part 2: meeting the other 2..

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"and this is what's called a couch!" Steven gestured to the large pale object beside him, as you. "you can sit and lay on it! like so." he then mounts it, bouncing on it subtly before settling, sighing contently. "now you try!" he says, patting the spot nearest to him. you stare in uncertainty at the spot for a brief moment, raising a massive hand and pressing into it, flinching at the creak it created. You look at the boy for a moment, before glancing back down at your hand, pressed into the cushiony surface. Alright... here goes. You pull yourself up, causing a deep creak from the wood as it you brought your full weight onto it. you took up most of the space of the couch, to the point steven had to scoot back a few inches against the couch's side. You laid on your belly, resting your chin on your forearms, tucking your midarms under your belly, one leg hanging off the side and tail swaying contently off the end. Easy enough... once you were settled beside the boy giggled in approval. "alright, now... do you remember who you are? what's your name?"

Oh, that's simple. I'm (name)! "RaaaauuH!" you answered, your voice vibrating the area around you. Steven's face faltered, confusion painfully obvious on his face. " can't really talk... clearly..." he utters, itching his head. he chuckles awkwardly and clears his throat. "so... just... nod at this question.." he suggests. "do you remember... anything at all? who you used to be...?" he asked gently. you look to the side, squinting as you dug through your head, searching for any fragments of your past. you clearly remember that were a (gem). but aside from awakening in a forest, you truly couldn't dig any deeper. no matter what you thought of, your memories wouldn't flicker. you tried though, scowling as you did so, putting steven on edge. you tried to think of an object, person or place, ANYTHING. anything to get to the bottom of your current situation. after drawing numerous blanks you snort loudly in frustration and give a somber shake of your head to the boy. he frowned in a mix of sympathy and disappointment. "aw man... I'm... sorry about that.." he reached over and patted your muzzle. his hand was smooth and warm, putting any form of stress away and replacing it with an aura that eased you. you purred deeply and leaned into his hand, making him giggle. "well... don't worry. we're gonna help you. you'll good as new in no time. just you wait." he comforted, reaching up to itch your head. you growled deeper in gratitude and leaned forward, licking the boy's face with a large (color) tongue. he laughed, pressing his small hands into your thick mane, as if he was trying to push you off. "haha, your welcome!" In a sudden surge of playfulness, you crawled closer, your entire upper half covered steven's legs and pretty much pinned him to the couch. his laughing hitched as your mane tickled his face. "y-your tickling me!" he squealed, tears pricking his eyes from his laughter. Now lost in a sense of elation, you wrapped your forearms around him and nibbling at his ear gently. "N-No!" He pleaded, voice bordering on hysteria in laughter. "Not the ears! Anything but the e-"

"STEVEN!!" a voice squawked from a few paces behind you, making you snap your head back to see a slender, pale skinned gem with slicked back peach hair and a pointed nose standing on a platform. her sky blue eyes were wide and wild in fear and confusion. in the center of her forehead was a large shiny- "pearl!" steven piped, peeking from behind your thick (color) mane. "d-don't worry! she's just-" before he can finish, pearl brought a hand to her gem, and suddenly summoned a blue spear, giving it a twirl, then pointing it in your direction. "GET OFF OF HIM, YOU BRUTE!!" she exclaimed harshly. Wait, what? as you try to process what's transpiring, she suddenly rushes at you, weapon raised. your eyes bulge and you immediately jump off of boy steven, narrowly missing the spear's blade. "n-no! wait!" you hear steven call as you are now chased about the small enclosure, trying to evade the swinging and jabbing blade of the angered pearl. "HOLD STILL, YOU BEAST!" you hear her bellow as you scrambled over objects in a panicked desperation, breaking a them under your weight in the process. "pearl! Wait--" steven tried to protest, but at that moment, you managed to hear a door open from somewhere as you held a table in front of you, in an attempt to shield yourself. "Amethyst! a little help!?" you hear pearl screech as she tried to get a jab at you from behind the table.

you peek from behind the table to see a relatively short purple gem with long white hair standing baffled for a brief moment before catching sight of you. "oh snap! Hang on, P!" she exclaims, reaching to the gem on her chest and pulling out a barbed whip of sorts. At this, you screeched in indignant fear. are you kidding me-!? you scramble out from behind the table and try to run for the door, but of course, the whip wraps around your back legs, making you trip and faceplant. as you try to get up, you feel the cold point of pearl's spear poke your back. "Now.. just stay down..." you hear pearl snarl from behind as she raised the blade up, preparing a final blow, making you clench your eyes and brace for the worse. "GUYS! WAIT! PLEASE!!" you hear steven cry desperately as he runs to your side, waving frantically to your assailant who was standing atop your mighty withers. "steven, what did this thing do to you? are you hurt??" she sounded urgent, yet concerned. "how did it even fit in the door?" the Amethyst asks, giving your broad shoulder a curious poke. "don't hurt her! she didn't do anything to hurt me! she means no harm!" he pleaded, resting his arms on yours. Pearl scoffed and when to voice her protest, but a calm voice broke in. "he's right." pearl gasped in startled indignation. "g-garnet! You can't be serious!?"

You felt a hand land gently on your head. "if she wanted to harm us, then why did she try so hard to evade you?" Pearl stuttered for a moment, trying to find a explanation as to why you should be... "poofed"? Or something like that, but steven was quick to protest. "Maybe there's a chance to save her! Without having to poof her!" steven pleaded. "please just give her a chance!" more silence over came you for what felt like eons before the pearl let out a defeated, slightly angry sigh and dispelled her weaponry, prompting the Amethyst to do the same. even without the restraints on your legs anymore, you laid there in a case of shock of what you had endured. "Well, I'm not letting my guard down.." you hear pearl mutter, walking off of you slowly. you still laid there, unmoving, not sure if you should try to run for it. after a moment, you hear steven walk over to your face. "are... you okay?" he parts the hair covering your eyes, frowning at how they were clenched tightly shut. "it's... it's okay now... you can open your eyes." he assured resting his hands on your muzzle. you open an eye to see steven kneeling before you and garnet's legs in your view. you slowly rose to your hands and hooves, shaking slightly. Where's the..? you look around for a brief moment, trying to spot the other two, before turning around in a slow manner. there you see Amethyst, looking more curious then hostile now, and pearl, who was glaring at you in uncertainty and disapproval. "If this thing is staying, we should at least take precautions."

P-pre..precautions..? you whimpered and backed up, not risking to provoke the gem again. that was feel something touch your hindleg, followed by a soft grunt. in a bluster of blind panic, you cry out and dart in a random direction, not wanting another confrontation. "Hey! No wait! that was just--!" your hair blinded you at that moment and before you can try to shake it out, you smack head first into a wall, cracking it greatly. You staggered for a moment before flopping to your belly, dazed. "" steven finished weakly. As he and garnet went to help you up, pearl stared at you in unamusement as Amethyst kneeled over, hysterical in laughter.

"well... if we're lucky, it'll manage to poof itself."

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now