part 48: Maternal concern

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"Wow, you're almost as good as me, stevie!"

Spinel exclaimed, watching as steven juggled 3 pink bubbles with starry-eyes. he giggled in triumph, smiling brightly at the pink gem before redirecting his excited gaze at you, who was sitting a few feet away from him. "(Name)! (name) are you looking?!" he called excitedly to you, who of course smiled at him. "Yes, steven! steven very good at juggling!" You praised, making the boy smile giddily. however his giddiness made him lose focus, and the bubbles fell onto his head, and he spun around as the pink bubbles tumbled and rolled away from him. The duo stared down at the scattered bubbles before looking back up at each other. "...oops." they then burst out laughing at the predicament, which made you smile at the warm fuzziness it gave you.

So sweet. So innocent.

You pressed your elbow into the sand and rested your head against your paw as you watched the two laugh at seemingly nothing, suddenly feeling troubled yet again. This innocence... it could easily be tainted. Steven's danger... spinel's loneliness... all of that's gonna wear on them. Your smile faltered, looking down at the sand, drawing little shapes into the sand with a clawed finger. And the thought of them losing anymore of that innocence... that has... such an odd effect on me.

Just the thought of those two in danger...

It gets me so angry...

It's... so strange...

But these distinct feelings brought your mind back to the time you first found steven. That fierce urge to protect the small child, regardless of the cost...

It's now grown stronger since staying with the boy, especially with the once lonesome pink gem you've taken in. And after these events, these instincts have become powerful to the point it triggered anger strong enough to feel spite towards the crystal gems. Actual Spite. Even if it was for a second, in that moment, you actually felt contempt towards the crystal gems.

It... was actually quite scary the more you thought about it. How could I feel hatred towards the ones that took me in?

These feelings...

Could... they be dangerous?

"Um, hey (name)?"

You snap out of your thoughts, at the sound of footsteps approaching, and look up to see steven and spinel approach you, peppy but worried expressions on their faces. You straightened up, putting on a light smile for the two. "Uh- yes, steven?" The duo exchange glances with one another before steven knelt down in front of you, looking both concerned and suspicious. "What exactly... did you say to the gems?" His voice was light, but mild suspicious at the same time. "Yeah, everythin' okay with you guys?"

You froze for a moment, feeling unsettled by their quizzical stares.


Your unseen eyes darted back and forth as you distinctly remember the moment that happened not too long ago.

The fear on the gem's faces when you roared your thoughts into your as steam bellowed from your mouth like a chimney in cold weather as well as your eyes glowing like headlights. However, judging by the suspenseful but passive expression on the young duo's faces, they must have been far enough to not hear your bellowing voice that shook the temple.
You knew for certain that after that performance, it was a possibility that the had their guards up around you again.

You grimaced slightly, before quickly replacing it with a nod and smile.

"...yes." you answered steadily. "Like (name) said, she only had a... little discussion with gems about steven and spinel's safety." Steven sighed with relief as spinel nudged his forearm playfully. "See? Told ya there wasn't anything to worry about!" steven giggled and pushed back in response, and the two playfully poked at each other while you watched lightheartedly. You kept your gaze stern. "...(Name) very worried about steven and spinel." the two stop their brief play to look at you with lifted brows. "Steven has had too many run ins for (name)'s liking." you set a paw on his shoulder, looking him with genuine concern. "Steven is still very young. So much danger so early isn't good for him! Steven... just isn't safe with gems alone." Steven's eyebrows lifted into the look of surprise. "(Name)..." he took your paw off his shoulder and held it in both his hands. "Listen, I know you're worried about me.. and uh..." he winced slightly, looking down. "Yeah, I know I've been through some pretty messed up stuff," he hesitated slightly, but forced himself to look at you with a false cheery smile.

"B-but it's all good now. I'm okay, see?" he says, trying to sound reassuring, though it sounded more hurried and anxious. "It's no big deal now! You don't have to worry about me!" your mouth partially opened, your eyes widening in a stupor of disbelief.

No big deal?

This child fell from incredible heights, was nearly mauled by a gem bug and almost drowned twice with his friend connie, not to mention his very recent run-in with a faulty rocket...

And he brushes it off as no big deal?

"...steven." You spoke, sounding tired as you set a hand on his back, moving your bangs so your eyes were visible. steven flinched at how much concern and exasperation was in your gaze. "It is very big deal." you affirmed sternly. "Events not good for small child like steven. It may not now, but it will hurt in the future. Probably VERY badly."

Steven's eyes widened, looking quite shocked, not only at your words, but how genuinely serious you sounded. he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he then looked away from your gaze, twiddling his thumbs, in what looked like a sad pout. clearly he didn't know how to respond to this. but you huffed and carefully tucked your fingers under his chin and made him look back up at you. this time, your eyes looked sad. "(Name) cares about steven and spinel very much." You said softly. "And if Steven were to..." you hesitated. "..Expire... prematurely, (name) would be very very distraught." his thin glower softened, looking almost guilty, but you were quick you press your muzzle into his forehead. "Just stay close to (Name)... for safety. And please..." You looked him in the eyes deeply. "...steven be careful for (name)." steven looked quite touched by your words. in fact, he looked just about ready to cry. "I-I promise." He assured, holding your paw. you smiled and removed your fingers from his chin and wrap an arm around him as well as spinel. "And if steven or spinel have problems, steven come to (name) no matter what," you put on a cheerful face, grinning playfully. "(Name) may not know much now, but (name) will help as best she can." you pulled the two into your chest, nuzzling their cheeks with your muzzle. "(Name) cares alot about her family. especially her younger ones." you murmured into their heads. "(Name) loves you both." steven and spinel smiled brightly, and hugged you tightly. "we love you to, (name)." You smiled down at the two in adoration, before jumping to your hooves. "(Name) happy now!" You exclaimed cheerfully, as you started to playfully twirl and dance about. "Very very happy!" You smiled in glee, feeling warmth as they started laughing in your embrace.

These instincts... they are quite a mystery...

"Whoooahoho! We're happy for you being happy to!"

"Weeeeeehaha! Very happy!"

But.. it seems to keep these two safe.

I could only hope others can be as safe as these to are with me

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I could only hope others can be as safe as these to are with me.

Get ready for a lot of fluff-

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now