part 67: intruder(s)!

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Several days have gone by since then.

And surprisingly... things are actually going smoothly for once!

You, with the assistance of Sadie, Steven and spinel, were responsible for catching the food and Lars does the cooking. Something he's actually quite good at. And with your experience in the wilderness, it's safe to say that they mostly relied on you for survival advice, and even had you assist in making a hut for them. And at night, you resided to staying up late, standing guard and patrolled the area, making sure to keep the young bunch and campsite are safe and secure.

And during these past few days, you begin to notice a shift in behavior. Namely in Lars.

He finally seemed to come out of his shell, and decided to make the most out of their survival based "vacation" with Sadie, much to the delight of Steven and spinel. You've watched them make crystal necklaces together, daisy chains and he even patched up Sadie after she was suddenly attacked by a giant fish. At some point, during your midnight patrols, when you peeked into the hut to check up on them, you found Lars hugging Sadie in his sleep. It's safe to say that this vacation has helped improve their relationship with one another pretty well.

It made you happy. You were happy steven's plan was working. Happy to see them smile...

...You just wished the positive aura can outweigh the heaviness you always felt..

~~~~~{days later...}~~~~~~

"There... that's better." You muttered, as you finished scrubbing at steven's face with a towel you had packed, making sure to get rid of every last smudge on his little face. He was a human, after all. Being dirty might come with greater consequences other than smelling odd.

"Thanks, (name)!" He cheerfully piped, giving you a brief hug before scurrying over to spinel, had her head poked out of the leaf hut, smiling as he ran upto her. "Ready for your ukulele lesson, spinel?" Spinel nodded eagerly, quickly disappearing into the hut with steven running in after her.

As you stared at the place they stood with a light-hearted expression for a moment before turning back and dropping your head to the waterfall's lake, lapping gently at the cool water. Even if you didn't need water, your mouth was still dry for some reason.. perhaps I forego using energy orbs to make the campfires tonight...

Once you got your fill, you lifted your head and looked up at the great waterfall, listening to the soothing flow of the running water.

It dragged your mind back to the time you were in pearl's exotic fountain room, when pearl and amethyst were giving each other grieve because of their differences.

Pearl... Amethyst...

You frowned as a heavy feeling weighed in your chest. How long has it been since I've seen them?

Have they even noticed we were gone yet?

You were brought back to attention when you felt a light poke at your shoulder. "Uhm... (name)?" With a soft hum, you turn your head, smiling politely as you met sadie's concerned gaze. She returned it wearily, fiddling with her hands nervously. "Have... you seen Lars around?"

A flash of concern jabbed your chest at this question. "Lars wasn't in hut?" She shook her head and you grunted, standing up and sniffing the air. Where has Donut boy gone off to?

"Hello? Come on. Come on!"

Your eye squinted at a familiar, desperation laced voice, and turn to the 'entrance' of the campsite, seeing none other than Lars, staring down at his phone in frustration. You huffed through your nostrils, mildly unimpressed. Figures he'd try this again... you sighed and turned to Sadie, who was visibly saddened by the apperant, sneering sympathetically as you watched as she walked up to him, holding her still wrapped arm. Poor Sadie... you frowned subtly.

Could things get any more stressful for them?

"Dumb piece of junk!" He exclaimed, making you flinch subtly. "No bars, No bars, NO BARS!" With a cry of anger, he suddenly pegged his phone off the cliff and watched as it disappeared into the ocean. Sadie stood in an awkward silence for a moment before rubbing her arm uneasily. "...did that... help?"

"NO!" he spat, sitting down angrily, resting his arms and head onto his knees. "I-It's just..." his voice faltered, tears starting to streak down his cheeks. "What if I never get back home..?" Sadie's eyes widened slightly at the revelation. "Oh! You're just really homesick..." she muttered out loud, in which Lars gives her a teary-eyed scowl. "Duh! What'd you think?!"

Sadie offers an mildly forced smile. "No, it's okay." At this, Lars loses his grip on himself, and breaks down crying. "We're okay!" Sadie reassures hurriedly, sitting down next to Lars, and pulling him into a hug. "Steven said the gems could be coming for us any day... and, you know until then..." she smiles and lifts her fist towards him, offering him a friendly smile. "...I got your back."

Instead of pumping her fist however, He opts to stroke her wrapped hand that was resting on the ground, catching her off guard.

"Sadie..." he chokes, tears still streaming down his cheeks. " you ever get lonely... even when you're around people...?"

She nods solemnly in response. Before anything else could be said however, Lars suddenly leans forward, pressing his lips into hers, prompting Sadie's eyes to widen in shock. After a moment, however, she quickly melted into the kiss, wrapping their arms around each other in a peaceful moment of bittersweetness.

Light ukulele strumming was suddenly heard, making them pause.

Along with a young voice singing. "Why don't you let yourself just be-"


They quickly break apart from each other, staring wide-eyed at the child who was innocently sitting on a rock, with spinel on the ground beside him, strumming his ukulele. Both were wearing oblivious, cheery smiles. You came up behind them, unaware of what had transpired.

"How long have you both been watching us!?!" Lars asks, in angry annoyance.

"Don't you know what privacy is!?" Sadie asks, completely flustered.

"People walk in and out of my room all the time." Steven replies nonchalantly, still smiling.

"I share a room with (name)!" Spinel cheerfully adds, completely oblivious to the older teens' annoyance.

"What happened?" You asked, tilting your head.

Lars growls, quickly standing up and hastily scrubbed away at his tears. "Come on, (wrong name), let's go start on a fire..." he storms off, with a sour expression.

" name is (name)." you grumble indignantly, following him behind steven and spinel. Realizing Lars' departure, Sadie quickly snaps out of her love-struck daze, and hurriedly follows after the boy. "Hey, you don't have to go!" She protested, running slightly to catch up to him. "W-we're kinda on our own schedule here!"

As you all approached the hut, the ground starts rumbling, as footsteps and groaning could be heard throughout the area, before the hut abruptly collapsed.

At once, everyone cries out in shock, jumping behind you, who was already snarling in defense, your fur standing on end.

"What the heck!?" Lars exclaims, unwittingly clutching onto Sadie, making her sigh in a dreamy state.

you motioned to the group behind you with your tail. "Stay here." You muttered with a dark note in your voice. steven and spinel whimper and hug each other nodding as you slowly started to approach the crushed hut, growling lowly in your throat. lifting your head to sniff at the air again, and flashing your horns.

your eyes widened, and a startled gasp erupted from your mouth.

"(n-name)?" Spinel's voice barely reached you as your eyes locked onto a unique blue cone-shaped gemstone in the hut remains. "steven." your voice sounded calm, but stern, as your fingers curled into the ground. "take Lars, Sadie and spinel..." your fur started to bristle, as you watched the gemstone rise up from the hut's rubble, a low growl emanating from it.

"...and Run."


P.s. "wrong name" can either be Lars mispronouncing your name or saying another name entirely!

The choice is yours! :D

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now