part 98: melon mayhem

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After realizing the error of what was done, you all realized it was most likely best to retrieve the child-shaped fruit before they could do anything brash and take them in for further inspection.

Steven decided that he and Spinel would handle explaining the situation to the buyers and giving back the refunds, and you would handle carrying them around and keeping them in one place.

It was a quick and simple plan.

And from there, things went pretty smoothly; you, spinel and Steven traveled all around beach city, recollecting the many Watermelons that were sold, being sure to give the disappointed customers a full explanation as well as full refunds. And luckily you did this in good timing, because just after the first few were collected, they were already starting to gain 'consciousness', and immediately started to follow as soon as they saw Steven.

Of course, after they gathered a certain amount, he'd order most of them to ride on your back to keep from creating too big of a crowd when you'd travel along the streets.

Of course, you took to it with no question, and surprisingly, you despite them being fruit, found yourself handling them as if they were as frail as porcelain, allowing them to ride on your back, play with your fur and accessories, even chiding them gently if they got too rowdy.

Needless to say, it didn't take long for them to imprint on you

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Needless to say, it didn't take long for them to imprint on you.

After much time however, you had so many Watermelon children riding and playing atop your head and back, that spinel couldn't fit anywhere on your back and had to walk the rest of the way.

Though she didn't particularly mind it, since she herself got some attention from the few melon children that didn't get a spot on your back

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Though she didn't particularly mind it, since she herself got some attention from the few melon children that didn't get a spot on your back.

The other ones followed Steven around with no issue, and baby melon was in the pouch of steven's overalls.

After a while, you had gathered nearly every watermelon Steven back.

You just needed one more...

"Keep Beach City Weird presents... oh, hang on a second..."

The curly blonde fry employee takes his attention off the camera for a moment to retrieve a spatula and a hand mixer, and holds them up with a sinister smile.

"First. Ever. Official mutant watermelon autopsy."

"Hold it right there, Wierdo!"

"Yeah! What she said!"

He pauses, and gasps at the sight of you and your back full of melon children, as well as spinel standing in front of you, wearing the most intimidating pout she could muster. "The Queen Behemoth! Have you come for your melon cub?" Ronaldo pointed his spatula defensively at your face. "Well, you'll have to get through me first!" This succeeded in making spinel flinch, but you stood stone cold. Must you link everything small and alive to me?

Steven runs up to stand in front of you both, bringing in the rest of the melon heard. "Ronaldo, STOP!"

"Steven!" Ronaldo lowered his spatula, becoming indignant at the boy's intrusion. "Get the Behemoth pup and get out of here! You gonna ruin my web-sclusive!"

You snorted in annoyance at the stupid question. "What does Ronaldo think (name)'s here for??"

Steven steps up, looking frantic as he gestured to the melon splayed across the counter behind him. "Ronaldo, it's alive!"

The blonde grins callously, as activated the hand mixer almost in a taunting manner. "Not for loooong."

Spinel covered her mouth and gasped, eyes widening in fear at the implication as Steven quickly reached out for his melon creation. "No, Don't do it!!"


"Ow!" Steven yelped as Ronaldo smacked his hand with his spatula. This caught the attention of the melons that stood on ground as they quickly turned to face Steven as he rubbed his hand.

Spinel furrowed her brow. "Well that wasn't very neighborly!"

You growled in your throat at this, feeling a rush of heat in your face. "How dare--!" You shook your head, surpressing most of your anger. There's no point. Just get it and go. With a grunt, you stepped forward towards the Melon, ready to just snatch the melon away from him yourself. "Just give us the--"


"Ugh!" You recoiled with grunt as Ronaldo jabbed you in the forehead with his spatula. It didn't hurt- per say- but it was abrupt enough to make you jolt back slightly. As you instictively rubbed the spot your forehead was hit, the sharp movement caught the attention of the melon herd, as they stopped their playing on your back to stare pensively at the blonde offender.

"Wha-?" Ronaldo caught the many seed eyes on him was quick to brandish his 'weapons' at them. "G-Get away from me! Stay back!" The melon he was about to operate on arises from his spot, turning to look at him as well, effectively surrounding him with fruit humanoids.

Then their faces parted into small, jagged mouths, erupting into a chorus a low, defensive hissing. Before you could even process it, the throng of melons swarmed the fry teen, completely assaulting him with punches and kicks, effortlessly bringing the blonde down to the ground.

"Oh nooo!" Steven and Spinel exclaimed in unison, as your eyes just widened from surprise at how quick the melons were to attack. as they instinctively leapt forward and tried to pull the angry fruit pack off of Ronaldo, though the sheer number of melons made it impossible to keep track.

"Ronaldo! We'll go get help!" Steven exclaimed, still trying to usher the melons back.

Even if he was getting pummeled by hard rind fists, Ronaldo still managed to call put to the young boy. "Steven! Is the camera getting all of this!?"

You gotta be kidding. Even if this kid's getting beaten down by fruit of all things, he still wants some form of 'evidence' for his ridiculous blog.

With a roll of your eyes, however you at least humored his wish and adjusted the camera to focus on Ronaldo getting beaten down by angry watermelons.


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