⭐part 91: RING-OH NO!💖

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"We're he-!"


You snapped as you made your way back up the stairs of the shrine. The trio jumping off your back to face the muscled kitsune once more while Ringo still opted to remain hidden.

"Back again, huh?" The fox stood up, punching his hand into his fist as he grinned tauntingly at the gem before him. "Looks like you're hungry for another delicious beating!"

"Actually, that last one spoiled my appetite." Garnet replies dryly.

This measly retort struck a nerve in the fox. "How dare you insult my cooking skills!"

He threw his fist at garnet, aiming to knock her off the platform as he did last time.... only for her to block the punch with her bare hand.

"What!?" The fox was stunned. "Impossible!"

However, he tries to throw two more punches at garnet, but she easily dodges the blows and retaliates by plunging her gauntlet into the foxman's gut, knocking the air out of him.

"Oh hohohoho... oh it hurts.." The fox whined, falling to the ground with tears of pain from the blow.

"Now give back the gem." Ordered garnet, not noticing the ring-haired man sneak past her.

"But I'm the sworn protector of the gem.." The Foxman reveals, exasperated. "What did that liar tell you??"

That was when there was a bright shine emit from the shrine behind him.


"You dummies fell for it!" Gloated Ringo, holding up the red gem in triumph. "Now the sacred gem of ultimate power is mine!"

With a sinister laugh, he places the gem in his hair ring.

In a burst of light, his body becomes engulfed in a multicolored energy, his apron changing from being a normal cooking garment to a tattered cape of sorts. To top his look, his body bulks out in muscle and a ring tipped staff appears in his hand. Thus creating...

"Ultimate Ringo!"

You couldn't believe it...

You've been tricked!

"Curse you, Ringo!" Exclaimed the fallen kitsune. "I'll make you pay for this!"

"Too bad you didn't out-fox me when you had the chance!" Taunted Ringo, as he suddenly swings his staff at the helpless fox, zapping him with a blue energy...

And in doing so... it resulted in him being turned into...

"An..." you stared in shock.

"On..." Garnet gawked.

"..ion.." Hopper was stunned.

"...ring?" Hoppy was unsettled.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Ringo broke out in manic laughter at his fate as you all stood in disbelief and temporary defeat at being double-crossed.

"...we will avenge you foxman." You muttered to the steaming, fox-tailed foodstuff before directing a menacing glower at the assailant. "RINGO! YOU MUST BE DEFEATED!!"

"Ahem." The man floated to you, arms crossed in a haughty pout. "The name's ultimate Ringo, Cow-y."

He suddenly zaps the four of you, and you find yourselves being teleported to a vast expansion of space... filled with rings.

"Whoa... wha-what is this place?" Hopper stuttered, absentmindedly clutching your midarm.

"Welcome to my Ringo Zone!" Sneered the ring themed villan, before floating over to you 4 challengingly. "It is here where my powers are strongest."

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now