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Start to finish the concert was just amazing. Nothing more to describe it, perfect. I waited for the crowd to clear out, I didn't want to get stuck n the mob. It was only me and a few others left waiting, I looked around and then back to the stage. I couldn't stop smiling. A moving certain caught my eye backstage. Someone was peeping around the curtain and as soon as I saw the person dissappeared. "huh", I said to myself. I  made my way to the exit, and then got outside. The fresh breeze hitting me. I walked past a coffee shop and stopped. I hesitated before I went inside. I stepped in and went to the counter. "um hi, could I get a bag of uh, green please?". The person behind the counter just looked at me and smiled. "how strong do you want it, low, medium or strong?" "medium is okay, thank you", I replied. He pulled out a bag from a drawer and handed it to me. "20 please". I take out my purse and give him a 20, and he takes it. "is this your first time smoking?" he asks. "Well technically yes and no, but officially yes", I say. "well go easy", he says. "I'll be grand thanks see you". He smiles at me and I leave the shop. I cross the road and sit on an empty bench. I take out the bag of green and open it. "shit that is super strong, the smell, wow". I look at the bag a bit unsure of what to do next. "you need help with that¿“, a voice from near me asks. I'm a bit startled and look up to see a handsome young man standing in front of me." sorry I don't mean to scare you, you just look like you could use a little help", he says. "sure, yeah I guess thanks, I've never really done this before", I say. "I can tell", he smiles. "ah was it really that obvious?", I joke. He rolls me a perfect joint and hands it back to me. I stare at it. "wow thanks so much, uh,", "Felix", "Felix thank you". "and what is your name?", he asks. "y/n". Felix sticks out his hand. "nice to meet you y/n".

You guys are walking through the streets on the way back to your hotel. "so what brings you to amsterdam y/n¿“, he asks. I inhale then exhale." well you know the singer and actress, hailee steinfeld? ", I say." yes of course", he replies. "I came to see her in concert, she had no dates in Dublin or Ireland so I said I'd come here and get a small holiday out of it, you know", I say. "wow that's sick, she was good I bet", Felix says. "not good but spectacular, she is my favourite person ever", I reply. Felix smiles.

We continue walking and I finish my joint. I see my hotel across the road. "well Felix, thank you for everything, it was lovely to meet you, that's my hotel there across the road", I say. "same to you, is it okay if I get your number and maybe we can hang out before you go, if you want, no pressure", he says. I smile. "I'd love that", I say. He hands me his phone and I type in my number. We say our goodbyes and I cross the road.

I can feel the weed starting to hit me. I start to giggle to myself quietly. I get to my room and try to take the key out of my pocket but it falls on the floor. I laugh and bend down to pick it up and just fall over myself. I hit my head and groan a little at the pain. "oh my god, are you okay? “, a familiar voice asks slightly in the distance. I try to stand up but just hit the floor. I can feel someone picking me up and opening my hotel room. They put me on my bed.

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