part 120: No pressure

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"Gee, hat was fun!" Spinel chirped, sitting at the bar, with her legs kicking giddily. "Don't you agree, Stevie?"

"Yeah, but... I don't get it," Steven complained as he took his seat at the bar next to spinel with a towel draped around his neck. "I thought I almost had it."

"Steven did." You reassured serving him and spinel their peanut butter and jam sandwich as a little 'after dance' snack. "He just needs a bit more practice."

"She's right," Pearl adds, sitting beside the kitchen counter. "Nobody expects you to perform fusion right away, Steven."

"Yeah! It's really hard, even for us." Amethyst adds, hopping up onto the bar stool for her serving of food, which is a hoagie sandwich served with a few requested condiment sauces on the side.

Garnet coolly leans against the cabinets, arms crossed with confidence. "Not for me."

You rolled your eyes discreetly, with a soft snort as you put away the jars of peanut butter and jam. As much as you wanted to call hubris, you couldn't deny that she was in fact right about her experience. She made it look effortless. How's she so good at fusion anyway?

"We'll keep working on the dance for now, and who knows, in a few years..." she trails off, pondering for a moment. "...I wonder though if Steven's body is capable of fusion. Fusion merges the physical forms of gems, but Steven is half human. He's organic."

"Organic?" Steven looks up from his sandwich with a lifted brow. You yourself raised a brow at the term.

"Aw, come on, pearl." Spinel piped enthusiastically. "This is Stevie we're talkin' about!"

"Yeah!" Amethyst adds, before speaking in a funny voice, "Who knows what's gonna happen?" She laughs heartily to herself, as Spinel giggled softly at the funny voice she used.

"Well, I think Steven can do it." Garnet speaks matter-of-factly, looking over at the boy in question, who to now has a look of worry.

You hummed softly to yourself upon hearing this as you reached into the fridge and pulled out a pitcher of fruit juice. "He has potential to achieve it." You agreed, snagging Steven and Garnet's attention as you poured Steven, spinel and amethyst a glass of juice. "But either or, we'll find that all out in time."

Pearl looked up at you, looking mildly surprised. "In time?"

You shrugged calmly, pouring yourself a glass. "Well, there's no need to rush things with him, is there? We have plenty of time to uncover his potential."

Pearl let out a nervous chuckle, putting on more of a weak attempt of a reassuring smile. "Aha- but (name), with all due respect, I think it would be better for him to learn this sooner rather than later." You subtly lifted your brow at the thin gem from beneath your bangs as she continued. "Because you should know, fusion is a-"

"(Name) knows fusion is a crucial tactic to learn as a Crystal gem." You interrupted, making her flinch. "It's a valuable fighting tactic that's normally used in emergencies at best. (Name) is just saying, we'll discover whether or not he can fuse most likely at his own time. No pressure." You then took on a lighter tone, your tail flicking. "And who knows? Maybe he'll even discover it without our help."

Pearl looked incredulously at you. "(N-Name)... How could you be so sure?"

You shrugged coolly. "Well, (name) doesn't see why being half human would stop him from fusing." You said matter-of-factly. "He has a gem, doesn't he? And Garnet stated that one needed a gem at the core of their being." You pointed a thumb at Garnet. "So technically, he already has the light within him. All's that needs to be done now is to figure out how to make it shine through."

"Ooooh..." Steven and Spinel seemed to be in awe at the statement, their eyes twinkling in admiration. Steven then leaned toward spinel, dropping his voice into a whisper. "She's good."

Spinel copied his "It's almost like she always knows just what to say..."

Apparently Pearl heard this and coughed lightly. "Uh- (Name), it's not necessarily that simple--"

"You're right." Garnet spoke up after a pause. Pearl looked at the latter in surprise. "We can try to take it at a slower pace for him." You looked at Garnet as she adjusted her visor. "Next time we practice, we'll try more slower, simpler dances."

You nodded, and spared a glance over to the boy, and give him a warm, reassuring smile. "No pressure. Okay, Dewdrop?"

Steven smiled and put a hand upto his forehead in a little salute.

"Yes, Ma'am."

You then reached over and ruffled spinel's hair. "That goes for spinny to. No pressure."

"Yes, ma'am." Spinel giggled at the attention, as you slid your hand down to her cheek wiping the jam clinging to her lips.

Pearl knitted her brow, looking mildly put out. "I-- (Name), you can't-"

She was cut off by Garnet once again, giving her a warning glare from behind her visor. The expression read 'not now', motioning her head subtly to the two younger gems still in the room.

Pearl wanted to protest, but her words died on her tongue. Instead, she opted to crossing her arms with a look of dissatisfaction.


After they had finished their snack, Steven and Spinel had plans for their free time that night; spinel wanted to visit the flower meadow from last mission, and Steven going off to hang out with his full-human friend, Connie.

After giving them a few rules, and giving you a brief kiss goodbye, the two young gems went their separate ways, spinel walking to the warp room, accompanied by lion for protection, and Steven dashing to the front door.

"Be back before midnight!"

"We will!" They both shouted in unison with a final wave goodbye, before they left to their destinations.

Once they were gone, the three older gems emerged from the temple doors.

You were currently cleaning the kitchen, humming softly to yourself as you did.

The three gems exchanged glances between each other, nodding, before Garnet took a deep breath and stepped forward.

"(Name)... about our discussion..."

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now