⭐part 89: Ringo! 💖

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The journey through the lively forest continued on without any further events as you trotted through along the soft grassy ground at a steady pace, making sure to not jostle your passengers too much as they roosted on your strong fluffy back

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The journey through the lively forest continued on without any further events as you trotted through along the soft grassy ground at a steady pace, making sure to not jostle your passengers too much as they roosted on your strong fluffy back.

The journey through the lively forest continued on without any further events as you trotted through along the soft grassy ground at a steady pace, making sure to not jostle your passengers too much as they roosted on your strong fluffy back

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Sharp (color) eyes were intensely trained on the path, occasionally darting left and right, searching for any threats. You even lifted your head from time to to scent the air for any off-putting scents. Because despite the seemingly peaceful atmosphere...

...It was quiet.

Too quiet.


"Hum?" You stop in your tracks at a dull thud just behind you, catching everyone's attention. Turning your head, you find a burly figure sprawled out on his back. It was a man clad in a burgundy kimono and brown shorts along with black boots, and rectangular gray rimmed glasses. What struck you as odd was his slighly dirty white apron, as well as his odd hairstyle, which was in the shape of a ring atop his head.

And what really bothered you about this man...

Was how... familiar he looked. Typically in his face...

Hopper leapt off your shoulder and pointed her tablet at the fallen figure, the device showing a frowning face. "His power levels are hoppin' pretty low." She states worriedly.

"(Name) can revive him." Garnet assures, as you trotted over to the unconscious man and picked him up by his scruff of his kimono, upto eye level. You gave the man a brief sniff on his face, and at licked his wounded cheek with a large glowing (color) tongue, before bringing your free paw up to give his face a few firm slaps, which was enough to reel the dazed man back into focus.

He stutters unintelligibly as his awareness began to return, until his eyes finally snap open as his consciousness hits him. "RINGO!"

Seeing his alertness, you release your hold on him, dropping him to the ground with a dull THUNK. After finally gathering his wits, the man gets up onto his knees, and smiled up at you gratefully with a jolly laugh. "Thank you for saving me!"

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now