part 125: fusion experience

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After taking a brief night swim in the cool ocean, Stevonnie floats safely back to shore on their backs, laughing joyfully to themselves as they relished in the feeling of unity and shared joy.

Though, their joy was cut short by a low rumble emitting from their belly.

Sitting up, they look over and, as luck would have it, they had happen to have floated right by their local Donut Shop...



"Lars, seriously-"

"I don't- I don't think that's-"

"He's very nice."

Lars and Sadie's mixed banter is cut short as the shop's chime catches their attention.

However, instead of it being a resident or certain child with his gem companions, the two are taken aback by the rather attractive customer making their approach to the counter, their hair still dripping with seawater which slightly obscured their face.

"H-H-How can I help... me?" Lars asks ungraciously in his flusteredness while Sadie brings a hand to her face in awe.

Gracefully flipping their hair away from their face, Stevonnie give a pleasant, if a bit smug smile to the employees, wringing the remaining seawater from it as they answered, "Two donuts. Please."

Wordlessly, Lars reaches down into the counter, pulling out a bag of the two confections, unable to break his gaze away from the stunning stranger.

To complete the transaction, Stevonnie pulled out a hand full of dollars and coins, and leaned forward a bit towards Lars, apparently not noticing the reaction of the blushing cashier. "What do I owe you?"


"Nothing!" Sadie suddenly slammed her hands on the counter, startling the two, before gently pushing away to offered money, averting her blushing face from Stevonnie's sight. "It's on the house."

"Really?" Stevonnie smiled, lifting their brow incredulously.

"Mhm!" Both the Donut employees nodded in unison.

"Okay." With a shrug, Stevonnie took the bag and made their way towards the door.

"But, just so you know..." They paused to look over their shoulder at the two employees.

"...that isn't a very sound business practice."

With that, they exit the building, leaving the two blushing employees in slack-jawed awe.

"Sweet, two donuts!" Stevonnie cheered, walking along the boardwalk, reaching into the bag as they did. "One for me and one... for..."

They paused, feeling a sudden sense of uncertainty, staring at the two donuts side by side. "Uh... me."

"Are you okay?" They pull the donuts apart, feeling a unique mix of concern, confusion and uncertainty swirl through their mind. "We can stop if you..."

"No, no." They cut themselves off, putting the donuts side by side again. "It's fine."

Choosing to ignore the faintest feeling of qualm, they sit down onto the bench, crossing their leg over the other as they took a bite out of their pastry, trying to relax themselves.

It is until, a familiar teen approaches approaches them.

"Oh hey Sour-" they paused in realization. As far as they knew, they were a new face in Beach City. "...faced stranger." They corrected, awkwardly setting their donuts down. "Wow, cool pants!"

"...Cool." Thankfully, he didn't suspect anything of the fusion, as he looked away nervously, handing them a flyer. "Rave tonight."

Stevonnie takes it, and reads it with interest. "Like, a dance?"

"Yeah, at the warehouse. I'm Dj-ing, and a bunch of my friends from the internet are gonna be there." He explained, with notable blush on his face. "There's gonna be free..." he paused, watching as they got up, and they were notably taller than him. "...glowsticks?"

"Yes!" Stevonnie exclaimed quickly. "I'll definitely be there! Yes, thanks!"

With that, they quickly walk off, leaving the blushing DJ to himself.


You hummed softly to yourself as you made your way down to the boardwalk, still mulling the gems' offer.

Even though you were much calmer now and truthly thought it over, something about leading the team didn't sit right with you. It was true that your instincts were useful in terms of catering to Steven, but you knew the risks of it causing an immense amount of repercussions towards anyone who dares push it. And as of late, you found it more and more difficult to constrain it, especially with that entire warp pad fiasco...

You frowned to yourself, looking down at your paws as you trotted along the boardwalk, listening to the creaking of the wood with each step you took. Your eyes squinted slightly as you realized that they started to round out into a more hand-like shape, with the clawed tips slowly shaping into a (color) claw-like appearance.

You slowed your walk to a stop, still staring down at your hand-paws as you dimly remembered a Garnet had mentioned something about you changing. For the most part, you thought she was just referring to the fact you were regaining basic gem abilities like warp pad usage as well as shape-shifting, but you never exactly took them into account. Those really were admittedly impressive feats for a gem of corruption.

You truly did come far in terms of healing since you've come here. And Garnet had a fair point; as long as they lacked experience in maternity, you're at risk of losing your progress.

You hummed softly as you contemplated the offer. It sounded tempting now, but there was still a seed of doubt in your mind.

Can I truly be a good leader?

You sighed and looked back down to your feet. "Huh?"

You were met with two somewhat blank eyes staring back at you.

You were met with two somewhat blank eyes staring back at you

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You blinked a bit taken aback by the appearance of the pale child. He seemingly appeared out of nowhere. How long has he even been standing there...? "What is onion doing out so late?"

No response. Just a blink.

"Er..." You glanced around briefly before looking back down at the silent child. Part of you knew asking this question was mildly ridiculous, but you figured it was worth a shot.

"Did... a tall person with long curly hair happen to pass by here?" You asked hesitantly.

Wordlessly, he showed you a flyer up to you.

Your brow lifted as you read it.


Wild Onion appeared!

Onion used helping hand!

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now