!? LION!"

Lion snapped his head up at you and watched with wide eyes as you leaped to your paws and hooves, knocking spinel over with a squeak as you scrambled up the stairs in a haste. Once you reached the top Lion practically leaped back off Steven, which caused him and pearl to get flung back from the force of her pulling and smack into the TV.

You ran over to the discarded pair and plucked Steven from pearl's lap, pulling him close to your chest as he gasped for air.

"What happened?" You asked, cradling Steven as he caught his breath while using your midarm to help pearl to her feet.

"I dunno, I just heard pearl yellin' Steven's name n' i just saw lion up there." Spinel stretched her way up to the loft to stand beside you. "What was he even doin', laying on top a' ya like that?

"I don't know." He admits, resting his cheek on your chest. "He's being a little clingy today. But that's cause I'm his favorite!"

As if you emphasize this, lion approaches and nuzzles himself against Steven, pressing his mane into the boy's face. "Oh! See?" Steven smiles enthusiastically at the attention, but you rumbled lightly with suspicion.

"Say pearl, what were ya doin' up here anyways?" Spinel turned to pearl quizzically, to which pearl suddenly breaks into a sweat. "Me? Nothing. I was just uh- Well, you know what I always say- Um, I just... Uh..."

There was a beat of silence.

"...I like to watch you guys sleep sometimes. And by sometimes I mean often."

You stared at pearl for a lengthy period of time.

"...okay." You huffed, the tiredness returning. "It's time for everyone to leave Steven alone now." You stood up onto your hind legs and walked your way over to Steven's bedside. Steven smiles as you tucked him back into bed. "Steven is a growing boy, and needs his rest."

You peck a kiss into Steven's forehead and look up to find the lion staring pensively at the two of you.

You narrowed your eyes at the big cat. "That goes for lion as well."

You turned and scooped spinel up, pressing a kiss into her cheek at well before turning to check if lion had gone, only to find pearl was sitting beside him.

"GRAH! RAH RAH RAH RAH!" You swatted a pillow at the two, causing them to disperse and retire downstairs.

After you ensured they had gone, you grumbled and curled up beside Steven's bed, nestling spinel into the crook of your midarm and shut your eyes.

Before you drifted off, you felt a small hand stroke your back fur.

Won't lie, trying to decipher how to capture lion's perspective was mildly difficult.

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now