part 18: out on the town!

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"heeeeeey, (nicknaaaaaame)!~"

"hru?" you look up from drawing and look for the source of the voice along with the soft poke at your shoulder, looking back and forth across the empty living room.



"GUAH!!" you jerked back as spinel suddenly swung down from one of the rafters hanging upside-down in front of your face, booping her nose to yours, smiling a big toothy grin at you. "guess what, (naaame)!" Steven suddenly rolls into view smiling joyously at you. your eyes flicker from spinel to steven and narrow in suspicion. they looked like their cheery, innocent selves... but there was a mischievous air in those gazes... "we've been thinkin'..." spinel started. "since you've been such a good gem lately..." then all at once, their joyous yell filled your ears.


"AUH!?" your mouth flung open and your eyes bulged out of your sockets as the words registered in your head.

out? as an... come into contact with... OTHER beings..?

Steven giggled and hugged your face cheerfully. "I knew you'd be excited!" he bounces to your feet throwing his arms up in the air. "I'll go get some stuff to get us started!" with that he dashes upto his loft in a haste. spinel then plops onto your withers, hugging your broad back tenderly with a giggle. "this'll be so much fun!"

you blinked, swallowing a knot of anxiety in your throat.

this... is substantially easy...

you thought, gaze casted to the wooden floor of the boardwalk. ahead, Steven was talking up a storm about the place called "beach city" talking about the history of it (or as far as he knew) and the many industries that are run there. spinel was riding your back listening in, while gazing around awestruck at the brand new sights presented to her. now, you tried to focus on the boy and his cheery tour, but you couldn't help but notice that everyone that passed you all gave you odd looks. heck, someone even yelped. but steven would dismiss them, by saying that you were friendly and that there wasn't anything to worry about. his first stop was this place called "funland arcade". as you tipped your head back to read it, Steven elaborated gleefully. "behold! the home of all the games you can play!" spinel had stars in her eyes as she stared up at the sign. "ooooooooohh...." he then gestured for you to come in. hesitantly, you slowly and carefully entered the small arcade.

immediately, you're greeted with a whole slew of electronic sounds, such as beeping, laser-like noises, humming, robotic humming and other noises. all around you, there were large bulky machinery, some with flashing screens and odd characters drawn on the side of them. you squinted your eye in interest. wow. humans really have a way to entertain themselves.

"whoa whoa, what's this now?" you snap your head to the robust sounding voice only to see a large dark-skinned man approach, hands on his hips with a rather stern look on his face. "oh, hey Mr. smiley!" steven greeted cheerfully. "what's THAT?" the man, 'mr. smiley' pointed to you, causing you to flinch back and bite your bottom lip. "I can't have that thing breaking any of my inventory!" you wrinkle your muzzle, grimacing faintly. ouch... "N-No, mr. smiley! she's a good gem, I promise!" he reassured shakily. "watch," he turns to you. "(name), sit!" you squint your eyes and process the request for a moment before sitting yourself down on your haunches. easy.

his eyes glittered as spinel giggled and patted your head. "good gem!" he praised, causing the swell of pride to warm your chest. "now speak!" he orders firmly. again you process his request and after clearing your throat, you did as told, pointing a thumb at yourself. "(name) a crystal gem!" mr. smiley lifted an eyebrow, bringing a hand to his chin, looking impressed now. "not bad..."

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now