part 57: crystal children

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"Wow, (name)'s collected all these from around the temple?"

steven asked, walking along side garnet and spinel on their way to Fish Stew Pizza, staring in awe at the stack of VIPizza coupons that garnet had retrieved from your satchel as you instructed beforehand. "Mhm. she said she knew they'd have some kind of use for us, so she kept them around incase she figured out what they were for." She smiled, looking pleased after counting the amount of coupons. "Quite thoughtful of her." She hands the coupons to steven, who counts them himself while spinel just smiles at the mention of your name. "(Name)'s been really good to us lately in general." He giggles slightly, putting a bit more pep in his step. "She's always looking out for us, and making sure that we're safe... and..." he stares at the coupon stack in his hand, his smile faltering slightly into a look of though as his walking slowing down a bit. "hey... garnet...? Is that.... wierd?" garnet looks down at the boy quizzically. "what do you mean?"

"You know..." steven shrugs, unsure of how to explain it properly. "how (name)'s become very... 'protective' of me and spinel lately. REALLY protective." he explains, sheepishly itching the back of his neck. "And... amethyst thinks it's wierd that she's suddenly acting like this. what do you think about it?" garnet hummed softly, contemplating his words. "I wouldn't call this behavior wierd." she shrugs cooly. "in fact, there's nothing really wrong with having maternal instincts."

"Maternal instincts?" steven and spinel repeated in unison, not fully familiar with such a term. Garnet nodded, keeping her eyes ahead as she walked. "it's a bond a creature shares with its offspring or just a young being in general. and those feelings involve the need to nurture and protect at all costs." Steven stared up at the tall gem, his eyes glittering subtly. "Do you really think that's what it is?"

"It's exactly what it is." garnet affirmed.

steven looked almost astonished, as the realization slowly sank in. "Wow..." he stared at the ground for several minutes before smiling brighter than the sun. "Guess that makes amethyst right about that one thing then..." he giggles to himself, feeling a light warmth in his chest at the thought. however, he then looks back at the direction of the beach house, feeling a sudden jolt of unease as he remembered something. "I wonder what she's doing with pearl and amethyst now, though..." he asked out loud, bringing a hand upto his mouth in wonder and worry. "She... she won't hurt them, will she? I mean, it's my fault that I started the Secret Team..."

garnet shrugged nonchalantly. "You only wanted to see them get along. It's really not your fault." She assured him. "Besides their bickering has put you in trouble before. It needs to be put under control." She pressed her finger against the bridge of her visor. Then her voice suddenly takes on a smug edge. "And she's got the perfect solution to it."

spinel furrows her brow. "What's that?"

Garnet just smirked.

"THIS IS THE SECOND TIME PEARL AND AMETHYST PUT POOR STEVEN THROUGH THIS!!" You exclaimed furiously, throwing your arms up in the air. "Do pearl and amethyst REALIZE how it makes him feel when they do this!? the STRESS of having to watch his housemates, his GUARDIANS, his MOTHER FIGURES, be at each other's throats!? DO THEY?!" you stared down at the two gems with wide, furious eyes, waiting for a response.

Pearl was looking off to a side, hunched slightly with her hands clasped in her lap, twiddling her thumbs, biting her lip with a sheepish expression.

Amethyst was looking off to the other side, arms crossed, pouting with a rather sour expression.

both had a blush present on their face, both from shame and embarrassment of the situation they were currently in.

"Well, it's her that always starts it..." amethyst grumbled, a bitter undertone in her voice.

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