part 95: watermelon... stevens?

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Well well... look at where I'm at.

You gave a pleased half-grin, as you found yourself walking through that flower-filled meadow once again. you purred softly, taking a few sniffs at the fragrant scented air, a feeling a peaceful warmth spread through you.

You purred as you trotted forward, dipping your head to sniff at the soft, colorful flowers, before plopped down, rolling and basking it the soft texture before coming to a stop and just resting in the colorful plants contently. Even so, as you laid there, there was a sudden nag at the corner of your mind. Even if you were warm and content at the moment, you couldn't help but feel a faint air of discomfort.

If I'm here... then that could mean one thing...

"You're doing wonderful, (name)."


You open your eyes to a very faint yet very familiar soft voice. And as you expected, it was the beautiful pink gem rose, swaying as innocently as ever in the warm breeze.

Hmph... I can't tell if I should be pleased or annoyed with this plant...

You lifted your head to stare at it more pensively. Its gem was glowing brighter than the last time you saw it. The more you stared, the more frustration you started to feel. Why? You thought with a snort. What is with this cryptic plant?? Why can't it just give me a straight answer?? Why is it even here to begin with??

No longer after you thought this, the rose speaks again ,as if it had read your thoughts.

"You'll see soon enough..."

Your eyes widened slightly, in both surprise and excitement. It's... a bit more talkative than it had been... you thought, feeling a smile twitch your lip. Atleast now we're getting somewhere. You opened your mouth to try and get more information out of it...

...although this time, you couldn't.

Your mouth moved, but nothing came out. It was like there was something blocking your words from coming out.

"Just keep it up, (name)..."

Finally, after a minute of fruitless mouthing of words, you gave up and just opted to just silently watch the swaying quartz flower, mulling it's words over in your head. Just keep it up... You squinted suspiciously. As you contemplated the pink flower, you didn't realize how close you were leaning towards the illuminating plant.

It's glow was almost mesmerizing.

"You can do it, (Name)..."



"(Name), wake up!"

"Guh... hum...?" In what felt like a blink, you opened your eyes, and found that were roused awake by the feeling of small hands pressed into your belly, shaking you urgently. You snorted, the sweet scent of watermelon juice wafts in the air, accompanied by the buzz of flies. "Wha the...?" You found yourself laying on your back, squinting against the sun's light only to find Steven standing over you, he had an urgent, but excited look on his face.

With a grunt, you sat up and propped yourselves up onto your forearms' elbows, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. "What's wrong?" You blinked a few times, now looking down at the pink gem who was perched on your belly. She pointed in a random direction. "Lookit What's happened overnight!"

You followed the direction of her finger, and after a brief scan, you let out a startled gasp at the sight surrounding you.


You shot up, knocking spinel off your tum with a squawk, your eyes frantically looking around you at the shocking sight before you.

All around you, countless watermelons had sprung up overnight, completely filling the lot with green. Even the small building itself was strung up in the vines of the spontaneous fruit growth. Your eyes darted back and forth in disbelief. How could this have happened in 24 hours!?

"And (name), look!"

You turned to find Steven holding a melon upto you, staggering slightly beneath its weight. You squinted at the green fruit, feeling your head tilt itself to the side as you just now realized it's very peculiar shape.

Is that...


"Pretty neat, right?" Spinel mused, hugging one of the fruits into her chest cheerfully. "We gotta tell the others 'bout this!"

"Yeah!" Steven Piped, beaming excitedly at you. "Come on, (name), let's go get the gems!"

"Yes..." you rumbled, your focus now on the young gems' hair, which was quite sticky with melon juice. They even had a few flies swirling around her heads, something that they didn't seem to take notice of. Your eyes narrowed slightly in a sense of dissatisfaction.

"...After a shower."

"(Name), we're clean now, stop it!" Steven hissed, pushing you away as you nudged at his hair with your muzzle to ensure that he actually rinsed. Spinel just giggled, rocking back and forth on her feet as the Crystal Gems inspected the melon patch for themselves.

"Hm. This is really impressive." Hummed garnet, inspecting the melon patch herself with her hands on her hips.

"Hmph. (Name) suspects that this is the work of steven's spit." You spoke, knitting your brows slightly as you contemplated the child shaped fruit in your hold. "But it's... kinda obvious."

Pearl, idly who was leaning on your shoulder, rubbed her chin as she studied the child-shaped melon as well. "I suppose..." she agreed, though there were traces of uncertainty in her voice. "Like I told (name), his mother had the power to grow sentient plant life to act as her defenders."

"Defenders?" You questioned, shaking the seemingly inanimate fruit. You tapped at its 'belly' with a claw, and heard a dull, hollow thump with each tap. "Like... makeshift guards? Or soldiers?" Pearl nodded. "Yes, precisely that."

"Yeah, but... they actually moved and stuff..." Ameythyst muttered, picking up a particularly small melon child. "These guys don't do... anything."

"Ameythyst, be careful! This one's just a baby?" Steven cautioned, taking the premature watermelon from the purple gem's grip, and takes a better look at it. Unlike most of the melons in ths lot, this one was far underdeveloped; it had the humanoid shape, but no other features that would otherwise resemble Steven. "Aww! Look at him! So precious!"

Greg was having an issue navigating through the thick cluster of oddly-shaped watermelons, resulting in him accidentally stepping on one. "This is really wierd..." he groaned, lifting his leg up from the child shaped melon. "What are we gonna do with all of them?"

You scanned all of the fruits with a low hum.

"...there is one thing."

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now