part 53: secret team

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Spinel bursts out laughing at the short yelp pearl made, as she stumbled from shock, nearly dropping her pink bubble. "What are you doing in here!?" amethyst placed her hands on her hips, mockingly as she narrowed her eyes at the thin gem in suspicion. "what're YOU doing in here??" Pearl blushed lightly at the question, sheepishly looking at the rose bubble. "I... just wanted to see how the shards are reacting in rose's bubble.... and it's none of your business." Her tone became sharp and matter-of-fact at the last part, but amethyst's smugness increased as a grim smirk. "I think it's GARNET'S business."


Steven and spinel reel back with spinel covering her mouth as the threat managed to put pearl into a panic, who grabs the purple gem's shirt nervously. "Don't tell her!" Amethyst didn't seem phased, as she set a hand behind her back. "How are you gonna stop me?" She questioned as she pulled the thin gem's hands off of her. As an answer to her challenge, the gem suddenly kicks the purple gem in the face, making spinel yelp at the abruptness. Quickly shaking off the shock, amethyst responds by biting pearl's foot with sharpened teeth, eliciting a yelp of pain. "ameTHYST!!"

"Guys, stop fighting!" finally having enough, steven broke in and stood between the two, splitting them up. "HEATHEN!" pearl snapped at the purple gem, to which the latter responds with a feral hiss. Spinel jumps up, putting her hands on her hips with the look of mild apprehension. "Geez... Do they do this often?" Spinel lifted her brow at steven who shrugs sheepishly. "Well... kinda... But nevermind that! Here," quickly, steven put on a stern face and snatched the bubble from the pearl's hands. "Let's just put it back..." This snapped the older duo out of their 'post-fight' pout and turned on the boy nervously.

"Steven, be careful with that!" Cautioned pearl hurriedly.

"Yeah, give it to me!" Amethyst exclaimed.

Spinel's gaze flickered nervously between the two. "Uh, guy, maybe you oughta-"

The two older gems reached for the bubble simultaneously, both hands pressing into the bubble with a bit too much force-


A gasp fills the room as the now free shards fall into the small boy's hands with a noisy clink. A heavy silence fell over the quartet as they stared down at the shards in wide-eyed shock. "Oh boy."

In a flash of light, the shards suddenly reform, taking the shape of several severed body parts, eliciting a cry of surprise and terror from the group as they all scurry out of the boy's grip and disappear into the various waterfalls of pearl's room.

A period of silence came over everyone as the gravity of the situation slowly sank in.

"We gotta get garnet.." steven whispered nervously.

"No, we gotta get (name)!" Spinel whisper yelled, her voice muffled slightly by both her pigtails covering her mouth.

"NO!" amethyst objected hurriedly. "No way! we just freed a bunch of mindless gem chunks, okay??" she was thoroughly panicked at the situation. "They're going to crawl who knows where, all over the temple. And when garnet finds out, we're dead! Not to mention the that mama bear (name)'s gonna maul us for putting you in this kind of situation in the first place!" Pearl suffers a brief panic attack, hyperventilating for a moment before calming herself slightly. "They're not going to find out," She responds, more to herself than anyone else. "...We're going to catch them. All of them." amethyst seemed to like this idea. "You're right... Every single one, back in a bubble and back in the basement!"

"Like nothing ever happened." pearl concluded with a faintly confident air in her tone.

"And THEEEEN we tell (name) and garnet?" spinel quips, lifting her brow as if she didn't get the punchline of a joke. this only earned her a fearful, simultaneous, "NO!" from pearl and amethyst, with pearl setting a hand on both her and Steven's shoulder. "This has to stay a secret, okay?"

"Our secret... together?" Steven's eyes sparkled with a childish excitement. "If we've got a secret, we've got to do this right, which means we got to come up with a name for our secret keeping team." He pondered for a moment. "something cool like... the secret team!" Spinel's eyes lit up at the sound of this, as she clapped excitedly. "oooh, this'll be fun! right pearl?" She looked over at the latter who seemed unsure of it, as she exchanges uncertain glances between her and amethyst. "Uh..."

"And a secret team needs membership cards that we can show off to other people!" Excitedly, he dug into his pocket and pulled out two coupons out of his pocket. "Here!" he offered them to amethyst and pearl, in which spinel frowned slightly. "What about me?" steven gave the pink gem a sheepish smile. "Those were the only ones I had." he put a hand on her shoulder. "don't worry, though, you're still a member!"

Pearl stared down quizzically at the small card. "Fish stew pizza?" Amethyst seemed equally as confused as she squinted at the words. "Eh, what's a 'VIP-izza'?" Steven held up his own "card". "Well, if you collect enough of them, you can get a free pizza." He explained, before smiling determinedly. "But now, they're the official card of..."

"the SECRET TEAM!" He and spinel giggled excitedly between themselves, while pearl and amethyst didn't seem too enthusiastic. "Greeeeeat, steven." She then straightens up and turns to the direction the parts had scurried off to. "Come on. We're doing this." Amethyst responds with a nod of agreement, to which steven and spinel exchange determined nods.

"Secret team move out!"

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