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We pulled up outside the club and I down the rest of my drink. "just warning you, I get nervous in nightclubs, so if I freak out it's nothing", I warned Hailee. "it's okay, just let me know if you need help or need to leave", Hailee says.

We get out of the car and camera flashes instantly go off. We had both gotten changed after dinner, I have to say Hailee looked stun. This time I didn't cover my face cause I didn't want rumors to start. We got in and the music was loud and the place was buzzing. We walked up to the bar and saw Felix. I have him a hug. "hey sunshine, how are you", I asked loudly. "good I'm really good, you both look stunning wow", Felix says. "thank you", Hailee and I say. "drinks? ".

We go to the vip area, Hailee had it booked out for the night. I ordered 4 drinks and downed them all. Felix and Hailee looked at me stunned." calmes the nerves", I said. "so Felix, when are you flying back home", Hailee asks. "tomorrow, I've got to get back to work, pity tho cause I'm really enjoying myself", he says. "what do you do? ", Hailee asks." I'm a chef", Felix smiles. "wow, well then Italy was a good choice", Hailee jokes. "of course", he says.

The music is really loud and the alcohol starts to hit. I see people constantly looking over at us. We'll at Hailee. My leg starts to shake a little. Hailee notices. She puts her hand on my leg. "you okay", she asks. "haha, yeah, I'm fine", I reply. I get up, stumble a little but play it off. "ill be back, just going to the toliet", I say ad I leave the table. I go to the toliet, and of course as usual there is always drama in the girls toilet. One girl was crying over a boy, and another was trying to console her. They saw me come in and looked at me. I smiled and went about my business.
When I was done I went to the bar and ordered another drink. On my way back I was approached by a stranger. "hey", he says. "hello", I say back. "you tryna get down", he says. I laugh pretty loud. "lol, enjoy that one by yourself", I say and walk away. He isn't happy.
I get back to the table and sit down. I finish that drink aswell. "how are you still sober? ", Hailee asks." I'm a heavyweight", I say. "impressive, cause I'm already pretty tipsy." ha, lightweight", I joke. We all laugh. The song apple bottom jeans comes on and I jump up from my chair and start dancing. I make my way over to the dance floor. Hailee and Felix follow. I start dancing and everyone cheers me on. The alcohol has now fully hit and its the only reason I'm dancing. The room was spinning.

It was 3am and we left the club, Hailee, Felix and I. We got into the car and again got caught by the paps. That wasn't gonna be pretty. We dropped Felix back at his hotel and we said our goodbyes. "keep in touch, I'll see you soon", he says.
We get to our hotel, and just about make it to the rooms. Hailee was more drunk than me somehow but then again, lightweight. I hadn't started to sober up yet but I could handle myself drunk. Hailee was walking funny so I put my arm around her and walked her to her room. "thanksss, sooo much, snory, hahah", she said slobbering her words. "no thank you", I say. She opens her hotel room door and jumps onto her bed. "no Hailee, you need to get changed and take of the makeup, you can't go asleep like that", I say. "well I can't move so", she says.
I grab a bottle of water off the counter and drink about half of it, so I can start to sober up. I give the rest to Hailee. "drink this, it will help", I say as I give her the bottle. She takes a sip then hands it back. I pick her up off the bed and bring her to the bathroom. I grab a cotton pad and makeup remover. I sit her down on the toliet seat. "just sit still, alright ill take the make up off", I say. "okay bossy snory", she laughs. "I hate that name", I say. Hailee laughs. I begin wiping her face. Her head keeps moving so I put one hand on the top of her head to stop her moving. "stop moving haha", I say. "make me", she says. "how do I make you", I ask. "just make me, you can do it", she says.
I take all her makeup off and dip her face in a wet towel. "does that feel better? ", I ask." a lot", she says.
"right you need to get changed, where are your pyjamas?", I ask. "by the bed in the chair, but you need to help me cause I can't do it alone", Hailee says. I go a little red. "I mean yeah sure".
I grab her pj's and walk back into the bathroom. When I walk back in I'm shocked to see Hailee taking her clothes off. "woah woah, what are you doing, easy", I say. "I'm changing silly", she smiles.
She takes off her top and the outline of her defined stomach muscles catches my eyes. "woah", I whisper. "what? ", she asks." uh nothing nothing".
I help her put on the top and her shorts. "thanks snorry", she says as she gives me a long hug. Her hands go around my waist. I notice straight away. "bedtime", I say.
I drag her to bed and lay her down. "you need anything else", I say. "yeah for my head to stop spinning, haha", she laughs. "that's a side effect to drinking", I joke. I sit down next to her. "you want to stay here, please, tonight", she asks. "yeah sure, you've any spare clothes I could use", I ask.

I change into Hailees other pyjamas and lay next to her in the bed. She turns to face me. "I'm so glad we met y/n", she says. I turn to face her. "me too, it's been so good, I don't deserve it", I say. "you do, you are a good person", Hailee says. "thank you", I say smiling. She smiles back at me. She leans in slightly and before I knew it she kissed me. I had already kisses her back before I knew what was happening. I pulled away. "wait what, no, you better get some sleep".

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