part 46: rightfully worried

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Soon, you reach the temple, you hastily opening the door, and carefully pressed yourself through the doorway, careful as to not squish spinel or get steven's dangling legs caught between you and the doorframe. once inside, you lift your head to smell the air, taking in the comfortingly sweet scent to ease yourself. home sweet home... you sighed with contentment. However, before you could have time to yourself, you still had to take care of a few things.

Regaining yourself, you quickly make your way over to the couch, and placed steven gently onto the couch. afterwards you gently plucked spinel from your mane and gently laid her on the couch beside him, resting her head on a pillow. you looked at the boy and pressed a finger into the cushion beside him. "Stay." you then turned and made your way over to the kitchen. after throwing on an apron, you instantly get to rummaging through the cabinets, searching for the needed breakfast materials in an unknown haste, whilst steven watched uneasily, hugging his legs into his chest just as spinel started to wake from her nap.

"Mmmnn.. stevie?" she slurred, pushing herself up and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "whazz goin' on? where's (name)?" Steven rocked subtly, smiling wearily at the dazed gem, pointing a finger to you, who was already gathering ingredients for their belated breakfast. After collecting her wits, spinel blinked and stretched her neck to get a better look at you, watching as you grumbled to yourself, trying to read the tiny print of an expiration date on the milk. she frowned a bit, tipping her head to a side. you looked more tense than you should be. "She okay?" She retracted her neck to look at steven worriedly. Steven just shrugged, not fully knowing, or understanding why your nerves seemed so chopped. around this time, garnet and amethyst appeared from the temple, amethyst hearing you mix things and garnet just there to greet you. "Sup, guys?" amethyst greeted, taking her seat at the bar in eagerness for breakfast, while garnet just stood in the middle of the living room, watching as you mix your batter at a rapid pace. However, her focus was on your face which, unbeknownst to you, was scrunched into a tense glower. Apperantly it was visible enough for even amethyst to see, because she suddenly had the look of concern as she leaned over the counter slightly to see if she was seeing your expression correctly. "Hey you alright, (nickname)?" You don't look up from your task, instead you merely grumbled in your throat. You don't know the half of my tensity...

As if on cue, the door opens, and a pale, thin figure, tentatively stepped in, her hands clasped over her chest. "(Name) are you-?"

Almost immediately, as soon as you heard her voice, you abruptly shot an arm up to point a free paw at her, which made the purple gem flinch in surprise at the abruptness. "Pearl explain."

Amethyst blinked, twisting around to look at pearl, only only made it halfway into the house, wearing a guilty look on her face. "Yo, P, what'd you do to get (name) so tensed up?" Pearl's eyes widened for a second before a deep blue blush brightened her face as she looked down shamefully, avoiding eye contact with her teammates. "well, uh..." Garnet suddenly stepped forward, setting a hand on her shoulder. "I think we should discuss this outside." She advised, ushering the nervous gem back onto the porch, shutting the door behind her.

Amethyst sat staring at the door for a second or two before getting up and running towards it. "I GOTTA see this!" Sshe exclaimed, running out the door, presumably to listen in on the scolding pearl is to receive.

But at the moment, you didn't really pay that any mind, as you started boiling water in a kettle, continuously muttering to yourself. "So uh... (name)?" steven called, trying to lighten the mood. "What's for breakfast today?" he tried to keep his voice light, but you heard that he was anxious from your tense silence. "...(Name) make French toast with chamomile tea. Comforting breakfast." you replied, walking back and forth on your back hooves, using your mid arms to steady yourself against the counters. Steven raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You know how to make french toast??" You didn't reply, as you were focused on pouring the tea, but the sweet scent in the air quickly elevated his question. It's easier than it sounds... You smiled as you plated the food, drizzling it in syrup and set it on the counter for them. After which, you motioned steven and spinel over, to which they cheerfully obliged, taking their seats. After taking another whiff of their breakfast, they eagerly started to dig in, giving you a sense of satisfaction. All's they've eaten were those blowtorch sandwiches from yesterday. you thought, squinting your eyes slightly. ...he must of been starving. You frowned at the thought.

...speaking of which...

"Steven." you spoke, prompting him to lift his head up and regard you with a syrup stained smile. "After he finishes breakfast..." You said, reaching over to wipe his mouth off with a damp cloth.

"Can... steven explain what he meant by he was 'Used to it'?"

Steven's face dropped, suddenly becoming paler than usual.


~~~~~~(meanwhile outside)~~~~~~~

"Are you insane??"

amethyst exclaimed incredulously while garnet crossed her arms at pearl, who was looking at her hands in embarrassment. "Doesn't he need like... a space suit or something before doing stuff like that??" garnet just stood motionless, her unseen eyes glaring down at her. "That was quite a risk you took, pearl." pearl twiddled her thumbs, clenching her eyes shut. "I-I know it was..." she stuttered shamefully, averting her gaze from the tall gem's face. "But we were so close!" she turned and looked up at the sky, a sad shine in her eyes. "If we only made it farther... he could've..." Her voice trailed off, as she looked up into the far distance of the sky, before sighing and hugging herself. "I'm sorry." At that point, garnet walked up and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I know, pearl. you wanted him to have an experience beyond earth." she assured, her voice leaning on a gentle tone before going back to stern. "But steven wouldn't have lasted a second out there. you should've known that.." She straightened up and looked back at the temple's door. "But, steven wasn't the only one that was affected..."

Pearl looked confused. "what do you mean?"

As garnet looked down at her, a loud voice bellowing from within the temple.


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