part 31: uh oh

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you squint your eye, feeling a jolt of concern stab your chest. "yeuh oh." you hear spinel mutter in worry as Steven started to strain himself, pressing his hand harder into the geode, only to get the same result.


"It's not working!" he exclaimed in frustration, pulling his hand away from the geode with a groan of defeat. "I knew this would happen.." he looked down at his hands in dismay. "just when I thought I was getting better.."

"don't beat yourself up, steven." garnet comforted calmly.

"yeah, don't worry about it!" added amethyst.

"we'll find another way!" pearl reassured.

"yeah stevie, you're still learnin'!" spinel reassured as you placed a hand on his shoulder. "no big." steven groaned softly, pushing your hand off his shoulder. "you don't understand." he holds your hand to your chest and looks up at everyone sorrowfully. "how can I call myself a crystal gem if I can't even--" before he could finish, yet again, the sound of the warp whistle sounded over the crackling of lightening, along with the illuminating beam of the warp pad lighting the area. your eyes narrowed slightly and grumbled in your throat. what could it be this time?

you all return to the house, to be greeted with the sight of greg... seemingly unconscious on steven's loft. naturally, a pang of worry surged through you, and you quickly trotted over to the couch and reared onto your hind legs, peeking from your spot from the loft's edge, with you resting your chin resting on the loft's wooden floor and spinel resting her chin on your head. "dad! are you okay?!" steven asked, kneeling down beside the unconscious man. fortunately greg woke with a start. and clasped his hands into steven's shoulders. "steven!" he exclaimed wide eyed, startling you slightly. what's gotten the man so riled now? "you just missed... the funniest commercial."

"...what?" you, Steven and spinel all asked in unison as greg started laughing. "it was that one for the dog treats, where the dog's dressed up like a doctor." he explains chuckling. "if I ever get heartworms, I'm eating those dog treats." your eyes were narrowed in exasperation and confusion. exasperation from the fact he wasted the warp whistle's usage yet again, but at the same time, you were confused because-- "what's a dog?" spinel questions, a bright yet bemused smile on her face. "Dad!" Steven wasn't amused. "you're only supposed to use the warp whistle for emergencies!" he reminded, mildly frustrated. "like if you fell down and broke your butt.." greg chuckled sheepishly, itching the back of his head. "yeah... sorry about that." steven sighs at his father's apology, rising to his feet. "it's okay." you frowned slightly, noting on how he sounded almost defeated.

"uuuh... since you're here..." greg suddenly started. "would you mind grabbing me a snack from the big donut? you could bring spinel and (name) with you, if you want." steven smiled politely. "yeah, sure thing." he then turns towards you, and steps onto your head, to which you back up slowly and carefully, dropping onto all-sixes and lowered your head to the ground, prompting him to step off and pat your muzzle. "we'll be right back guys." garnet points a thumb back towards the blue door. "we'll be in the temple." she informs, walking towards the blue door. "we need to come up with another plan, quick." she turns and makes a gesture with her hand. "come along, spinel, you can assist." spinel lifted her brow for a moment before smiling. "okie dokie!" she stretches her way off of your withers and onto the ground before turning and patting your head lovingly. "see ya, (nickname)! don't keep me awaitin'!" with that she bounds happily across the temple after pearl. amethyst lingers behind the longest, however. "yo, dude, no worries about earlier." she reassures. "you'll get a hold of your powers before you know it!" she flashes the boy a thumbs up, which seems to brighten the boy up a bit. "thanks amethyst!" he chirps, sounding more reassured. you then gave him a reassuring lick on the cheek, to which he giggles, petting your cheek. "and thank you too, (name)." amethyst smiled at you both for a moment longer before turning on her heel. "bring me back a croissant." with that she disappears into the temple doors. he pats your muzzle with a small sigh. "let's go, (name)."

you follow Steven outside, struggling slightly on the small doorframe for a moment before pushing yourself through, shaking yourself off in the process. Steven pats your shoulder and goes to mount your back, but he pauses suddenly, as if he remembered something. he then placed a hand on his head, groaning in a sudden irritation. "forgot to ask dad what kind of donuts he wants." he grunts at the inconvenience but makes his way back inside, with you poking your head in the door frame. "hey, dad, I--" he paused, eyes widening in alarm and shock at what he saw.

in the kitchen his father was rummaging through the fridge, humming an upbeat tune to himself.

while dancing. on both legs.

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