part 65: stranded

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"Okay, Where is it?"

You walk upto Lars, your muzzle still faintly scrunched in distaste, but noted his concerned body language and softened slightly. "Where's what?" He yelped and jump when he saw you approach him. "Where do you keep coming from!?" You frowned in deadpan at him, as spinel ran upto your side, staring at Lars with cheerful concern. "What's wrong?"

Lars flickered his gaze between you both and let out a frustrated groan. "Th-The teleporter thing!" He gestured frantically. "Where is it??"

You hummed and leaned to the side, scanning the area behind him. To your alarm, the warp pad had disappeared from sight! That's strange... since when did warps ever do that? That time, Sadie and steven had caught up to you. "Oh, it wouldn't disappear... would it?" She turned to steven worriedly. "No!" He assured quickly. "No no..." there was suddenly a brief pause. "...well, Maybe."


You winced and glared at Lars in indifference. "It's okay! The gems will come and save us when they see that we're missing!" Steven reassured with a nervous air in his voice. Then he lowered it to barely audible mutter. "Eventually..."

"STEVEN! How could you do this!?" He suddenly grabs the boy, frantic in panic. "We're STRANDED!!" The moment he grappled steven, a burning hostility flared up in your chest, and with deep growl, you thrust your head into the orange teen's face, making him yelp yet again and release his hold on steven. "Watch it." Sadie quickly gets between you both and pushes you away from Lars. "Calm down!" She exclaims before looking over to the tall boy while patting your chest to ease you. "Is this really the worst place to be stranded?"

"Ugh, you calm down!" He steps away from the group, not breaking eye contact with you as he did, and turns away, storming his way deeper into the jungle. "I'm gonna find better reception."


You all explore deeper into the jungle, coming across many magnificent sights, such as the large shiny geode formations that framed the island, glittering in the dappled sunlight, and a large waterfall, clear blue water flowing down into a relatively large pond. It was really something to marvel at. "I think it's amazing, steven." Sadie states, looking around in awe. "Yeah! So shiny and sparkly!" Spinel adds, kneeling on your back to get a better look.

But not everyone was focused on such breathtaking scenery.


Lars was still making a fruitless effort to find some kind of phone service, an endeavor that you knew was pointless for numerous reasons, for one, this is a pretty remote island; there was no human civilization close enough to generate even give a bar of reception. Another reason is quite possibly from the magical aurora that hung around it, which was most likely blocking any service from even reaching here. Can't he just snap pictures of this scenery like most teens would do?

But of course you couldn't be the one to talk about him not paying attention, since you weren't any different.

While you did look around, it wasn't to observe the shiny sights before you. You more or less had your head on a swivel, sniffing at the air vainly, grumbling inaudibly in anxious frustration. Something isn't sitting right right... Regardless of what area you resided in, the heaviness in the air seemed to grow heavier and heavier for you. Following you, almost.

You didn't know how long it had been but after a while, it was time to stop and rest. Problem is, what would they rest on?

"Guys! Look!" You lift your head with a hum, watching as steven ran over to a group of oddly shaped rocks. "I found these rocks that look like pillows!"

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now