part 128: Night thoughts...

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That night, as Steven sat at the edge of his bed waiting for you to tuck him in, he couldn't help but think back to that small conversation he had with Connie earlier. Connie's suggestion was still reverberating in his head like an echo in an empty cave.

'Maybe the maternal behavior is part of her past?'

'Like maybe she was a denmother or something?'

He narrowed his eyes slightly, mulling her words over. The idea didn't sound impossible, but at the same time it was strangely farfetched to him.

It was odd, given as far as he knew, Gems didn't have actual mothers. They didn't even start out as babies. They were just... formed.

Not to mention that, the gems themselves evidently weren't as... maternal as you were. Granted, they did worry about his safety and would tend well enough to most of his needs, but tt was really his father that taught them all the ropes they needed to know before they took over in caring for him. But even then, they were still admittedly a bit... lacking in some maternal aspects... safety wise anyway.

But then there's you, a corrupted gem with no recollection of your past, that somehow made maternity look easy. You're always so attentive to his needs and safety and on top of that was quick learner, often using what knowledge you gain to benefit to him and spinel...

He could be overthinking this, but it was too much to be a coincidence...

...besides... if that truly was part of your past, maybe they were even closer to your past than he thought!

He just needs to--

"Did Steven enjoy his time as Stevonnie?"

"Huh-?" Steven was snapped out of his thoughts as you came up the stairs to his room, holding a glass of warm milk. He instantly perked up, putting on a bright smile as he kicked his feet excitedly at your approach.

"Yeah! It was actually really fun!" He excitedly said as he sat at the edge of his bed, taking the glass and taking a long sip. "It was crazy; we were both together, but we still had our own separate thoughts! It-It's hard to explain!"

"My, that does sound crazy." You smiled warmly, listening to him as he finished the rest of his drink. After which you take the glass into a midpaw and started to tuck him into bed, wiping off his little milk mustache with your forepaw. "Was it a good experience overall?"

"It... got kinda complicated near the end..." he admitted, nestling into his blanket. "Especially with Kevin..." His face soured briefly, but he was quick to nod, his bright smile returning. "But yeah! It was pretty cool overall! It got better when you were there, though!"

You smiled, pressing a light kiss into his head. "That's good. (Name)'s happy Steven had a pleasant fusion experience."

Steven thought for a moment. "Hey, (Name)... who do you think your first fusion will be with?"

"O-Oh... Uhm..." You froze as the question caught you off guard. You never even thought about that. Were you even able to fuse still with your corruption? "(Name)... isn't sure quite yet..."

Steven perked up excitedly at the thought. "I bet you'd make a really cool fusion! Maybe you'd be bigger and fluffier than lion!"

"Yeah?" Your smile returned, as you covered him up a bit more in his thick blankets. "Or maybe (name) would have a lot of arms like Alexandrite." You suggested playfully. "All the better to hold my lil gemmies with."

To emphasize your claim, you pulled him in to a warm, fluffy hug which made him giggle.

To emphasize your claim, you pulled him in to a warm, fluffy hug which made him giggle

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"I can't wait to see it!" He piped excitedly, his eyes shining like stars. "You're gonna make an awesome fusion, I just know it!"

You chuckled at his enthusiasm. "Perhaps so..."

You brushed a hand over his forehead, ensuring he was nice and cozy. "We can talk more about it tomorrow. It's gotten late and Steven needs his shut-eye."

"Right." He nods, giving you a soft kiss on your muzzle, nestling deeper into his blankets and his eyes droop shut with a contented smile on his face. "Night... love you..."

"Love you to, dewdrop." You smiled, making your way back down the stairs, to tend to spinel, who was waiting for you patiently on the couch beside lion.

"Did spinny have a fun day with lion and Amethyst?" You asked her softly, in which she smiled, kicking her legs as she watched you walk to your usual resting spot.

"You betcha, I did!" She said in a whisper. "I really wanna show you that bunny I saw! They were really cute!"

You chuckled, circling your spot a few times before letting yourself plop to the ground. This signaled spinel to walk over and climb up onto your back, nestling herself on your fluffy back.

"Not as cute as Spinny is." You smirked playfully as you heard a soft giggle come from your back and a soft nudged. She then sighed softly, and you felt her go limp with a soft purr of contentment. "G'night mama (Name)."

You hummed softly. "Good night, Spinny."

You let your eyes shut, dimly aware of the warm, fuzzy mass pressing beside you.

You let your eyes shut, dimly aware of the warm, fuzzy mass pressing beside you

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~~~~~[somewhere at 3 am]~~~~~~

"...psst... spinel..! Spinel, are you awake?"

"Mnn... Steven? What's wrong?"

"Uhm... I was just wondering... were there any den-mother gems where you were from...?"

"I mean... not that I knew about... why do ya ask?"

"Well... it's just... even though gems don't have moms... (Name)'s... really good at being one."

"...yeah. so what?"

"Well... what do you think a den-mother gem would be needed for? Maybe if we found out, we could fully cure her!"

"Mmm... I dunno. I never really thought about it. I think maybe we-"

"It's late, you two. Get back to sleep."

"Oh, right."

"S-Sorry, bout that!"



"Wait... Pearl? How long have you been sitting there at the bar?"

"Oh! Ehm... Don't worry about it."

Filler sorta, but bear with me, good stuff is coming

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now