Thirtee Eight

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Hailee's POV

Y/n and I spent the next couple of days going around Dublin, she showed me everywhere, it was a beautiful place, I loved it. I had also convinced her to come with me back home to La for a couple of weeks.

We got to Dublin Airport really early. Y/n kept falling asleep everywhere, was kinda funny. We got to our gate. "I'm gonna get a coffee for us, just wait here", she says. We both had our hoods on and glasses, we didn't want to be spotted. Y/n came back a few minutes later with the coffees. I needed one too. "thank you, girl friend", I tease. Her face goes red. "you are welcome, girl friend", she says. I take out my phone and take a video, you know just to remember. Y/n sat down on the chair and somehow misjudged it and fell backwards tumbling. I had just caught it on video. I start hysterically laughing. She just lies there still for a couple of seconds before I kneel down beside her. "aww baby, are you okay", I ask. "baby", she asks. "yeah baby, are you okay", I say again. "yeah baby, ill be fine", she says as I help her up. "that's gonna bruise", she says as she holds the side of her waist. I put my hand on her waist. "I'm sure it's okay", I say. She looks down at my hand. I take it away quick. "shit, I forgot we are in public for a second", I say. "no one saw", she reassured me.

We got onto the plane and again got the back of the plane, was the easiest place to hide if spotted. I took the window seat this time. It was starting to get bright out, I love Dublin already, it is so pretty. "I'm gonna miss home",y/n says sadly. "yes but you'll be with me at my home", I smirk. "that's true, also it will be my first time in America, I've never been" she says. "I'll show you around", I say. "I'd love that", she says and grabs my hand. She let's go and takes off her jacket and places it half on her seat, half on mine. "put your hand under there", she says. Is this girl tryna get freaky now, for real? "you tryna get down now, really, as much as I wan....", I say before being interuppted. "no no, just want to hold hands without being seen", she says. "oh", I say and smile. I put my hand underneath and she grabs it tightly. I wish I didn't have to hide her. I mean I don't, but I don't know how the world would react, I could handle it, I don't want the world to hurt her, she's too precious.

The plane takes off and y/n squeezes my hand as hard as she can. "you okay", I ask. "whenever you are here it's easier", she says. I kissed her on the cheek, no one was looking anyway. She turned to me and gave me a kiss. "thank you for this for everything", she says. I smile at her. "you deserve it", I say.

We play some cards, some never have I ever and I even did some songwriting. "y/n, why didn't you ever tell me that you write songs sometimes", I ask. Her face goes pale. "because, I don't", she hesitates. "I found one when we were touring and I read the words and it's really good, why dont you want to share it", I asked. "I don't know Hailee, I just wanted on one to know I guess", she says. "it was after he shattered your heart wasn't it", I asked. Y/n looked down. "yeah but im over it, I've got something better that I could have ever imagined".

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