part 44: got to know when to bail

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steven throws a panicked look to pearl, as you set spinel on your head and raced to their side, staring wide eyed at the thin gem. "Pearl's next plan!?" You asked as spinel started chewing her fingers, trembling as she watched bits of the faulty vessel fly off one by one. To your horror, however, she didn't appear fazed by the growing danger of the situation.

In fact she looked all the more determined.

"We can make it." she muttered, more to herself than anyone. "We're so close."

"Pearl-!!" another alarming creak was heard and you turn to see another massive piece of the ship fly off, exposing the machinery within it. spinel gripped her pigtails, crying out in panic as steven's terror amplified. "Pearl!"

She still wasn't budging, almost looking desperate with her eyes focused on the stars. "I'm gonna show it to you."

GAH! Is she out of her mind?! from the looks of it, pearl's not gonna give up, regardless of the cost. Desperate, you began looking all around the ship, searching for any means of escape, while spinel clung to your back, trembling in your fur. However before you could think of something, a huge gust of cold wind beats forcibly against your body, almost knocking you off your paws, and nearly knocking spinel out of your withers. Did the windshield give away, now?! You snapped your head up, at to your horror, you see that steven had actually opened the windshield. "Steven! What are you doing!?" pearl asked, finally brought back to reality. "We need to go pearl!" steven exclaims hurriedly. "We're not gonna make it!"

Pearl, still clinging to her blind hopes, resisted further and protested. "but we're almost there!"

"Pearl!" finally fed up with her denial, you stormed over to her and took hold of her comparably small face between your thumb and index finger, eliciting a startled gasp from the thin gem. "Look! (name) knows pearl misses space. She worked very hard on ship just to get a glimpse of it one more time." Your eyes burned with sincerity and anger, as well as desperation, but they softened into a more plaintiff expression as you continued. "And (name) also wants to see space; another piece to her identity may be out there." You then shook your head the fire reignited in his eyes. "But there are more important things to worry about!" you gestured to steven for emphasis. "(Name) and pearl has all time in the world to get a chance to try and see space again... but today isn't the day." steven nodded and once you released her face he placed a hand over her cheek. "Sometimes.. you just got to know when to bail."

She stares for a a moment, mulling the words over in her head before lookinv up at the stars one final time before looking back at him, a tear of defeat visibly rolling down her cheek, before reaching over and pulling at a lever and hugging steven tightly into her chest. Huh-? Just then the chair bounces up, ejecting the two. After a moment of shock, you huffed in relief. Thank the stars...

However, your relief was short lived as the ship starts to tremble violently and the heat began to rise. Uh oh.

You and spinel both exchange glances, nodding in understanding before you leapt out, just in time as the ship finally gave in and erupted into a large explosion, barely catching your fur as you felt the rush of heat graze your back legs. during your free fall, you feel spinel wrap her limbs around you into a tight embrace and after hearing noises similar to a helicopter, you feel your descent slow to a stop. you look over to the massive cloud of smoke and watch as smoldering debris fall in smoking pieces and felt yourself shudder. that was too close... "hey, there's pearl and steven!"

With a subtle sway, spinel flies her way upto the airborne chair, where pearl and steven watched with relief as you both flew upto their height. "(Name)! spinel!" steven exclaimed happily, raising his hands into the air. "Oh thank goodness." pearl sighs in relief. "Are you both okay?" you gave a thumbs up. "Explosion barely got us." you then pointed your thumb towards spinel. "Spinel saved us." spinel giggled softly, and pearl just smiles briefly before heaving a soft sigh. "I'm so sorry." she mutters wistfully. "I almost got us all killed." she sounded quite somber. "I'm used to it." steven replied plainly, before looking back up at her, looking sad himself. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you guys go to space." you shook your head reassuringly. "steven doesn't need to be sorry." you smiled warmly. "we will get there someday, (name) promise." steven smiles brightly as pearl smiles herself, like she realized something. "you know, I think I'd rather be here on earth." she states, matter-of-factly. "with me!" steven cheerfully adds, in which she smiles warmly. "yeah. with you." spinel smiles playfully. "and me and (name)!" she says with a wink, to which pearl chuckles softly. "you both to."

a peaceful silence comes over you three as you look over at the sunset making itself known over the horizon, letting a grin enlighten your face.

it was quick to drop however as you realized something.

"...used to it?"

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now