part 20: putting pieces together

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a yawn escapes your maw, as you stretched your body out across the warm, soft sand letting the warmth of the setting sun fill your mane with a comforting warmth as a soft Seabreeze swept through it, filling your senses with the refreshing scent. this was a nice day today... even if you spooked a few residents, beach city was a nice place to be.

you looked back to your flank to see spinel, who was reclined against you, hands laced behind her head with her eyes shut. she had drifted into a power nap, as evident by her soft snores followed with the raise and fall of her chest. that amused you quite a bit. gems don't need sleep to function, and yet here's this one snoozing in the sun's warmth. very cute. you looked down into your forearms, to see Steven laid out comfortably in them, his eyes being shut as well. his snores were a bit louder than spinel's but still cute nonetheless. your eyes then slid to his midriff, to where his shirt was riding up slightly, showing a glint of the shiny gem he clutched earlier.

carefully, you nudged his shirt up a bit, exposing his chubby fair skinned belly with the shiny pink gem sitting in where his navel would be. your eyes widened a bit as it began to glow almost proudly up at you. wow... what a beautifully cut gem. you pressed your muzzle lightly against it and it was surprisingly warm to the touch. you grinned slightly, looking back down at it. if your hands weren't occupied, you'd be tracing its facet. then you squinted. what a familiar cut...

a breeze suddenly blew over you, making you shiver at the chill it carried. tearing your eyes away from the pink gem, to look at the ever sinking sun. the sky was dark now.

better get back to the temple...

later that night, you lie still on the couch while spinel sleeps soundly in your back fur. normally you'd be asleep by now... but the gem was still on your mind. you stared up at the large portrait, your eyes focused on the pink gem in the woman's navel. it was all becoming too clear now. she wasn't here... because she had given up herself for him to be here. gems couldn't birth an organic. not without giving up their physical form they couldn't. as far as you knew... she didn't exist anymore. there was only Steven. which was good! you loved the boy to the ends of the galaxy... but... you couldn't help but wonder... a sigh left your mouth as you laid your head down. ms. Quartz.... you shut your eyes.

next day, you lay on the ground of the living room, soaking in the sunbeams that shined through the windows of the temple in a semi-deep sleep. the gems and steven were off doing their own things while you and spinel stood behind in the temple. after all, spinel was still unfamiliar with certain appliances. she nearly started a fire trying to make waffles in the toaster and got curious on what could fit down the toilet. luckily the act of drawing was enough to keep her busy for a while allowing you to rest up for a bit. spinel was so curious. finding fun in almost anything she gets her hands on. almost child-like... tiring as it was, it was also added all the more charm to the cute pink gem. there's never a dull moment with spinel. or the crystal gems as a whole for that matter. even with this thought, you felt another pang of sadness surge through you. if only you could experience something like this, ms. rose...

rustle... rustle...

thump! thud!

you eye flies open at the sound of rummaging going through the bathroom. you mentally groan. she better not be getting into the soap again... before you think about getting up, you hear spinel's soft, squeaky footsteps exit the bathroom, prompting you to raise your head off your forearms to see the pink gem approach, her signature bubbly smile on her lips and in her hands a small brush and other odd things that peeked your interest. you squinted your eye suspiciously. "what spinel doing?" you asked suspiciously, earning a giggle from spinel as she set the other objects to the side. "weeell, since you were kind enough to give me a make over, I figured I'd return the favor!" she finished with a wink. your eyes widened in surprise as she knelt down and scooted in front of you, brush in hand. she took a piece of long hair that hung at the side of your face, contemplating it. "hm... what to do now..." she glanced up at the large portrait for a moment with a hum before returning her gaze to the hair strand. she did this a few times before a smirk crossed her face. "just a little touch up." she muttered seemingly to no one. with that she starts to brush are the strand to smooth it out, smiling at how smoothly the brush went through your hair. after a few strokes she took the strand between her fingers then twirls her fingers together, putting your hair in a tight coil. "this is gonna look so cool..." she muttered to herself.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~"hey, (name)!" piped that bubbly voice from the entrance of the home as he burst into the temple

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"hey, (name)!" piped that bubbly voice from the entrance of the home as he burst into the temple. "guess what I-- huh?" his eyes caught your form as you spinel held a blanket in front of your form. "what's that?" spinel smiled broadly, liking his question. "a gem with an official crystal gem look!" she dropped the blanket revealing you, who smiled and made a dramatic pose. "ta-da!" you exclaimed. Steven of course squished his cheeks as stars appeared in his eyes. "WOAH!"

Update to reader-gem incoming- :D

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now