part 102: melon memorial

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The evening progressed peacefully from then on, with the gems staying in their respective rooms and Steven and Spinel watching TV and playing with lion. Every 10 minutes or so, you had Steven place an ice pack on his belly, to reduce the bruising.

You were busy tending to baby melon. After all, you wanted to keep your word in honoring his sacrifice for everyone's sake. And you knew he deserved more than just a mere burial or just being eaten then forgotten.

No, this was to be sure he wasn't forgotten any time soon...

While you knew that the fruit itself would rot eventually, you knew that the seeds were more likely to last longer, especially with it having steven's essence within them.

So after gathering his seeds from the few slices left of him, you got to work at the next step to your thanks to him.

You knew what you had to do, but it required a trip to the barn for the proper materials...

Some wood... a bit of paint... some nails...

It was a rather lengthy process, but in the end it would be worth it...

~~~~~~[few hours later]~~~~~~

There... this should do it.

You huffed, making room on the shelf over the couch, and placing a small object on it.

...I Hope this'll be a sufficient thanks for you, little one.

You thought, plucking your flower from your head and placing it beside baby melon's memorial.

...thanks again. For saving us. For saving my-

"(Name), can I give this back to you now, now?"

You were snapped out of your thoughts at an anxious young voice calling to you. You look up at the loft to find Steven standing on the stairs, holding up the now runny ice pack. Spinel was beside him, still swaddled in her blanket with lion beside her, peering down at you from the edge. "I think that rash should be gone now." You hummed, your eyes flickering between the drippy ice pack in his hand and Spinel's tired expression. I suppose that's enough ice for now.. You smiled placidly, stepping back from the couch. Time for these two to turn in.

"Go ahead, sweets." You nodded, sitting back on your haunches. "Come here." You motioned them towards you, to which they cooperatively walked down the stairs, while lion leapt down from the loft. After they gathered in front of you, you took the ice pack and set it on the table and after a brief pat to lion's head, you ruffled both the young gem's hair. "How's Steven and Spinel feeling now?"

"I'm just dandy." Spinel replies softly, before letting out a small yawn. Steven nods. "Yeah, we're okay now." He stood for a moment, mulling his thoughts. "...I still miss baby melon, though." He sulked. His eyes then became shiny, as he thought back to the melon child's final stand. "I wish I could have done something to prevent him from doing what he did..."

You frowned at the boy's solemnity. "Oh Steven..." You slowly picked Steven and spinel up, scooping spinel up into your midarms and Steven into your forearms, cradling them both like they were frail porcelain. "It's not Steven's fault. Baby melon only did what he thought was right. He knew his melon kin were beyond the point of control." He snivels softly, using his sleeve to wipe any stray tears from his eyes. "...couldn't... couldn't there have been a different way?"

You pondered his question for a moment. "...Even if there was, it's likely it wouldn't be an effective solution. Sometimes certain things must happen in life in order for others to learn and grow from it." You spoke slowly and carefully. "Perhaps... baby melon knew that with this sacrifice, he could get his kin to see the error of their ways. And it will encourage them to be better."

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now