part 77: fixing the fryboy

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They've gone awfully quiet since we've been here.

You noted, watching from your spot on the cool floor beside the couch, as pearl brushed your fur, humming softly to herself. You frowned deeply, noting the sullen slouch Steven had and the way spinel's pigtails drooped onto her shoulders. You huffed through your nostrils, catching pearl's attention and prompted her to turn and notice the duo's sulking. "What's wrong, you two?" Pearl asks, pausing her task at brushing your fur to regard them with concerned curiosity.

Spinel sighed. "Look." She took steven's phone and stretched her arm over to you and pearl, turning the device's screen towards you both, showing you the source of their guilt. As soon as you read the words; Never mind. I'm shutting down this blog forever. I'm sorry. at the top of the page, you practically felt your face fall into a deadpan sneer. "Oh." You muttered, rubbing your chin slightly.

Looks like the truth hit the fry boy so hard, he had to shut down his blog.

"I think we broke ronaldo's heart." Steven muttered shamefully, as spinel retracted her arm and returned his phone to him, hugging her knees into her chest. "Gosh... I didn't know the truth would hurt him this bad..."

"Oh guys," pearl sets aside her brush, smiling passively as she absentmindedly set a hand on your back. "Humans lead short, boring, insignificant lives, so they make up stories to feel like they're a part of something bigger." She explains plainly, not noticing the sneering look you gave her. "They want to blame all of the world's problems on some single enemy they can fight, instead of a complex network of interrelated forces beyond anyone's control."

Your eyes narrowed in offense. You couldn't help but feel a bit taken aback by how pessimistic pearl sounded about humans, and even more so at how nonchalant she was using such a derogatory description of them in front of one.

"It's sad, and funny." Ameythyst remarks, giving you a bitter taste in your mouth. How could they have such low views of something they protect?

You took a deep breath. "...Thanks for the... comforting words, pearl." You remarked dryly, casting a faint glare towards the thin gem. "...Though it could've gone without the 'boring, insignificant' part... since the one we technically have is neither." Pearl blinked at you for a moment, before understanding what you meant and cleared her throat and looking away, faintly blushing in modesty. "Oh, yes, I knew that.. Eheh..." she muttered loud enough only for you to hear, in which you huffed through your nostrils.

You rolled your eyes briefly, but offered a reassuring smile to the two. "Anyhow... Steven. Spinel. Pearl isn't necessarily wrong. Ronaldo is overreacting now, but he'll eventually get over it. And maybe find something else to obsess over." You nuzzled them both on their cheeks, making them both smile and giggle slightly, and hug you in turn. "No worries, okay?"

Steven, while still a bit bummed out, had a faint glimmer return to his eye as he gave you a little smile. "Okay." With a purr and nod, you got up and trotted towards the kitchen. "(Name)'s right, you guys." Pearl quipped, standing up and dusting herself off. "Don't feel bad about this." She picked up the brush and set a reassuring hand on the boy's shoulder. "After all, it's not like he was ever going to be right about this." With a pat to spinel's head, she walks off, leaving the two alone in their thoughts.

While the young duo still sulked about the situation they put Ronaldo in, they did seem to have lightened up from your "pep talk".

However, that didn't stop them from wanting to reverse the damage caused. Surely there was a way to get Ronaldo back into gear?

Steven's eyes then fell onto a coin on the table, with a snake etched into the surface.

His eyes flashed as an idea struck, and he set his hand on spinel's shoulder. "Spinel... I think I have a plan..."

"Really?" Spinel perked up.

"Yeah..." He squints his eyes in deeper thought. "...But I think you might need to shape-shift..."

"Ooo! Into what?"

Back in the kitchen, you were searching the cabinets for lunch ingredients while pearl did the dishes.

You both heard the door open, prompting you to pause your tasks. "Steven, spinel, where are you two going?"

"We're gonna go fix Ronaldo!" Spinel exclaimed.

You huffed inwardly. Of course they'd try to fix things. Bless his heart, but his overly kind, helpfulness might lead him into trouble at some point. You grunted, but felt that it'd be a quick attempt. "Don't be out too late! Lunch is soon!"

You looked over your shoulder, just in time to see Steven holding something green as he saluted you. "Yes ma'am!"

Wait what-?

With that, he and spinel were out the door.

You stared at the door pensively, feeling a knot of unease start to form in your chest.

...this likely won't end well.

Back at the Beach CityWalk fries, peedee is busy peeling potatoes behind the shop in preparation for the fry dishes, when his disheveled older brother steps out of the shop with two trash bags in hand.

"Yo, Ronaldo!" He greets, but got no reply, as Ronaldo shuffles over to the trash bin in silence, causing concern in his younger sibling. "Ehhh, so.... see anything weird lately?"

"No." He replied somberly, opening the lid and tossing the trash into it. "Everything's... normal."

However, as if on cue as he closes the dumpster lid, behind the two fry employees stood a small figure; steven, who donned in a green, reptilian-esc costume, who approached the two and waved his arms threateningly.

With his best hiss, he spoke with the most intimidating he could muster. "Snake men are real!" He growled. "And we're puppeting the go'ment!" He hisses again.

At once spinel pops out from behind him, making her most intimidating stance.

At once spinel pops out from behind him, making her most intimidating stance

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"I'm an baby behemoth thingie, and I know about the snake men! Uh.. boo!"

"AAAH!" Peedee hides his face in fright of the sudden offenders, while Ronaldo stood in a state of shock.

Slowly however, an insane smile almost immediately stretching his face as he started to laugh.

Spinel and steven stood in a confused, uncomfortable silence as they watched the laughing fry boy as he slowly reached into his shirt for something.

Spinel shuffled backwards uncomfortably. "Uh... Did it work?"

Steven looked down at her, his mouth partially opened as he was unsure himself. Before he could answer, a potato suddenly struck him in the face, knocking him out cold.

Spinel gasped, looking up at the mad fry employee with wide, terrified eyes just in time to see two large hands reach for her.

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now