part 72: rising suspicions

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---[somewhere in the temple]-----

"This... changes everything... no gem has ever been capable of doing this!"

"This stuff actually looks kinda like (substance)... kinda cool..."

"There is nothing 'cool' about this fluid she was leaking, amethyst! It just makes discovering who, or what she is even more difficult..."

"Keep your voice down. You'll wake them."

"But, garnet, This is-!"

"It would be best if you didn't stress too much over it. (Name)'s past will come in time."

"But... Ugh..."

---[back in the living room]---


You shifted slightly on the ground, feeling nothing but sore all over. Every movement hurt. Not even the coolness of the wood floor helped to sooth your pain. It your entire body, even your gem was practically throbbing with intense pain.

Who would've though a little scuffle like that could hurt me so terribly...?

You huffed softly, slowly bringing a hand over your face, rumbling to yourself indignantly.

...still can't understand why we had to fight...

How low could a gem's view on humans be?

What did a human ever do to them?

You suddenly felt a gentle pressure on your head, similar to the feeling of someone setting a hand on it. Despite it's gentleness, you still winced; both in surprise and mild pain. You didn't have the energy to open your eyes, nor to lift your head. You could only turn it slightly to the direction of the hand's owner, murmuring in confusion. In doing so, the pressure increased subtly, a signal that who ever was near you wanted you to stay down. "Wh-?"

"Try not to move."

It took you a few moments to process the voice, but once you did, you felt a jolt of surprise.

"Pearl...?" You tried to lift your head again, but again the pressure increased. "It's... gotten very late." She whispers softly. You feel her pat your head gently. "Try to get some rest."

As much as you wanted to question her further, you could feel yourself slipping. So with a soft grunt, you let yourself fall back asleep, barely aware of the weary blue eyed gaze watching you do so.

~~~~~~(Next Day)~~~~~~

"So... let me recap... The Donut children weren't getting along well... so steven took them to mask island for a little... "vacation" in order to help them get along..."


"But... then the warp pad suddenly disappears, forcing you all to stay on that island for several days... only to figure out it was hidden by Sadie in order to keep Lars from leaving..."


"...then you come into contact with the corrupt gem we were looking for, which also happened to be invisible, and not only did you brawl with it... but you were also able to communicate with it?"

"..that's the long and short of it."

You looked up at the pearl kneeling in front of you on a pillow, casually stirring your tea while she just stared back with wide, disbelieving eyes. "...uh... wow... uhm..." Pearl fiddled with her fingers awkwardly. She looked down at her lap, twiddling her thumbs as she tried to make sense of the tale she had been told for the 3rd time.

It was just so bizarre... vacationing on mask island and facing off against an invisible corrupt gem... it was difficult to wrap her head around.

Then again, you were gone for a few days, only to come back covered in mud with damage to your form to boot. And besides, she had no reason to doubt you. You, as well as steven and spinel were pretty keen on this.

"That... must have been quite an experience." She back up at you, discreetly itching at her cheek, that was the faintest tint of blue. "You... really are something else, (name)..." she chuckled softly, while you simply smiled and sipped your tea. "To be able to communicate with corrupt gems... that might come in handy next mission we go on... it'll make it much easier to subdue them." She shifts her weight slightly to a more comfortable position on her knees, still looking at her lap. "And that strength of yours really must be something, especially with the way steven and spinel described it..." She paused for a moment, looking to the side. She then looks back up at you with a raised brow. "Tell me... is it true that you, and I quote, 'beat the living starlight' out of this gem? That you 'showed her who's boss'?" She air quoted, her tone mildly dry, but she wore a smug smile on her face.

You smirked, a light chuckle rumbling out of you. "Well... Sadie was the one that poofed them, but (name) did show them who's boss." You chuckled triumphantly. "Corrupt gem won't be forgetting the mighty (name) anytime soon!" You finished your boast with a flex of your arm, making pearl break into a fit of giggles. "Oh, I'm sure It'll remember you all the way to it's eventual reformation." She said playfully, with a wave of her hand. You chuckled bringing your arm back down to grab your cup. Unwittingly, Pearl's eyes then trailed to the wrappings on your arm, her smile faltering slightly at the (color) stains that marked it. "That's... another interesting thing about you."

"Hm?" You look over at you, quirking a brow at pearl's sudden shift in tone, going from light and cheery to curious but suspicious.

"The fact that you were not only leaking something after taking such damage... but you also sustained an injury that bled as well." She came close to you, placing a hand over the place of your injury, narrowing her eyes at it curiously. "Which is unusual because... gems don't really... receive wounds like that... let alone bleed." She stared at it curiously, her fingers lightly tapping the middle of the wrappings. "Is it still... sore in anyway?" You shook your head. "Not... too much. Stings a little, but (name)'s fine." Pearl hummed softly, looking back down at your arm. "Well... while it is an odd trait for a gem to have, this just proves that there's a lot more to uncover about you." She taps her chin, in time with her finger tapping your bicep. "You actually might be more special than we realize." She said, lightly running her fingers over the wrapping. "And to be able to resist poofing even after such damages... it will certainly be beneficial in the near future..." she muttered, almost inaudibly.

"...that reminds me," you look over at her, in time to see her scoot back in front of you. "That corrupt gem... do you at all remember what she said to you?"

You thought for a second. "She-"

"Pearl! (Name)!"

Your eyes widened at a desperate shout from outside.


(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara