part 69: negotiations

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"You're not... defending these organics... are you?"

Your mouth hung open in a wordless stupor, back slightly at the sound of a harsh, rasped yet feminine voice, barely audible in the gruff roar, speaking out to you in what sounded like confusion. She's... actually... talking to me? You stared in disbelief at the curious corruption before you, your pupils trembling in disbelief.

As far as you knew, corrupt gems, with the exception of yourself, didn't have a stable enough thought process to communicate clearly, let alone have the patience to wait for an answer...

Then again... centipeedle had enough mental capacity to register Steven as a friend... and to protect him from danger... it's odd how you couldn't understand her. Then again, you didn't really have a chance to really try and communicate with her, since the gems were still getting used to you at the time.

"Is this some kind of trick on them? If it is, what are you going to do to them? Hello?' You snapped out of your thoughts by the gem monster's growl again, though she sounded more impatient, her unseen eyes scanning the trembling human beneath you. Your eyes darted back and forth and you turned your head subtly, with your mouth partially open.

I'm... the only one who can hear this... right?

You turned to check on Lars, who was sitting behind you, and to your relief he seemed fine, albeit shaken, hugging his knees to his chest with a frightened expression. But his eyes kept flickering between you and the mud monster, whimpering in uncertainty and confusion. With a hum, you lifted your head and looked up towards the 3 heads peeking from the pit's edge, squinting against the rain to see what their reactions were from their high perch. They were exchanging fearful glances between each other, as if they were wondering what was happening.
...yup, I am.

"Well?! Are you going to do something or not?!" She roared at you again, taking a step forward, making you flinch and fluff out your pelt in defense. I'll have to read into this later... Shaking your head, you stand straighter, and harden your expression.

"No, I'm not!" You roared back firmly, moving to stand over Lars, not only to shield him from view, but to try and lessen his exposure to the rainfall that still pelted you. "I have no intentions to hurt these humans in anyway!"

The mud beast leaned back in shock, her eyes visibly widening. 'Wh-!? Why?!' Her roar was higher pitched, sounding incredulous. "Why waste your time on such pathetic lower lifeforms!? What are they, your pets!?" You snorted, feeling heat rise into your face in a sudden flare of offense. The nerve of this gem! you sank your fingers into the mud and bit back the urge to snap at the gem, and rebuke such heinous words towards your human friends, but shook your head and sighed in resolve. Best to best to keep the peace for now... grumbling to yourself, you replied as steadily as possible. "They... are not lowerlife forms... and I surely don't see them as pets." You spared a glance back up at the three that were still standing at the mud pit's edge. Steven and sadie were looking at each other and spinel just had her eyes focused on you. Steven's mouth was moving, but thanks to the rain patter and distance, you couldn't make out his words. Spinel stared unblinkingly, her hands clasped to her mouth in what you could only imagine to be horror. With a sigh, you turned back to the gem beast. "They... are my friends."

She snarled in response, her face contorting incredulously at your words. "FRIENDS!? WITH ORGANICS?!" She bellowed abruptly, her voice echoing off the walls of your muddy enclosure, making you wince at the sheer volume of the tone and causing Lars to shrink beneath you, covering his head. "THESE GREEDY LITTLE PESTS HAVE INVADED MY TERRITORY, BURNED THINGS, SMELL BAD AND BUILD WEIRD THINGS, AND YET YOU SIDE WITH THEM?!" She started advancing towards you, and you snarled defensively, bristling your pelt. "They only did what they did to your landscape to survive! They are not like us!" You growled defensively, eyes glowing in warning. This only made the mud gem more angry. "NOW YOU'RE DEFENDING THEIR ACTIONS?!" She slammed her fist into the mud, sending fat droplets of mud onto your face and chest, making you flinch. "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!?" in a burst of frustration, you opened your mouth to bellow at her in saddened fury.


The mud gem leaned back, eyes widening in surprise. "Haven't you ever ONCE thought about how you even came here in the first place!?" You stared hard at her, feeling tears starting to well up in your eyes, while she blinked, taken aback from the abrupt raise in your voice. A tense moment of silence falls over the two of you, save for the whimpering of the shivering Lars beneath you. "What is happening?"

The rain mingled with the tears of frustration that ran down your cheeks, and you dropped your head, clenching your eyes shut with a sharp huff, letting out a puff of steam. "Look... we're both in a tight situation. Neither of us really remember why we're here... or where or what we're supposed to be." You look up at her, your eyes dimmed in exhaustion. "But these humans... they're more beneficial than you realize." You lift your muzzle and offer the most serene smile you could muster. "Just... come with me, and we can help you."

There was a moment of silence as the mud gem stared at you, her eyes narrowing subtly as she tipped her head to the side. She looked as if she were thinking. For a second, you felt a flash of hope. She's thinking about my offer... surely we can end this with no conflict?

"...I see now." She rumbled, still having her head tilted. She sounded slightly resolved, and you felt yourself relaxing, lifting your head and eyes widening and sparkling in optimism.

"...I see now... that they've brainwashed you!"

She snaps her head into your direction, her furious scowl returning, her unseen eyes focused on the small orange shape beneath you.

"Stand aside, I'll finish them off for you!"

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now