part 29: the house guest

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to initiate their father-son bonding time, Steven and greg throw confetti into the air, getting some stuck in your mane and spinel's pigtails. spinel then curled her pinky into a type of horn and blew into it, creating some kind of deep foghorn like sound before flinging her other arm into the air.


and from there, Steven and greg do all sorts of fun activities together for the next few days, like cooking breakfast together, in which you learn how to use the skillet and stove, watching funny videos on Steven's phone, to which greg spills soda on himself after a particularly funny moment happened. you of course step in and try to clean him off by licking him in the face, which resulted in harder laughter from the duo, including spinel, who rolled onto her back in hysterical laughter.

by the evening, you sat near the beach house listening to the tuneful strumming of their guitar and ukulele while spinel watched the sunset from your fluffy withers.

such a lovely day... you thought, smiling to yourself.

he's so lucky to have a father like greg.

"bombs away!"

you hear amethyst suddenly call out prompting you to turn your head in time to see her chuck a paper airplane into the air and strike greg in the nose. you snort in amusement and go back to playing with Steven's stuffed animals, with you playing with the torn mc bear bear and spinel playing with happy bear. she was really good at puppetry, and making voices for the plushes! "awe cheer up, mc bear bear!" she said, in her best imitation of the small plush, giggling softly to herself. you snorted and replied in your best mimicry of mc bear bear's reply. "but mc bear bear can't, not with hole in chest!" you gently manipulated the toy to put his arm over the tear in its chest. spinel gave a closed lip smile. "awe, don't worry, nothin' a little 'bear hug' can't fix!" spinel then thrust the plush bear into yours, manipulating it into hugging your plush, to which your tail starts to wag and you smiled happily, barely noticing the trio giggling behind you as they watching.

that was when pearl entered all covered in oil, before wiping herself off. "hiya pearl!" spinel greets in her normal, cheerful voice to which pearl smiles. "hello spinel. (name). you both playing nice?" spinel goes to answer but garnet suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "your back," she noted calmly. "the geode is cracked, we must leave immediately."

"what!?" pearl squawked.

"oh no!" amethyst exclaimed as they both rushed to the warp pad. garnet then motioned to you and spinel. "come on then." you both gasped excitedly and exclaim "YAY!" in unison as you both drop the toys immediately and rise excitedly to your paws as spinel jumps into your withers, trotting over to the warp pad. "you to, steven." of course steven jumps to his feet excitedly. "aw, really?"

"oh!" steven suddenly paused, looking back at his suddenly disheartened father. "oh yeah." greg frowns, but tries to keep his voice light. "it's alright steven, I'll be fine." he reassured. "you go on your mission." steven looked mildly hesitant. "are you sure?" greg smiled humbly. "of course-"

that was all the approval the boy needed. "thanks dad!" he chirped, taking off towards the warp pad. "we'll be back before you know!" just as he joins you and the others on the warp, greg suddenly looks... pitiful. "okay... don't worry about your old man." he lamented, looking off into a distance dramatically with puppy eyes. you and spinel exchange unamused glances to one another. corrupt or not, you knew an act when you saw one. "if I need something, I'll just... crawl. my arms are still not... broken."

"oh brother.." amethyst crossed her arms in unamusement while you slid a hand beneath your bangs to pinch the bridge between your eyes and spinel rested her elbow on your horn and rest her hand in her head as the others walked off the warp to comfort him. "now greg there's no need to be so pathetic." pearl speaks plainly. "if anything happens to you, you can call us with this." she motions over to you, to which you reach into your satchel and pull out a small, elegant flute from it and hand it to spinel, who in turn, stretches her arm over to pearl, handing the instrument to pearl. after a little "thank you" she hands him the small instrument. "what is it?" he asks in awe. "it's a warp whistle." garnet answers. greg seemed comically amazed by this small implement. "if you blow into it, the warp pad will activate and will alert us that we need to return." you, who was still sitting on the warp, patted it for emphasis nodding along with spinel who was flashing a thumbs up and toothy grin.

"see dad?" steven piped, resting his hands reassuringly on his father's arms. "you'll be fine." greg didn't seem incredibly pleased, but he sighed in defeat. "right, I'll be fine." he puts his hand on Steven's back and gives him a small smile.

"good luck on your mission, son."

"wow... this place is janked up."

eeesh... janked up is an understatement...

you bit your bottom lip at the near apocalyptic terrain and the sound of rumbling thunder, coming from within the massive dark orb embedded into the ground. "jeepers!" spinel exclaimed, shrinking back into your withers as you stepped off, walking towards the orb. "be careful, you two." garent advised calmly, power walking to catch up with you. "what your looking at is a synthetic storm that was contained in--" pearl explanation was cut off by a sudden whistling sound, which made your head perk up. "warp whistle?" you queried, to which catches Steven's attention. "ah! dad needs me!" he exclaims. "I'll be right back!" with that, he warps away. You blinked at the spot he disappeared from and suddenly felt a jolt of dread stab your gut.

oh dear...

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