part 118: corruption concerns

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"Garnet, we have to do something! she's starting to get too aggressive!"

"Uh... I dunno... the way she blew up the warp was pretty cool."

"I'm not talking about the warp, Amethyst! I'm talking about how she practically browbeat us back there!"

"Oh. That part. Well then... yeah. That was pretty crazy, how she got into G-squad's face like that."

"And what she said with Rose... ugh! How dare she use her against us like that! She had a LOT of nerve to even mention her name like that!"

"Yeah, I mean, how much does Big (gem inital) even know about Rose anyway?"

"Calm down both of you. It could have been a lot worse than that. Besides, she was right; we shouldn't second guess Steven so much. Today's events prove that."

"That doesn't give her the right to-!"

"It's not like we could just bubble her, Pearl. Steven and Spinel have already imprinted deeply on her. Not to mention that her condition has been improving over these past few months. She's acting less and less 'corrupt' each day... we can't ruin her progress now."

"But what if she-?"

"She won't. As long as we don't do anything to set her off."

"But like... how? She's been real spazzy with us lately. Especially with Steven and Spinz around. She's even more spazzy than pearl usually is."

"Wha-?! Excuse you-!"

"Well, she obviously knows how to cater to them better than we do... She probably knows a lot more than we think she does..."

"Er... Garnet, you can't possibly mean-?"

"We have to trust her, pearl. At this point we don't really have a choice."

"But we... ugh... fine. But we should at least set some boundaries at least!"

~~~~~~~[Next Morning]~~~~~~~~


You groaned softly upon feeling something rough and gritty run across your cheek. With a grunt, you push yourself up and yawned stretching your forepaws out in front of you. Blinking the haze out of your eyes, you find a familiar pink face in front of you. "Good morning, lion." You greeted, your voice still a bit hoarse from last night's fiasco.

You turned to check on spinel, and found that she was still curled in your midarm. Upon feeling you move, her eyes fluttered open, and tired magenta eyes stared back at you. You smiled. "Good morning, bunny. Time to wake up."

She blinked, then shuffled deeper into you, curling into herself.

"...five more minutes."

You snorted and rolled your eyes. She's starting to value sleep just as Amethyst does. You found it funny, considering that her gem type didn't seem like the kind to be the sleepy kind.

Nevertheless, you decided you'd lay there for a few more minutes before getting started on breakfast. You looked back over to lion and found that he had brought you something. You mentally prepared as lion nosed his "gift" to you.

But rather than a deceased animal of some kind, it was a rather large gala apple. Your brows lifted in surprise. So he does learn after all.

"Thanks, lion." You smiled gratefully to the pink feline, to which he lifts his head with a proud chuff sound as you bit into the fruit purring at the satisfying crunch it produced.

You slowly ate your apple and turned to watch idly as the sun slowly made its way up the horizon, turning the sky from a cool indigo to a brilliant orange-pink. Steven will be waking up soon. I should get started on breakfast.

Finishing off the last of your apple, you lightly shook spinel again. "Wake up spinny. It's time for breakfast."

Spinel stirred upon hearing this and sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Hmm... what're we havin'?" You stood up and stretched your limbs, letting out another yawn. "Mmr... (Name)'s thinking together breakfast with a side of bacon."

Spinel perks up, an eager smile brightening her face. "Sounds great!" She chirps bounding over to the bar and taking her seat.

You hummed and walked over to the kitchen, just in time to watch the gems walk out of the temple door, with Amethyst making a B-line to the bar stool. "What we having today, mama G?"

"Together Breakfast with bacon." You repeated, your voice slightly flat as you pulled the toaster waffles out of the fridge. Amethyst chuckled, rubbing her hands together. "Aw yeah!" She shared a high five with spinel. Around this time Steven had stirred from his sleep, awoken from the noises he'd heard. "(Name)?" He called groggily, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "We're over here!" Spinel waved. "Come on! (Name)'s makin' together breakfast and bacon!"

Steven snapped awake once he heard this. "Ah! Coming!" Hurriedly, he made his way down the stairs, and quickly took his spot on the bar beside spinel, his legs swinging in anticipation. "Good morning, gemling." You greeted warmly. "Sleep well?"

"I slept great!" He chirped, emphasizing his statement with a stretch.

You purred to yourself, as you placed the waffles into the toaster and placed a bag of popcorn into the microwave. You then noticed that Pearl and Garnet were still standing awkwardly near the kitchen. You couldn't read Garnet's expression, but Pearl looked on edge.

"Does... Garnet want a plate? Pearl want to try a drink at least?" You questioned with a raised brow.

"No. Thank you." Garnet answered gently while Pearl simply shook her head. Garnet tweaked her visor as she spoke again. "Aside from the run-down of today's schedule, we have somethings we wanted to discuss with you."

You gave the two gems a look of suspicion as you pulled out the syrup and whipped cream. "...oh?"

"It's nothing bad." She quickly assured, her hand never leaving her visor. "Just... things we want to... go over. Is all."

You hummed, dimly hearing the sound of the waffles popping up from the toaster. "...very well." You rumbled, turning to finish preparing your brood's breakfast, barely hearing the soft huff of relief from Garnet.

I have a habit of drawing things out, Don't I? Sorry about that, but I like detailed visuals.^^'

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now